
This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#1 Post by TownAndGown »

Hi from the UK, I'm new here ....

I wonder if anyone has had surgery for asymmetry. Everything was fine as a child and teenager then my dentist first noticed, when I was 21 that one side of my jaw was about 5mm longer than the other. Very small difference.

Then aged 26 surgery was suggested as it was worse, but I was too frightened.

Now at 46 my jaw is about 4cm longer on one side and my teeth were falling over and bite not good. My chin is 2cm off centre. My chin is also quite prominent now. It's really noticable and nobody knows why one side of my jaw has continued growing. Even my friends and family think I must have something done. Does anyone have any idea about what's happened here. I've searched the internet and there seems to be a hereditory syndrome where one side of the face doesn't grow, but nothing about one side still growing. I've had tests for acromegaly (sp?) but no extra growth hormone found.

Luckily healthcare is free at the point of treatment in the UK and I have had braces for nearly 2 years. Surgery will be in a few months but doctors haven't decided how to approach the problem. I wish I had more information. This site is such a help to see that you are all going through it too, and it will all be fine in the end.


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#2 Post by TownAndGown »

As I suspected, nobody else has this syndrome. I feel very alone. Ho hum.

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#3 Post by WhiteLurcher »


Have you tried searching for "Condylar Hyperplasia" this is what I had. The right side of my jaw grew more than the other (when I'm not sure!!).
Although yours sounds allot worse, I think they caught mines early as I had only just started to notice a change in my bite and experience pain and locking in my jaw.

I had surgery to shave :shock: the extra growth and realign my jaw.
I've been in braces for almost 18months now and will be having another op. to get rid of the open/overbite the other procedure left me with.

The above term was what the consultant had scrawled on the card I was told to take to x-ray after he told me I needed surgery. He never actually told me what I had!!! Up until then surgery had not even been mentioned. The good old NHS, treatment may be freely available but information obviously isn't. :roll:

I hope this will be helpfull.

Best regards

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#4 Post by TownAndGown »

Hi WhiteLurcher

You legend! I have just had a good rummage on the internet using "condylar hyperplasia" and this is exactly it. You are right - information is not given on the NHS. I felt very much in the dark, but no longer. You've cheered me up no end.

Was shaving the bone on the bottom of your jaw to make it look more symmetric? What will your next surgery be?

Good luck with it all, keep in touch and tell me how it goes. Do you know what they'll do and when?

I expect the operation around summer time - I hope I have some say with the date because of work commitments, but I'm happy to go with the flow.

I hope the scars won't be bad - from what they said, the scar line was much like that of a face lift - wouldn't want anyone to think I'd had that done!

All the best

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#5 Post by WhiteLurcher »


They actually shave the bone at the top of your lower jaw bone, (condylar) up near your ear. The incision is usually placed in a skin crease around the front of the ear and up into the hairline. I can only see it if I look closely in the mirror. :)

I had my first op. almost four years ago this July. It left me with an open/overbite and recessive chin :?

I have a planning appointment with my surgeon on the 12th of this month to discuss just what they plan to do. At the moment the plan is to move my upper jaw up 4-5mm and possibly out by 1-2mm. They haven't decided if my bottom jaw will need to be moved yet. If all is well and my teeth are in the right position I will have my op. around March.

Have they said whether you will require more surgery or will this op. fix your problem? I didn't get told much about the surgery, other than it was required and he planned to do it by the end of the month :yikes: I was a bit too shocked to ask much about the outcome.

So if you have questions and get the chance :roll: ask them!

Best regards

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#6 Post by thefuture »

hey i just wanted to let you know that I had surgery for assymetry as well. my jaw was bigger on one side chin was off etc.. I'm about 2 weeks away from being 3 months post op and i can open my mouth fairly wide.. not like it used to yet tho.. my lip is still very numb.. and im going to get a bone "shave" at 6 months post op. I have no scars whatsoever from the first surgery which centered my jaw and chin.. no shaving was done tho. I'm gonna be honest with you.. this is a long process and it really kind of sucks but I think it will definitley be worth it in the end. My advice would be to eat whatever you feel like for a little while before the surgery, don't get discouraged because it feels like its never gonna get better cuz it does, and give yourself enough time off of work to recover. I was really self conscious at first because the swelling magnified the problem and I didn't feel like going to school or even outside really.

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#7 Post by TownAndGown »

This message board is so good, I really thought I was the only one. I'm expecting it to be a slow process - but the braces have been on for 2 years now and time just flies by. I reckon I must be about half way through the process but who knows.
I know this sounds crazy, but I'm looking forward to time off work - might be about 4 weeks? If it's in the summer I can get out into the garden, read some books, cuddle the cat, laze around. Bliss.
Thefuture - when you say you have no scars, is that because they went in through the mouth? Do you still have braces?

Thefuture and whitelurcher - what does it mean to shave the bone - is this to stop the growth or to improve symmetry?

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#8 Post by WhiteLurcher »


Well in my case it was both. They realigned my chin (sort off!)I had to wait a year to see if it had stopped the growth. Then they discussed what could be done to repair my bite and if I wanted to go through with it!

I found this today:-
"Condylar hyperplasia is an idiopathic disease characterized by a progressive, unilateral overgrowth of the mandible. The chin is deviated towards the unaffected side. Presentation is common in the second decade. Radiographic findings are usually a normal condyle but an elongated neck. Treatment depends on whether the condyle is still growing. If growth is occurring, condylectomy is the treatment. If growth has ceased, orthognathic surgery is performed. "

In my case it was still growing. Condylar shave and Condylectomy are the same thing I think, try searching for both.

Time off work is one of the questions I hope to have the answer to by this time next week. That is if they finally confirm what the heck they plan to do to me! :roll:

Hope this helps.

All the best

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#9 Post by TownAndGown »

Hi WhiteLurcher

When you know what planned for you, please post a message, I'd be interested in how you get on. Also, how did they know that it was still growing? What tests did they do?

I was surprised at how little all the experts knew about the condition. They did an Xray with some kind of radioactive (!?) marker which measured cell activity but the results were inconclusive. I also had tests for acromegaly which is usually caused by a benign tumor on the pituitary gland resulting in extra growth hormone being released. This was negative. (only my jaw is growing so extra growth hormone would have affected other parts I would have thought). My Xrays show the whole joint is enlarged - is yours? Also I hate my chin, that's what I hope they can sort out, it protrudes much more than it used to - I'm wondering if the bone in the chin has also grown.

I'll try those search terms you suggested. Good luck at your planning meeting!

Best wishes

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#10 Post by WhiteLurcher »


I guess I had the same radioactive marker scan as you, took ages!
You have to lie very still while the x-ray machine goes around your head at what seemed like a mm/minute :roll:
I got the results about three months later. The consultant pointed out little white patches on the right side which weren't on me left. Activity which should apparently not have been there. He then told me I would require surgery to fix it. :shock: Up 'til then there had been no mention of operations, they hadn't said what would happen is they found the "activity" they were looking for!

I had the moulds, x-rays and dreaded photographs taken yesterday, in preparation for my planning appointment on Monday. I think the photos are the worst bit, not exactly glamour shots that's for sure! :pinkbraces: :yikes: :oops:

I almost had to cancel yesterdays appointment because it was so cold the car wouldn't start, thankfully my neighbour kindly gave us a jump-start! So just hope any snow we get this weekend is gone by Monday!!!

All the best!

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#11 Post by TownAndGown »

Hi WhiteLurcher

Yes, that was it - I had a cough at the time so had to hold my breath.

Those photos are not the best - it seems that many of the people in the US get copies. I dont want copies but I'll be interested to see my before and after when it's all over. To be honest I don't see my face as being lop-sided in everyday life, but when someone take a pic of me it really shows.

Tell me all about how it goes on Monday - good luck.

All the best

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#12 Post by CelineCarey »

I'm so glad I found this thread! My face has had a distorted appearance for about 5 years, getting increasingly worse each year. After stumbling upon this thread, I finally knew what to search for on-line and low and behold I find a photo of a woman with condylar hyperplasis and screamed "That's It!!!!"

What type of doctor would one go to in order to be diagnosis with condylar hyperplasia?

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#13 Post by TownAndGown »

Hi CelineCarey

I'm not sure about the health system in the USA. I live in the UK and my Dentist referred me to an Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon (sp?). It took three years to get to the point where they decided to take on my case, I did have lots of tests first - I went to an Endocrinologist to test for growth hormone problems, and was even sent to a Psychiatrist to check that I could cope with the treatment - needless to say I passed with flying colours. So I've been in braces for a couple of years, being treated by an Orthodontist.
Keep in touch with what you decide to do.
Hope this helps.

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