surgery in 5 weeks....

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#16 Post by Eeegsy »

The first week is the hardest but it gets much easier after that.

Not sure about the blood etc. I had a suction thingy in hospital at the side of the bed I could use to get rid of excess saliva etc... When it was time for home (3 days after Op) it wasn't that bad. Still get the slobbering when sleeping tho!

I know what you mean about coughing, you just have to try your best not too , if you can help it! Everytime I feel a sneeze coming on I blow my nose quickly! I haven't sneezed yet either, thankfully!

Things get easier everyday, you'll be suprised at how you become used to it all. I think I read you are only banded shut time for a short time though? Which is a bonus! I'm banded tight for 6 weeks.... currently 3 weeks in!

Take care :D

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#17 Post by piner08 »

so i went to the doctors today for a follow up and my surgeon is currently on vacation in florida for like another week and a half so he has a fill in there...this doctor makes the comment "yea i know the diet will get boring in the next 5-7 weeks you have left being wired" i was like um ha my surgeon told me like 2-3 weeks id b wired since they did rigid fixatioin. he said thats certainly possibly he personally just tends to keep his patients locked up longer....o and today i finally got something in me that wasnt juice, a sweet drink, or water.....blended soup took me a long time alot of slurping and sucking but i did it and finally feel not hungry.

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#18 Post by piner08 »

thick creamy soup is a no go for me at this point though clogs up the little openings i have

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#19 Post by ohmyjaw »

I agree - that sounds ridiculous. I was wired for 10 days and my jaw is perfectly stable. There must be a point at which whatever benefits can be achieved by keeping you wired longer are far outweighed by what you are missing nutritionally.

Have you tried any protein shakes or instant meals like Ensure? I know they don't taste great but at least you are getting something like a real meal, and they do fill you up.

I also have my fingers crossed for you - hope you are wire-free very soon.

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#20 Post by piner08 »

went to the surgeon's today he took out the stitches on my face on each of my cheeks...hurt a little but not too bad.and he also took off the tape that had been around my chin i guess it was to support my chin after the genioplasty. well theres still a little glue left on my chin that im gunna work on getting off tonight in the shower.still cant wait till my actual surgeon gets back from vacation in florida ill be seeing him next monday i've been very patient and to be honest im really not even craving food that much anymore. funny thing though at like 5 this morning while everyone was sleeping i got up to use the bathroom and it was pitch black on the way back to my room but i made it and could see my bed but somehow i managed to trip and fall and land on my hardwood floor luckily i turned my head while falling so i hit the back of my head rather than my mouth or face my whole family came running in and saw me laying there and freaked out but i was fine so no biggie.

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#21 Post by Eeegsy »

Funny that, I had tape on my chin also, written on it "Do Not Touch!" :P

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#22 Post by piner08 »

went back to the surgeons today for my third post op visit in which i saw my doctor for the first time since hes been on vacation.I'VE BEEN UNWIRED AND DE-SPLINTED! it was really nerveracking and it felt very awkward so that was pretty scary. then he had me brush my teeth with what i will say was the biggest size toothbrush head i believe they make and of course it was very rough bristles. i was scared to open my mouth and to brush too rigorously and he realized that when he reentered and he instead decided and the nurse would brush for me. i was appreciative but yikes they ripped me up a little bit my lips and mouth fairly bloody he said because of the gums not being used to it and such. at this point though im feeling a lot better i can breathe and kinda eat i got some pastina which is like the tiniest pasta so ill be enjoying that for dinner with maybe a little italian tomato sauce or butter idk i guess whatever i'm in the mood for.

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#23 Post by piner08 »

any food suggestions would be greatly appreciated i need to get some weight back on me... i know ill be able to do the following:
1.mashed potatoes
2.soft pasta
3. pudding
4. applesauce
5. yogurt
6. soup
but i'd like a little variety

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#24 Post by piner08 »

ok so have a couple of troubles as of hooks and wires of my braces are starting to irritate my cheeks and i feel cuts begining to form that are slightly swollen...i tried putting pieces of silicone wax on certain wires but i think tonight after a major good brushing i might just put full lines of wax over the entire area irritating me rather than just individual pieces i hope that will work but please if anyone else has input to share please please do...alsoo ive lost over ten pounds and my prom dress no longer fits like it should and prom is in 4 weeks i need help for putting the weight back on and quick...

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#25 Post by Eeegsy »

hey piner08,

I know what you mean about the hooks! They were fine pre-op, but due to all the movement post-op they were irritating my lower lip.

So I used some of the orthodontic wax, rolled some into a ball to heat it up slightly, and then shaped it around the affected area. That has worked a treat and my gums have healed nicely.

Try not to worry too much about weight loss, I went through a very 'thin' period as well. But things perked up, and i'm only getting my tight bands off tommorow! 6 weeks and 2 days post-op! Just keep getting as much into you as possible, high calories!

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protein powder

#26 Post by kate0310 »

Piner, have you been putting protein powder in your shakes? It adds a ton of calories to them. I've also been using soy milk (if you dont mind the taste) which is thicker and more calories...and I havnt lost a pound yet. Just a thought.

My prom is in 4 weeks too...except I need to lose weight for mine so lets just trade bodies :)
I would stop using the protein powder but my energy is too low without it.

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#27 Post by arianna »

As soon as you start getting back to your normal diet, the weight should start sticking to you more. Keep in mind the basic calories-in/calories-out system. To gain weight, you need to eat more calories than you burn.

If you burn 3,500 calories more than you eat, (500 calories per day over the course of a week), you lose about a pound. The same works in reverse. Try to track your calories and eat frequently. I would use cream and whole milk and mix nut butters (almond, peanut, etc) into your shakes. Go for healthy high-cal foods like avocados (guacamole!), olive oil, etc... Don't go for unhealthy foods to gain weight because you won't have a lot of energy. Plus, healthy fats like those in avocados and olive oil will strengthen hair and nails! (Perfect for prom).

Hope this helps a bit. Good luck!

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#28 Post by piner08 »

got my rubberbands taken off today and i dont have to go back for another month...i've been told to work my way up as far as eating and make sure i cut everything up really good...also apparently the muscles in my jaw on the (My) right side i am favoring so wen i open my mouth my bottom jaw goes to the right slightly but he said it's nothing to worry about as part of my own personal physical therapy i have to practice moving my bottom jaw to the left said so that my bottom eye tooth surpasses my top eye tooth, along with moving the bottom jaw out past my top jaw just so i can get everything stretched out real nice and comfortable. im exxcciiteedd that i get to start eating a basically regular diet too im confident ill be getting my weight back in no time i just got to work at it haha.

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