DAY 3 Post-Op- *pics and updates* (upper/lower/genio)

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DAY 3 Post-Op- *pics and updates* (upper/lower/genio)

#1 Post by kate0310 »

Here is my bite- PRE surgery

Well it's about noon on Day 3 after surgery (upper, lower, genio). I came home from the hospital last night after my surgeon came by to check things out. He seemed pleased :)

Right now I have a KILLER sore throat which is making drinking very very painful. I don't know why, and the painkillers don't help it...did anyone else have this? It's my biggest worry at the moment. :oops:

I am very, very swollen- Ill put pics up soon. The pain apart from my throat is managable.

My mouth is not wired or banded or elasticed or anyyything which feels quite strange because I'm not sure how to place it or move it- but I imagine this is better than having it shut.

I am on the liquid diet for 6 weeks.
That's about all I can think of for now. This is definately a mental struggle because already on Day 3, I am so frusterated with feeling this way and just want all the discomfort go away. I want to sleep on my side!!
Thanks for all the support from everyone. You're all awesome! I have a lot of respect for everyone whose gone through this!

**heres a nice pic on day 2
Last edited by kate0310 on Wed May 23, 2007 10:56 am, edited 8 times in total.

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#2 Post by Yarr »

Hello Kate, it seems like you are in almost the same position as me. I am at day 4 post-op, and I actually did suffer form a sore throat the first 2 days, but then it dissapeared.

I am very swollen myself, and I cant wait till it goes down. The worst thing with the swelling is how it reduces ones face movement abilities. Hopefully for the both of us, it will start to go down soon.

Like you said, I have major respect for people doing this and making it. I have put my body through alot of fysical stress throughout my life, but nothing beats having your jaws broken and screwed back together and letting them heal slooowly.

Not to mention the surgeons! Major respect to them aswell! I found out that my main surgeon has over 16 yars of university education. That is just wild!

Anyway, hope you feel better soon Kate! Hang in there!

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#3 Post by Eeegsy »

Don't worry, it gets much easier after the first week. The first few days for me were pretty hard as well!

Yarr, I beleive Orthognathic Surgery is one fo the most, if not the most superior field to work in. Every trainee surgeon goes through many years of training, more than in any other area. Always good to know!

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day 4 now

#4 Post by kate0310 »

Day 4
yarr, its nice to have someone on the same timeline! how are you feeling today? hopefully your swelling is starting to go down!

today is still very rough, im just trying to keep my spirits up in hopes that Day 5 is my turnaround day!
My throat gets worse each day, and is now making streap throat seem like nothing. The last hour before re-taking the painkillers gets very achy too. I try to watch movies, but after about an hour my concetration is gone and I get very uncomfortable so 30min Seinfeld episodes is working much better.

I am desperate to get more sleep because my body keeps trying to 'yawn' every 10 minutes and just about gives me a heart attack each time.

I also have a new found appreciation for a clean tongue....i am dreaaaming of the day I get to give my tongue a nice vigourous scrub!!

thanks again for the kind words everyone!
Last edited by kate0310 on Sun May 13, 2007 5:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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#5 Post by Yarr »

Hey kate, I am actually feeling better today. Less pain and it is a bit easier to do stuff with my mouth. Less stiffness in other words. As for the swelling, my upper jaw is the same, if not abit more swollen then yesterday. Ihave also noticed some swelling on the sides, on eye height. The swelling on my lower jaw is starting to go down a bit, so I am pleased to see some progress :) .

I can really relate to what your saying about the tongue and the yawning. It is really hard to keep ones mouth clean. I just use a small toothbrush and scrube my teeth a bit and then just use water alot to clean as good as possible a couple times a day. Two times a day, I use a mouthwash. Like you I am not wired or banded so yawning gets abit scary. I hear strange clicking sounds when I try to hold back. Makes one wonder, if I broke anything this time around. :P I dont know about you, but my upper lip is kinda sore on the inside of my mouth. Are you experiencing the same? It gets annoying when I try to sleep, it feel slike the braces are eating their way through my upper lip. I dont know if it is because bad hygeine since I do not dare to use my toothbrush to far up in my mouth where the inscisions were done. I am afraid Ill rip something out.

Anyways, I think your turnaround day is right around the corner. Just keep thinking of the positives and you will be fine.

By the way, do you know how long one cant blow their nose after surgery? I did not get the chance to ask myself.

Well I am off to watch another movie. I still wish you as pleasent recovery as possible. So just hang in there, I have a feeling we will be ok before we know it! :wink:

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#6 Post by kate0310 »

after 6 days, heres my profile (with a very swollen cheeks and neck still!)


its pretty hard to tell what the change will be with all the swelling (im sure not much), but hey, I've got a chin now!

-my face has no movement still, at all
-throat is still brutal, but im thinking sliightly better than before
Last edited by kate0310 on Sun May 13, 2007 5:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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#7 Post by Eeegsy »

Looks like some great results coming through also :D

Well done!

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#8 Post by zbbelgium »

I haven't been on line in ages and was delighted to check in and see your posting and pics. You look fantastic for someone so soon after surgery and the change is already very apparent. Hang on in there! I got my date for surgery only yesterday - July 2nd. It is being done a bit sooner than planned as 6 weeks after surgery I am moving country so the ortho is trying to speed things up with elastics, not something I am enjoying. All in a good cause I hope and I am trying to convince myself that the liquid diet will be great as it will help me lose all the easter egg weight! I'll be following your progress with great interest and thanks for sharing your experience, it is making me much less stressed.

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#9 Post by kate0310 »

One Week
I take that as a positive thing :)
I'm sure your not fatter either! I have pretty hefty cheeks, even without the swelling.

So today was my turnaroud day, at one week exactly....finalllllly starting to feel human again!

Here was my best attempt at a smile!
Last edited by kate0310 on Sat Apr 28, 2007 5:54 am, edited 2 times in total.

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#10 Post by Yarr »

Nice pics kate, really shows good progress!

Since yall are talking about weight in some sence :) , its HARD! I just cant seem to get enoug food into me. In additon to that I partially loose my apetite, so every day since the surgery I have lost 1kg, or 2lbs. So far 16lbs.

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Re: profile

#11 Post by Anonybrit »

kate0310 wrote:after 6 days, heres my profile (with a very swollen cheeks and neck still!)


its pretty hard to tell what the change will be with all the swelling (im sure not much), but hey, I've got a chin now!
That's gonna look awesome once the swellings gone down. Another success story... I'm so jealous >.<

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day 8 morning

#12 Post by kate0310 »

Day 8
thank you alll for the encouragement!

last night I was feeling so good I decided I would go a few extra hours between my painkiller to see how the pain was....haha I think I got a bit optimistic about that one because MAN was I in pain this morning. Guess I'm not quite as good as I thought, but thats o.k. =)

I feel as thought a bit of my cheek where the stitches are is caught on my braces, but its at the very back of my mouth and I can't see well enough to have any idea how to fix it without causing more damage.
Did everyone else have a bit of pain from the stitches after a week? Theyre making me crazy!

Yarr, 16 pounds!!!! I don't think I've lost anyything and that was supposed to be my reward for going through all this. Let's trade!
I eat a smoothie for breakfast with yoghurt, fruit, and protein powder. Than I have like a 'boost' or 'ensure' for lunch, or soup....and soup again for dinner. And theres usually many drinks and jello servings throughout the day. Nothing special about my routine...but I havn't been losing weight. Strange- guess youve got one speedy metabolism!!!
Last edited by kate0310 on Sat Apr 28, 2007 5:51 am, edited 3 times in total.

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dangling stitches

#13 Post by kate0310 »

hmm see that would be a good plan to go after them...if I could only open my mouth wider. I can barely even see into my mouth :evil: oh well...

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Day 9

#14 Post by kate0310 »

So its Day 9 now, I'm still on the good recovery path. Today I switched from Torodol to Advil for a bit lighter painkiller so we'll see how that goes. Im still not sleeping well...but kinda used to it. Ive been going on short walks- and I get a killer headache after each one. Annoying!

But otherwise not any major complaints. I'm finally going to let my friends come see me because I look more human now and smiling is less painful. THey are quite excited to see my balloon head.

Yarr, hope your feeling well too!

Oh, and Im still really numb which is a tiny bit worrysome because my face doesn't have anyyy expression beneath my eyes and I would be very upset Id i never got that back.

A Picture is on its way :D
Last edited by kate0310 on Sat Apr 28, 2007 5:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#15 Post by Yarr »

I am glad that you are doing so good kate! Thoes walks really helped me, so keep them up. I got a headache the first time, after that it felt really good, aspecially for my face. Its kinda wierd, I used to take the walks after midnight so I felt abit like a good-guy-monster-type from the movies. :P

I am at day 10, and I feel very good! Energy is high and I am back in a good mood. I actually spent half the day with some of my friends, just chilling. And yes, there was very much laughing, mainly at how swelling compements my appearence. :P So I had to join in on that, but no damage to my jaws was done as far as I can tell.

I dont feel like I have anything to complain about, just one minor concern. I just wonder if my upper lip is healing as it is supposed to. If I touch my upper lip, I feel soreness where the stiches are done. Although Im sure I just have to give it some time.

Dont know about you kate, but have you started training your jaws yet? Does anyone know when it is safe to start? I started slowly yesterday, but I am very careful because I am afraid Ill brake something.

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