Jaw Surgery

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#16 Post by katemm06 »

Meryaten, I agree completely with you that not everyone has complications from surgery (thank God!) You are the prime example of someone who had no surgery complications. I am sorry though that you experienced worse pain with the root canal :(

JenNicole: I checked out your blog and I'm glad you are starting to feel better. It's nice to identify with someone the same age as me who is also going through this experience. Hopefully you will start sleeping better and the TMJ pain will go away soon. I think the bands contribute to the jaw muscle pain or at least they did for me. It's gotten a lot better for me now at more than a month postop, probaly just needed some time to heal.

You are more brave than I was with the blended foods, I stuck to mainly shakes and smoothies, couldn't stand the taste of anything else during that time. I tried blending pancakes once and that was just plain gross..lol. I've become more adventurous with my foods now, I had pizza on Friday (I'm sorry, I know you had the liquid kind!!) which was the one food my OS begged me not to eat :lol: It didn't cause me any problems though. Soon enough you will be back to eating normal foods too. You look a lot improved for only being two weeks postop. Take care.


Braced: 2005
SARPE: August 2005
Expander Removal: March 2006
Lower Jaw Surgery: January 9, 2007



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#17 Post by pk_girl »

Well, the day is tomorrow, and I am feeling slightly aprehensive and am so grateful that I have piner08 there and going through it the same as I am. It is really helping me to know that someone else is going through it within the 24 hour period.

The finality of it hasnt really set in that I will be uncomfortable for 2 weeks, but I know I can handle it, I have had Eye Surgery before and I got on ok then. I fear I have been blocking it from my mind, pretending it's not happening, but at the same time, I feel like I'm getting too stressed about it.

I have packed my comfortable stuff, and the past 5 days have been nonstop get togethers with friends so that, in their words, they can remember what I looked like right before surgery.

I have been drinking a lot of water over the past 3 days as has been suggested, and have written out a card with sayings such as, this will be worth it, and this too will pass.

My friends and church members have been saying that when I am well enough to have visitors that they will be coming around to see me, so I will look forward to that.

For those who see this in the next 24 hours can you give some calming advice?

I believe the next time I speak to you will be on the other side, so to speak.



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#18 Post by soulaghra »

Hi pk_girl, think of it like this; you have people all over the world holding you in their thoughts, wishing you a safe surgery/recovery. You are going to be fine :rose: and I can't wait until you are able to let us know how the surgery went. You seem like such a sweet girl, and I'm happy that you have so many wonderful people around you during this process.
Brace Day: 1.5.2007
SARPE: 3.20.2007
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#19 Post by BillN »


From my experience (BSSO and genioplasty on March 13th), the stress leading up to the surgery was worse than the actual recovery. Yeah, there's swelling and sleeping issues to be dealt with, but other than a bit of discomfort from being tightly banded the first week, there was no pain to speak of. My biggest concern was breathing through my nose as I had always been a "mouth breather" due to my jaw issues. Once the bands came off that issue disappeared.

For the first 36 hours or so after surgery I applied ice packs on a regular basis. After that it was heat packs for the next couple of days. My medicine was Tylenol with Codeine, Motrin, and an antibiotic. I'm certain that if I'd had significant pain the surgeons would have prescribed additional medication.

I felt well enough by day three to take a trip by my office to show off my swollen face to my co-workers and, after that, took daily trips to the mall or book store or just walked around to get a bit of exercise. These little trips tended to wear me out at first but you'll eventually get your strength back. I felt good enough by day six to drive (I probably could have earlier but didn't really want to while still taking the medication).

I think the best piece of advice given so far is to go into this experience with a positive attitude. I truly think that staying positive is 85 percent of the recovery ... your body will heal given enough time.


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#20 Post by katmpet »

When you are going through the "surgery" part it is hard to see the big picture. Let yourself feel what you want-pain wise truly for the most part it is not bad. The worst is felt in the hospital and they give you LOTS of lovely drugs there. :D As someone who found out today that my braces are coming off April 24 and my almost 3 year journey is coming to an end-it is worth it. Think of the big picture which is hard to do when you are all puffy and icing but really it will be. Pick a date that maybe something exciting is happening-a trip you want to take, a prom, a date etc. and by then you will be better. The power of positive thinking cannot be denied. Hope it goes well Pk_girl

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#21 Post by pk_girl »

Ok Then, I am on the other side now

Day one.

I started fasting at midnight, and I was booked in to surgery at 10am, though the previous paitent toook a while longer, so I went in at 2pm.
Upon waking up, I surprisingly didn't feel any pain, I think it was the anaesthetic talking because an hour afterwards the discomfort hit me.

On my bed i had two drains coming out of my cheeks, and my oxygen tube, as well as my drip, and my medication tube, which meant I couldn't move much or else I would hurt myself, with all the needles.

I had the most uncomfortable night of my life, as there was the dicomfort as well as 3 snorers in my room. While I drifted in and out of consciousness I felt along the lip with my finger, and I thought that I hadn't suffered any nerve touching, until I got someone else to touch it, and I realised I couldn't feel them, which humbled me. Every 2 hours I was given Vital signs, and I woke up approx 6am

Day 2

This day seemed to go on forever. Though my cheek drains were removed, which allowed me to sleep a little easier. A big plus in my book. At around 2:30 a guy friend who I had only met 7 days previous came to see how I was, which I found really sweet of him, he brought me a makeshift whiteboard, as He had this kind of surgery before, though not as severe. After he left, I went to sleep and woke up to the sound of my fathers voice, and my brothers scream (he's 2.5). I had a good time with them, well as good of a time that I could have considering being sore, puffy and numb everywhere. I saw my stepmum give Bradley (drother) some chocolate and I wanted to smack her.

After they left, My doctor came in and reported that if I ate my tea that night, I could go home the next day. Now, even though my roommates were awesome, and I already miss them, Home seems the best place to go. So I ate my mushy mashed potatoes and mashed pumpkin and mashed mince. and upon receiveing a tick of ok, i could officially go home the next day. I went to sleep knowing that the next day I was going to be home the next day. The hospital also participated slightly in EARTH hour, a.k.a turn off all power for an hour between 7:30 and 8:30, now dont be stupid and think that we turned off everything, we didnt, we just turned off ALL unecessary electricity for the hour, and my room liked it so much that we kept it like that until the next day. I was able to start talking pretty normally by this time.


WOO, I get to go home! after attempting to eat some weet-bix, I decided to giveup and wait until lunch. My step-grandma came around to wish me well and then left after giving me some very soft chocolate for easter.
1/2 hour later my mum came to pick me up and WE came home in a VERY bright world. I slept until 6pm then came on here and gave you an updates:

What I did to keep myself amused:
Mobile phone (yes they allowed them in my room)
Played with my teddy (sounds stupid, but I loved it)
Drew some pictures on my makeshift whiteboard.
Chatted for a while to my roommates.


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#22 Post by pk_girl »

Did you guys find that time went by really slowly after surgery? because it feels like a month has gone by when its only been 3 days.

My skin on the lower lip has begun to peel off, for those who have had that happen, what can be done about it, and how long does it take to regrow.


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#23 Post by Eeegsy »


Yeh the skin peeling off the lips happened to me as well. I wouldn't worry about it too much as it regrows in a couple of days. Like Meryaten says just apply a good moisturiser and things will be well.

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2 months post op!

#24 Post by misskristen »

I had upper and lower jaw surgery on January 31st. Now I'm 2 months post op! Still some swelling and some numbness - but other than that, all's well! http://bracemyself.blogspot.com/ :)

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#25 Post by maryjay »

Hi pk_girl,

use lots of lip balm, I had lower jaw surgery last month, and my lips cracked and peeled in the corners, which felt and looked horrible, but i think the skin heals quickly around your mouth, you should be fine in a couple of days.

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#26 Post by pk_girl »

well, my bandages have come off now, and i have been given permission for next wednesday to start on soft chew foods! It will be great to not have to have liquids! and they have almost promised that the pain and swelling will be gone by this time next week.

Its funny that the place where they put the drip is healing slower than my operation site.


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#27 Post by Skaff »

Pk-girl - when you say you had drains coming out of your cheeks, do you mean from holes in your cheeks (not your mouth)? If so, is this a common experience for people? I thought all the incisions were made internally...

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#28 Post by pk_girl »

Yeh what Meryaten said, I had blood thinners up until 2 weeks before surgery so my blood was still thinner than it should have been, hence the drainage tubes and bags.


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