Underbite Surgery: April 17

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#16 Post by arianna »

Thanks Happysmiler :)
I called the hospital and I'm being admitted at 9:30 am. Surgery is scheduled for 12:00 pm. Or is it 12:30? Haha I suppose it doesn't actually matter...

I'm officially finished school now... And have no idea what to do with myself to keep busy.

I have more silly questions (as usual... they just keep entering my mind)
-Can I eat whatever I want tonight or should I have something that's easy on the stomach to fend off nausea tomorrow? Don't know if it'll make a difference...
-Moisturizer after showering tonight... Is it allowed? My pre-op instructions just say to shower night before or morning of and not to wear makeup.
-Advice on what to bring to the hospital... ie Ipod (is it allowed?), magazines, books...

Thanks again for all the support everyone. Tomorrow this time I'll be in the recovery room!

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good luck

#17 Post by kate0310 »

Arianna, your probably just finishing surgery now so I just wanted to send my best wishes and i'm sure everything went perfectly!!

I'm on Day 6 post-op- so if you have any questions feel free to ask me because it's all VERY fresh in my mind.

Good Luck!!

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#18 Post by arianna »

Hello everyone,
Well... I'm now approaching 48 hours post op. I arrived at the hospital on Tuesday morning at 9:30. They gave me a bracelet, then I waited... I changed into a gown/overcoat to keep me covered, then waited... at around 11:30 they had me leave the second waiting room, but didn't have a stretcher available, so I sat on a chair. I listened to music and tried to read a bit to pass the time and keep calm. They gave me something for my stomach (Zantac) and an antibiotic through the iv... Which hurt, but only for a few minutes.

At around 12:25 I said my goodbyes and a nurse took me up to the surgery floor... I was getting really nervous but he just wouldn't say anything! Oh well. He dropped me off in the hallway outside the OR where I waited for quite a while until anyone came and spoke to me.. That was a little weird and freaky. Then I talked to a nurse, saw the surgeon and an anaesthesia resident, then eventually they brought me in. Put "stickers" on upper back and chest, laid my arms flat out, and then the anaesthetist said they would put something in the iv to relax me, and I remember thinking... "well... I'm not relaxed!" The last thing I remember is them putting the mask on and saying "This is just oxygen for now."

I woke up in recovery feeling really groggy and the next few hours are really fuzzy. The nurse wanted me to sleep - and so did I - but there were 8 nurses just talking six feet in front of my bed... Nurses talking= good, me sleeping=good... But the two don't work together. My surgeon came in to see me, I think he said that everything had gone well. Time was passing really slowly, and it turned out that they didn't have a bed for me outside of recovery, so I spent the whole night/next morning until discharge there.

I'm getting tired now, but I'll update the rest of the story soon!

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#19 Post by arianna »

Thanks Meryaten! It is great to be "on the other side..." No more anticipation.
The swelling isn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I look a bit like a Who from Dr. Seuss' "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," with only a touch of cabbage patch kid. On Monday night I had a bout of over-thinking... ("Why would I do this to myself... I'm allowing people to knock me out completely and then break my jaw and band it together so I can't eat properly for weeks to come!"). So I ended up going through pictures from this year, finding a few that show my profile and little chin sticking out a bit too much, and it made me feel better knowing I'd be getting rid of that at the very least. (Oh, and that thing about a proper bite :wink:) I can already see my profile starting to emerge. Tomorrow I will try to figure out how to post some pictures and show you all what's happening.

Post-op, they had me on morphine. Man, does that stuff HURT going in! At one point they gave me a shot directly into my arm to quell pain quicker... Ouch! Does the trick though. I had about 12 mg from post-op to when I left, with a couple doses of tylenol as well. I had a tube down one nostril to drain anything from my stomach, and felt nauseated twice after surgery. Both times I told the nurse who gave me some drug that made it go right away. No vomiting at all, which was great.

During the night I slept for 1-2 hours at a time. I kept getting up to use to use the washroom. I don't know about you all, but every time I walked my nose would just start dripping and running. This still happens now, but not as bad. I got out for a couple of mini-walks in my sunlit backyard this afternoon and evening. I'm not numb at all. Parts of my face are more numb than others, including my nose, oddly enough, but I can feel everywhere. I've been drinking the whole time out of cups and spoons. With the spoons, it's annoying to wipe up my lips after every bite, but at least I have full sensation so everything stays only on my lips.

I'm banded shut very tightly... In the hospital I managed cream of wheat for breakfast, but since the swelling has gone up since then, I can only eat pure liquids.. Not even the tiniest pieces-- everything needs to be pureed and strained. In terms of nutrition, today I've been repulsed by the thought of anything sweet. This morning I had some boost and milk, and a bit of instant carnation breakfast... Not particularly tasty, but good for stacking up calories. I don't have a scale, but I think I've been doing pretty well for eating and drinking.. And once the swelling goes down I'll be a little freer to eat.

Well, there' still more to tell of course, but I'm pretty wiped out. If anyone has questions feel free to ask. I know that for many people, the third day post-op is worse, but I'm hoping that things will get better rather than worse tomorrow :)

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#20 Post by Happysmiler »

Hi Arianna,

It is so good to hear your Operation went well and that you are now day 3 post op! - Can you believe how the time goes?

It sounds like you are doing very very well - you are bound to get moments when you doubt your decision to do this, I think most people go through this from what I have read, but every day will see you improving more and more. Just wait until you can get a good idea of your new bite and profile, you will be delighted I'm sure.

I think its a really good idea to carry pictures with you of the old profile especially the bits you didn't like, I think that will really help you to stay positive.

Keep getting the rest, food, (slush!), water and excercise as much as possible.

Well done! I can't wait to see your pictures.

Best Wishes



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glad your doing well

#21 Post by kate0310 »

Arianna- Congrats on making it to the otherside! Sounds like your taking it all in stride and doing amazingly!

Once you get past the next 3-4 days you are going to be feeling good. Can you notice the changes in your face already, since your not very swollen? I could notice my new chin fairly soon after, but the rest is pretty hard to tell still.

Keep up the healing :D

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#22 Post by Delag »

I am so happy for you! It sounds like your recovery is going very well and your attitude is fantastic. I can't wait to see some pictures.

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#23 Post by arianna »

I'll figure out how to post pictures later today... I can't seem to find the file where I saved my pre-op pictures so they'll probably just be to show the swelling and new profile emerging. I'm now four days post-op and feeling pretty good. I think I've been lucky overall. Yesterday I only had a few minutes of extreme frustration whereas in the first couple days tears were rather frequent. I'm not used to getting tired and frustrated but I'm starting to "nap" (find a quiet spot and lie down for half an hour or so... sometimes manage to sleep). It's irritating not being able to sleep for more than an hour or two at a time. The swelling on the sides of my cheeks (where the jawbra sits) isn't bad but the front of my cheeks and nose are swollen and feel numb and occasionally itchy... I hope this will go away soon.

The liquid tylenol+codeine is so disgusting and makes me feel nauseous so I'm cutting down as much as possible. I really can't stand it. I think jaw surgery is especially draining compared to other surgeries because you can't eat what you want afterwards even if you have an appetite (which I'm just regaining a bit today), all medications are in liquid form which is GROSS :shock:, and you can't just sleep it off..

How much do you think I need to ice? How much will it help vs just letting swelling go down on it's own? I am tired of icing all the time.. but it is soothing when the pain is too much.

I have another funny bit. I've been eating/drinking as much as possible but haven't had an appetite (it's returning a bit today) and I think I've lost a bit of weight, maybe 3 or 4 pounds. I just really wish I had a scale because I really like my size right now.. As soon as I can I'll be back to eating and exercising like usual, but I think that eventually I'd like to get back to being just this size... It would just be interesting to know exactly what that is.
Anyways.... Like I said, I can't wait to eat real food. I've actually been craving toast. Weird, right? I had pureed scrambled eggs this morning as well as pureed, strained oatmeal with brown sugar and molasses, and some amazing pomegranate juice that is ridiculously expensive but delicious. The worst part is looking at the stuff I eat - I have to get someone else to prepare it for me in large part or I completely lose my appetite just from all the blenderizing/straining/pureeing, etc.
I'm also able to brush! That is, with a baby toothbrush, and I don't know how much cleaning I'm doing given that it's over top of several layers of elastic bands.. But it does feel good. Haven't even considered venturing near the upper gums.. Doesn't seem like a great idea to get in the way of those stitches.

Anyways, I will figure out the photo thing later and thanks again for all your kind words!

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#24 Post by arianna »

Quick update:

1) Appetite is back :) Unfortunately I've been craving cookies... But those will come soon!
2) No prescription narcotics today. Took two doses of extra strength tylenol (2000mg total), one around lunch and one a couple hours ago.
3) Ventured out to the mall. It was pretty exhausting, but nice to get back into the world for a bit.
4) Woke up in the middle of the night with an INTENSE shock of pain in my jaw. I must have moved it in my sleep. No damage done... But it sure did get me WIDE awake. It was a really, really odd experience.
5) Tonight I'm going to attempt a more normal sleeping position; still propped up but not so much. If the swelling balloons up again... well... it might be worth it for the extra sleep.
6) BRUSHING: I'm avoiding the stitches along the upper gum line. I'm supposed to, right? Ok, I've actually been avoiding the upper gum entirely, I don't know if I could even fit a brush in there anyways due to it being a little numb and swollen. I thought braces were bad for trying to keep a fresh feeling mouth.. This is unimaginably worse :shock: Can't wait to get the tight bands off on Wednesday.

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#25 Post by freerideuk »

hey arianna

i was just wondering av been reading you messages and i would really love to see some before and after pictures as am due to get surgery for my underbit this summer maybe later

soo if possible could you post some =]


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#26 Post by JJ »

So good to hear that you are doing well Arianna! I am having a similar surgery in October so I really appreciate your posts. I hope your recovery continues to go well :) Sounds like you are definitely on the road to recovery. Slow but steady.

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#27 Post by iBorg »

I'm joining the well wishers after the fact, but I'm thrilled it has gone so well for you. As I struggle with whether this is something I want to do or not knowing others have survived and even done well makes the whole process less scary.

HERE'S to a speedy recovery!

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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#28 Post by arianna »

Well I'm back!

Here's an update on the week... I felt pretty down and depressed on Monday and Tuesday (days 6&7 post-op). I was home by myself and felt isolated because I couldn't call anyone and didn't really want to go out in public by myself and have to try to communicate with people... But I watched silly movies and went for walks and of course things turned out ok.

On Wednesday, I went in for a post-op appointment with my OS. They took a couple of x-rays then the surgeon cut off the bands! He warned me that some people feel light-headed once they come off, but I didn't experience that. An assistant cleaned out the little pieces of the bands and commented on how "clean" my teeth appeared--sure didn't feel that way. Anyways, they had me brush and then rinse out with diluted Scope. It was easier than I expected, and it felt nice to have clean teeth. I realized then that my upper gums are almost completely numb. It was odd to see my upper teeth fit over the bottom ones. I'm still not used to it.

When I looked in the mirror, I also realized that my lower jaw is horizontally misaligned. Instead of my two upper front teeth lining up vertically with my two "lower front teeth," the lower teeth are over to the right by about half-a-tooth (nice accurate measurements, I know!) I pointed it out to my surgeon when he came back in, but he said it was an "orthodontic thing." The surgery aligned my upper jaw in the centre of my face so it's just a matter of pushing those bottom teeth into place I guess. I have a feeling this will mean longer in braces.. NOOOOO! :cry: I've had enough! But there's not much I can do, it definitely needs to be fixed. Has anyone else experienced this? How long did it take to fix? I'm sure it varies from person to person.. but still. I guess I was hoping that my teeth would look way better after surgery; neither my orthodontist nor surgeon mentioned that they would be assymetrical.

He put on two lighter elastics, but he placed them before I pointed out the misalignment... They're not symmetrical on my teeth... Do I keep wearing them exactly on the hooks that he placed them? That's what I've been doing so far. My ortho originally wanted to see me 5 weeks post-op, but my OS said it shouldn't be any longer than 10-12 days (I guess to get the elastics moving my teeth properly?) so I managed to re-book an appointment that actually works with my job schedule (this is nothing short of a miracle :) ).

Anyways.. For the first couple days food felt really rough on my hard palate, which wasn't much fun. Since then things have improved; I've had banana pancakes with heated frozen berries (the juice really softens them), omelettes, scrambled eggs, corn bread and black bean soup, baked beans, french toast, etc.. Eating is nice. Equally good is not crushing up all my meds or taking them in liquid form, YUCK. I hope I never have to do that again!

I'm going out for dinner tonight with colleagues I don't know well at all.. What should I order!? Hopefully there will be a vegetarian soup on the menu.

I'd like to post pictures; could someone please recommend a good (simple and easy to use!) site to host them on?

Also, how long should I expect to wait before running again. I ran through the rain to my car yesterday and after a bit it started to feel jarring and uncomfortable on my jaw. Will this go away in a couple weeks?

Thanks for reading, sorry this post is so long!!

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#29 Post by BracesRacer »

I am glad your doing well its always inspiring to hear a good story :) I would loooove to see some pics as well. Probably the easier site (no registration and all that garbage) is picsplace.to. Post some up I would love to see!! I am gonna be doing surgery in 11 months or so (scary) so I like to see all the successful before and after pics and read good stories :) Thanks for sharing.

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#30 Post by HighandLo »

Hi Arianna,

I am looking forward to any pictures you might have, since I am having lower jaw surgery for an underbite, also. I can imagine my teeth won't be symmetrical, either, for awhile depending on how much the OS moves my lower jaw.

I hope you are recovering well! :lol:

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