DAY 3 Post-Op- *pics and updates* (upper/lower/genio)

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#31 Post by kate0310 »

Day 15

Here's an updated profile picture. I know Im putting the pics up fairly regularly compared to most- but it might be nice for some people to see the gradual changes, and how it does all happen quite slowly in reality- with swelling and what not.

My surgeon told me I am currently at 15% swelling, especially in my cheeks. From straight-on my nose looks swollen, but its not noticable in my profile.

For some reason my nose looks different to me, like its tilted up more....but I think I might just be imagining that (wishful thinking?) because he (surgeon) never mentioned the look of my nose changing.

Sleeping has finally gotten easier- still on my back at an angle but I've got a better set-up with pillows. I tried sleeping on my back flat, and I was very swollen the next day so Im going to stick with my 30 degrees for now. Im VERY numb all over my face (numb but tingly), but my chin hurts a bit so maybe some feeling is coming back there. I still need advil, maybe twice a day, or else my face gets achy. My stitches have all fallen out in the last few days so my mouth is much more pleaseant for cleaning.
Baby toothbrush = Lifesaver
Yarr- Friends do make a huge difference. My best friend has visited me every few days since the start (she came to the hospital) and this week I've let my other friends finally come over and its great to have company and feel like im human again.
My best friend got RELEASED from the orthodontist yesterday- meaning it was her last appt. and she NEVER has to go back. ohhh How envious I am!!!! I dream of that day!!! (I'm on year TEN).

Anyways- healing is good. Nothing significant occuring, just slow and steady recovery. :)
Last edited by kate0310 on Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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bite before and after

#32 Post by kate0310 »

Here's one pic I havn't shown yet- MY BITE!
My digital cam is out of batteries for the 'after shot' so I had to use the bad webcam...I am going to replace this blurry picture a.s.a.p!
But you can still see a change even with the blurryness.


*im not holding my mouth open, I just had no bite except a single back molar touching
Last edited by kate0310 on Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:11 am, edited 2 times in total.

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#33 Post by Yarr »

Nice pics kate. I agree with Meryaten. Compared to the "before" pic your nose looks more tilted up. Dont know why but my nose is tilted slightly up aswell compared to pre-op. Also, when I was training I took a hard right hook/punch to the face that resulted in a slightly croocked nose. I never bothered to go to the doctor to have it fixed because I figured there were more to come. Lucky me, it seems like the surgery fixed it, even if my surgeon did not intend it. I remember it was the first thing my mom commented. Btw. your bite looks really nice now, even though the pictures are blurry. The difference is very clear. And it is very nice of you to post pictures, it ads some flavour to the thread. I would have posted pics myself, but I am at my parents house so its only low-tech equipment around.

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#34 Post by Delag »

HI Kate. I haven't posted on your thread yet, but wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed it (well, not like I am enjoying your discomfort, just the great read :D ) I think you look amazing and your attitude is great. I also think your nose nose is a bit more tilted - looks cute IMO. Your chin looks fantastic as well.

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bad chin

#35 Post by kate0310 »

Delag- thank you! That is very encouraging to hear. You're all too kind.

I've got a question for my chin started hurting more than usual, and this evening it is totally throbbing!! I'm not sure why all of a suddent I have this much pain, the only thing I can think of is if the nerves are starting to regenerate in my chin maybe that's why I feel new pain?
Has anyone experienced this at the end of two weeks! Hoping the painkillers kick in soon so that I can get some sleep.
I started working on a Law Essay today...maybe my body is rebelling against the school work :wink:

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#36 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Kate,
I wanted to post a reply in response to your comment regarding the changes in your nose. This is another one of those areas that I think Orthognathic surgeons could improve on during pre-surgical consultations. If ones does a ton of research on this type of surgery you might find this sort of info, however, most people do only basic research and unless the doctor tells them about this they are likely not to have a clue.

With the Lefort Surgeries this is one of the possible changes that can take place. Depending on the amount of advancement the possibility of the patients nose tipping up a bit more is pretty common. Sometimes doctors can put a stitch there that is meant to hold it in place and keep it from tipping, however, from what I have read this procedure is not always successful or guaranteed. It is more common with large advancements and some people undergo plastic surgery on their noses afterwards to reduce this tipping.

Do you know how far you were advanced on top and bottom?

As for the pain in your chin, what does it feel like, is it sortof a burning type of pain? I know when things were starting to come back for me after my SARPE, things were very burny, and the irritation was extremely annoying at times. I would take advil but most times it did not do much to relieve the irritation. I would think that the pain in your chin is exactly what you think....nerve regeneration. Occasionally during the nerve healing process you can develop a hypersensitivity reaction that can produce burning and itching in the area. That in many ways is positive, in that it shows the nerve is injured yet intact. While it can be extremely aggravating to deal with for awhile, it is also pretty much a guarantee that you will be getting feeling back in those areas.

It's ben very interesting following your journey, and glad to see you are feeling better with each passing day. :)

I will be having the same thing done to me in 26 days now.

Last edited by Brandyleigh35 on Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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#37 Post by MissSMILEY »

You look good even on your Day 5 pic! Hope things are feeling better!

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#38 Post by Delag »

Brandy - I thought the alar stich was to prevent the nose from getting wider, not tilting...could it do both?

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#39 Post by kate0310 »

to be honest, im happier with my nose tilted up! It looks a bit 'daintier' from the profile...front view it doesnt change anything but hey..cant win em' all.

chin isnt so bad this morning, thank goodness...but i got zero sleep last night :x

I woke up today very lopsided!!! the swelling just likes to move back and forth doesn't it! I look like im storing food in the right side...:


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#40 Post by Yarr »

Yep, just like me kate. If I had any trouble post-op, it was on the right side. That is why my right side is bigger then the left. Although it was not until yesterday when my swelling was really low that I noticed something. On the right side, where it looks like swelling, it really is something else. Swelling is usually soft, and when I tuch my right cheek around the jaw area, it feels really solid under the skin. Its wierd, I dont rally know what it is or what it means. Anyone have a clue? I do have an appointment with my ortho tomorrow, and he is in for a ineregation session. :twisted:

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Day 20!

#41 Post by kate0310 »

Day 20

Yarr- Im not sure about the solid swelling...? Sorry :? Im curious to know, if you find out.

So Day 20 has arrived...I had my third check-up with my surgeon this morning and he was very pleased.
Last week had been going quite nicely until Friday, when the pain just about doubled, first in my chin and then my whole face. On the weekend I got out of the house quite a bit, but I was definately hurting a lot more. Not excrutiating pain or anything, but a CONSTANT weird ache, and my teeth hurt in a tingly way. I went shopping for some retail therapy, and that raised my mood.
SO I asked him about that today, and he said that my nerves have regenerated about a week ahead of time so I'm suffering from hypersensitivity. He hopes that by the end of this week it will die down. I hope so too....I took codeine for the first time last night throughout this whole thing. It didn't do much, so I'll try Torodol today.
He said some people are lucky and get 'hypo-sensitivity' and feel just about no pain except the first few days, but in a way its good that my nerves are healing well. So i won't complain.
He still didn't put elastics on, but I see my ortho tommorow and she definately will. Curious to see what she thinks of my new bite!!!
I see him again in two weeks.
Anyways, thats about it! Still on liquids, still 10% swollen, still numb (but a bit less through my cheeks), still not sleeping well, but otherwise doing justttt fine :)

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#42 Post by Yarr »

Im glad you are doing good kate! I experienced the tingly tooth ache aswell, but it only lasted for a day or so, nothing big.

I had my first check-up with my ortho, and he was very pleased. Since he is pleased, I am very pleased aswell. Luckly for me he had good news for me. I as usuall expected the worst, like a second op and so on.

He told me that the solid swelling is just a part of the swelling process. Today its almost gone, and my cheeks look more or less even now. He also told me that I have approximetly 6 moths left in braces which was nice to hear. They just did a rutine check with x-rays and stuff. He did not do any adjustments. He only removed a bracket that was loose. However I did get to count the number of screws in my face. Counting the small ones on the plates; 28! How cool is that! :D

Furthermore I did get a BIG suprise on top of it all. He said that I probobly will be able to continue kickboxing and grappling in a year or so! I really did not expect that considering the type of surgery I had. Its amazing how robust our body is!

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#43 Post by ohmyjaw »

I have the same thing as Yarr - swelling that feels solid! I had my surgery seven weeks ago and it still not going away.

I also had lots of tingling and burning around two or three weeks after surgery. It has pretty much stopped, but I still don't have full sensation back.

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#44 Post by piner08 »

i have the same swelling situation except mine doesnt switch sides its chosen to stick with my left side while the other side has seemingly all gone down its wonderfully annoying ha but i jjust try and ice it occasionally when i sleep. i wish you luck kate i know we both have prom coming up so id like to believe itll pass sooner rather than later either way you are healing beautifully so dont worry too much

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#45 Post by kate0310 »

found some interesting statistics today:
Thirty-eight patients, who underwent orthognathic surgery, reported their recovery period upon returning to work or school and returning to full activity. Twenty-six patients had isolated bilateral sagittal split osteotomies (BSSO) and 12 had isolated Le Fort I osteotomies (LFI). At 1 to 2 weeks postoperatively, 50% of the BSSO group had returned to work or school while none of the LFI group had returned. By 3 to 4 weeks, 81% of the BSSO group had returned to work or school while nearly one half of the LFI group still had not returned. The BSSO group returned to full activity earlier than the LFI group, although the differences were not statistically significant. Hemoglobin, hematocrit, weight, and vital signs were determined preoperatively and for 6 weeks postoperatively. The LFI group had a larger mean estimated blood loss, length of operation, and weight loss.

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