Question for those who have already underwent jaw surgery

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Question for those who have already underwent jaw surgery

#1 Post by jadeli »

So my jaw surgery is about 38 days from now, and I'm growing more and more anxious. I'm sure that I'll think of more questions as time goes on, but here's one for right now. For those of you who have gone through jaw surgery, how long was it before you could say, with 100% certainty, that it was completely worth it? One girl I've chatted with said it took her about a year before she was completely satisfied, but she would do it all over again in a heartbeat if she had to.

Thanks :)

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jaw surgery

#2 Post by science teacher »

It was totally worth it the day when I didn't get an earache after eating real foode. I had TMJ issues and suffered an earache for close to 6 months.

I had SARPE 11/22/06
SARPE 11/23/06
Expansion over 12/18/06 8.5mm
Brace day tops 1/15/07
Brace day bottoms 3/19/07
all expansion devices removed 9/19/07

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#3 Post by hoca »

About seven weeks after the surgery. I had an extreme open bite, and it all felt worth while the day the splint came out, and I could see my upper teeth meet properly with my bottom teeth. Even though I still have braces, and limited ROM, nothing can take my happiness away about seeing my teeth touch when I look in the mirror.

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#4 Post by Lillers »

I'm exactly at 4 weeks post-op today, and I can tell you with say, 95% certainty that I'm glad I had it done. Braces alone would not have corrected my overbite, but now with my lower jaw advanced just a touch, it's only a matter of the ortho fine-tuning my teeth, and come summer (maybe sooner if I'm lucky), the braces will come off, my bite will be normal, and the idea of dentures in my future no longer a threat.

I do still have some numbness and a little discomfort, but it's nothing I can't handle and it gets better every day.

So, yeah... most definitely worth it! :thumbsup:
Braced March 2005 (lower); November 2005 (upper); all ceramic. Goal = correcting overbite.

Lower jaw surgery was successfully performed December 18, 2006.

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#5 Post by smile2006 »

Like HOCA (above post), I had an open bite. In the hospital the first time I waddled to the bathroom and looked in the mirror it was worth it. MY TEETH closed correctly, whoopee I thought. My face was very swollen and still had some dried blood on it plus my mouth still had some blood in it and I could only get my lips open with my fingers.................even at that stage it was worth it!!!!

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#6 Post by chrisk »

I was happy almost immediately with my bite, but it was about 10 days post-op when the worst of the swelling had disappated that I felt that it was worth it. Constant positive affirmations to myself through those first few difficult days and a positive attitude in those early days helped get through this stage.

I'm now at 5 months post-op and 100 percent happy with my bite and my new look. Even though I still have some numbness issues with my lower lip and chin and upper palate I see these as a small price to pay for my improved bite and improved profile and looks. I am still optimistic of having full feeling return, but given the improvement in my self-esteem, teeth function and looks it was the best thing I could have done. I should have done it years ago.

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#7 Post by kballing »

i agree with all above.
i am only 6 weeks post-op and i keep wondering why didn't i do this earlier. my recovery was actually so smooth that it is silly to think that i even thought twice about it.

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#8 Post by Spooky »

I'm 7 weeks post-op and am not COMPLETELY satisfied with my new look yet. But I am glad to have finally gone through the surgery. The recovery is inconvenient, but not unbearable.

I think I would have to wait until my braces is out until I can decide if I'll be satisfied.
Check out my journey :
Braces on: Sept 16. 2005
Braces off: Dec 3, 2007
Upper/Lower Jaw Surgery on: Dec 1, 2006


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