I have a surgery date & some questions about activity le

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I have a surgery date & some questions about activity le

#1 Post by dubnobass »

Long time, no post. I seem to have been waiting for a date for my surgery for a very long time, but now I finally have that date - August 8th.

I'm not entirely sure what the procedures I'm having done are, but from descriptions it sounds like a bilateral mandibular sagittal Split and Le Fort I osteotomy - i.e. lower jaw lengthed on one side, shortened on the other, with lower jaw brought forward and chin slightly rotated round to the front. On the upper jaw, the plane of the jaw is being tilted downwards so that my teeth don't stick out quite so much, it's all being hitched up by a mm or two to correct a slightly gummy smile. I am also having the cant I have developed (due to lower jaw asymmetry) corrected (you can see how 'wonky' my mouth is in this picture):

My husband has booked time off work to look after me for a couple of days, and my employers are aware I will need a few weeks off to recover.
One thing I am not sure about is how active I am "allowed" to be, post-op. I know you are supposed to avoid contact sports but I am a regular cyclist (i.e. 20 miles most days) and do a fair bit of indoor wall climbing. These are not contact sports but a fall from either could be a bad thing for healing jawbones. Will both these activities be out for a while, post-op - and could anyone predict how long, based on their experience and advice they have been given?

Thanks! :)

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#2 Post by kate0310 »

I understand your worries as I like to be quite active too. I am asking my surgeon on Friday when I see him what I am allowed to do at this point (5wks postop). I would like to start jogging.

As for cycling- do you have access to a stationary bike? Since the 2nd week I have been cycling on one for about 30min a day, and its really good because your head doesn't have to move at all, there is no risk of falling, and there is no jarring impact. I wouldn't reccommend doing anything where you can fall off- I horseback ride and they said 8wks-4months depending on how quickly my bones fuse back.

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#3 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Dubnobass,
I'm wondering the same also. My surgery is scheduled for May 24th and is the same as yours (upper, lower, and genio) Not quite as much moving around as you will be having but basically the same. I will be seeing my surgeon on Tuesday to ask all of these types of questions. We are cyclists too, although we do mostly strength training uphill rather then distance. WE ride for about 1.5 hours a day up pretty steep switchbacks. I have already decided that I will be using my trainer as soon as possible after my surgery as I can. However, June is the most amazing month for summer here and I can't imagine being cooped up inside on my trainer rather then outside in the open air. I don't worry too much about falling off my bike, however, I suppose it could happen, which in and of itself poses a problem. I mean falling on my face/jaw would be the last think I want.

I think if I recall that my doctor said before that I couldn't do any serious activity that would involve clenching my jaw, or jarring it until about 4 months afterwards. Also do realize that you will most likely have a splint in your mouth. Breathing through you sinuses will be restricted for awhile, and breathing through you mouth is not going to be super easy either until the splint comes out. That can be anywhere from 4-6 weeks after your surgery, depending on how your surgeon does things. It takes approximately 3 month for the bones to fully heal, and alot of that depends on age, and your ability to heal. If you are older that typically plays into the picture and healing will be somewhat slower due to that.

I would personally plan to be out of commission (from your 20 mile a day on road, bike routine) for at least 3 months. Using a stationary bike, or trainer though, you may be back on as soon as a week, depending on how you feel. I will ask my doctor more on Tuesday and see what he says, then come back and post what he told me ok?

Good luck to you, be sure and get everything in order for your surgery early. August will sneek right up on you and be here before you know! Trust me! I know!


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#4 Post by ohmyjaw »

I stayed off my bike for about 3 weeks, becuase I was afraid of falling. I could have gotten on it anytime after about 10 days, if I had really wanted to. I did not have a splint or any trouble breathing. I went rock climbing (outside) 12 days after surgery.

I will add that I wasn't given any specific restrictions by my surgeon, other than no swimming right after surgery (because I had an incision on my hip for the bone graft).

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#5 Post by Genevieve »

Hi Dubnobass,

Almost word for word, you and I are having almost exactly the same procedures, though it looks like you will be going first as I'm still awaiting a surgery date. How long have you been in braces?

I'm in London too. Where are you having your surgery? I'm due to have mine at the Maxillofacial Unit at East Grinstead with Mr Ken Sneddon who did my SARPE and seems to be excellent.

Sorry that I can't shed any light on your queries, but I'm really glad you've posted.

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#6 Post by dubnobass »

Thanks for the replies :)

My surgeon told me that he very rarely leaves a splint in place, as it seems to be the one thing that his previous patients found most uncomfortable during recovery - so he doesn't often use them.

I don't have a stationary bike or turbo trainer - I use my bike for commuting to work and back every day. I always hated the exercise bike when I used to go to the gym, so I'm not sure that setting one up just for the sake of doing some pedalling will be worthwhile!
It's fairly difficult to negotiate London roads without getting jarred by the potholes so I may have to stay off my beloved bike for a while longer than I had anticipated, if jarring is a definite no-no :(
Good to hear I can still climb, though..

Genevieve - I'm beng treated at the Eastman, but as that's part of UCL, the surgery will be at the new UCL hospital (aka Minas Morgul, ever seen UCLH lit up at night?). The surgeon is Mr Lloyd, who I've only met once but who seemed like a thoroughly nice chap. I was braced in May 2005 and was told back then that it'd be braces for 12 months, surgery, then braces for another 12 months. The initial braces have therefore taken twice as long as I was expecting - I just hope that the second bit of bracing doesn't take 24 months too!

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#7 Post by Genevieve »

Hi Dubnobass,

I reckon you should be in very good hands at the UCLH. It must be a huge relief to finally have a date after being in braces for so long. I've been in mine since August of last year. I was told 10-12 months before and up to 3 months after. So far the estimates have been about right, though I don't have my surgery date yet, so maybe I shouldn't be counting my chickens..... I don't know if I could cope with two years in them, though....I am already counting down the days to getting them off.

I also cycle into London on my daily commute (from Battersea to Holborn, so not as far as you). It really is the only way to go - especially in the summer. I hadn't thought that I wouldn't be able to continue whilst back at work, but you are right, it probably isn't such a good idea with jaw bones on the mend.

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#8 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Oral Surgeon told me I could start biking again as soon as two weeks as long as I felt up to it and was off my pain meds. Just thought I would share that.


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