Proflie and Portrait, Pre & Post Op.

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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Proflie and Portrait, Pre & Post Op.

#1 Post by Eeegsy »

Just thought I'd add a few pics. Underwent Leforte 1, BSSO and Genio to fix a class 3 with assymetry. My surgeon said the outcome would be much better than pre-op, but in some cases you can never totally correct assymetry.

I'm currently 5 weeks in, Swelling was bad for the first few weeks, and I feel alittle bit puffy around my top jaw still. All the feeling is back, just a few tingles here and there, and a few funny sensations.

Operation was on March the 6th, and lasted just under 8 hours.



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#2 Post by twinkie »

Thanks for the pics! You look great! :thumbsup: You look symetrical to me!

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#3 Post by Eeegsy »

Thanks for the comments :)

I'll add this one. One day after surgery.

There's a label on my chin "Do Not Touch" :P


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#4 Post by Yarr »

You got some nice results there. Congrats! I myself had a surgery on 11th og april and thought I should post a little bit about it. It was a upper advancement of 4mm, lower retraction of 3.5mm and also the day before the surgery one of the surgeons decided to put my upper jaw 2mm down and filling the "hole" in the upper jaw with a bone from my right hip. Which was fun :P . The hole prosedure was done in Norway in about 5h and besides a pressurelike feeling in my midface I feel good. And the best thing about it all is that there is no splint!! I can talk laugh eat, but not chew offcourse. Now I just have to wait for all my sensation to come back and the pressure like feeling to go away and Ill be set!

I Wish everyone a good recovery!

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#5 Post by Graceful58 »

You look great! The before and after there's quite a difference so you must be so pleased with how surgery went! Thanks for sharing your pics, I love pics because they tell the story...more people should post pics! :)
Lower Jaw Advancement & Mentoplasty- Dec 31st...Happy New Year!!!


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#6 Post by Eeegsy »

Thanks for the comments and kind words. I'm very pleased with the results and would recommend this type of surgery to anyone who is considering it, or has any doubts.

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#7 Post by murrdock311 »

Hey I am planning on getting the exact same procedure you've had done. I don't know if this is the best place to talk about it or maybe email would be more convenient. I'd like to ask a few questions if you don't mind. What exact surgery did you have to correct your asymmetry?

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#8 Post by lindss20 »

your results look great!!

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#9 Post by Eeegsy »


I had a class 3 Malocclusion (Underbite). And also if you try and put your jaw to one side then that's how my bite was. Like teeth on edge, so the back teeth never met correctly.

I don't know the exact corrections, but pre-op my Surgeon said it would be Lefort 1 (Upper Jaw moved forward about 6mm) BSSO (Lower Jaw moved back 1-2mm) and an Assymetrical Genio to correct the chin. I also believe they fixed a cant in my upper jaw.

My surgeon trains up and coming surgeons in this field and I heard him talking to some of them about my case last week. He was saying this procedure is pretty complicated, especially when you have assymetry to correct. Usually they cannot correct it 100%, but the outcome is alot better than what it was before.

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#10 Post by Kevin542 »

Congratulations on the operation being over and one with.

In that picture of you right after surgery lying in the hospital bed with your lower jaw all swollen, you kind of look like Charlie Sheen. Ha.

Congrats again.

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#11 Post by BracesRacer »

You know everytime I see one of those right after surgery pics first I laugh cause lets be honest... its just funny looking... then I think... dear lord what am I getting myself into that looks like it hurts! The swelling has gone down I look normal 1 month later pics look great though! I am always amazed by those... the difference is amazing.

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#12 Post by nvcarissa »

Really terrific result! You look fantastic!


Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

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#13 Post by loulou123 »

Fantastic results, you must be very pleased. :D Im having double jaw surgery myself later this year, in the UK also, so thanks for posting your pics to spur me on. :lol:

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.

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#14 Post by phil »


Congratulations! My surgical plan is going to be similar to yours--LeFort I to advance maxilla and lengthen face, and BSSO to set mandible back and rotate slightly for assymetry. Thank you for sharing. It bolsters my confidence that things will turn out for me!

My plan is surgery this summer, but as the orthodontist says, the teeth truly tell us when it's time for surgery, so who knows?

Good luck with your continued recovery!

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#15 Post by zbbelgium »

my son has just asked 'who are those people' when he saw your before and after pics. You look very different (as per someone else's msg that does mean you looked bad beforehand!!) and your face is definitely more symmetrical. I am questionning whether or not to get the chin job done. Does is add much to the pain? Some of my friends and family think I should others think not, the ortho and surgeon say it is a borderline case and it is up to me.

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