
This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#1 Post by JJUK »


Apologies to bring up an unpleasant subject but as I am being wired after my operation I am a bit concerned about possibly being sick.

My orthodontist and surgeon have explained that I will be given something in my anaesthetic that will reduce the feeling of me wanting to be sick, but I don’t know how effective it is?

Has anyone had any experiences they wish to share or can reassure me in anyway?



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#2 Post by Gem »

My anesthesiologist reassured me right before he put me under that they treat the naseau very aggressively. The night before I took prescription strength pepcid and then one the morning of surgery. My last meal was a light one as instructed by os. The anesthesiologist gave me 3 medications for naseau during surgery and they pumped my stomach at the end of surgery. I did not experience any problems but he also told me since I never had a problem with anesthesia in my previous surgeries then I wouldn't now. He also told me if you experience motion sickness then it could be a problem. There was also a pair of scissors taped to my bedside in the event there was a problem.

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#3 Post by kate0310 »

JJUK- I am someone who gets easily carsick and nauseaus so this was a big worry for me too. The anesthesiologist pumped me full of some of the anti-nausea stuff before I woke up, and I only had one scare the first time I got out of bed I felt queasy but still never threw up. About 5 days post-op I would get nauseaus from the pain meds, so I took liquid gravol before taking them and that took care of it.
MUCH better than I imagined it would be in terms of that. I found that once I gave into the fear of throwing up, I felt less sick....

and just remember not to swallow blood if you feel some in your mouth, just let it drool out as unpleasant as it may look to others- your better off without the blood in your stomach. You might not even bleed at all, but that's if you do.

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#4 Post by Gem »

also, I was given a suture removal kit to take home with me in case I did get sick or had trouble breathing. I never used them and ended up giving them to my husband to remove some sutures he had in his foot. I also had what Meryaten said, the suction device like you see at the dentist, was bedside in the hospital. the nurses were great about finding me the right size tube to fit between my teeth.

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#5 Post by kate0310 »

I completely agree with what Meryaten said.

Mindpower is an amazing thing when it comes to this- Deepbreathing works MIRACLES when you feel nauseaus. I sipped peppermint and ginger tea, and gingerale quite frequently. I always had a gingerale at my bedside table for the first 6 days.

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#6 Post by JJUK »

Thanks to you all for responding, I feel much better about it.

Just one of those things that particular bothers me so I wondered if it was common. I'm hoping the medicine will work as intended but will take on board the tips i.e. mindpower, deep breathing & aliments!

Thanks again!

Jayne :)

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#7 Post by angelgarcia »

i was terrified by visions of vomiting through my shut teeth that i begged my anesthesiologist to give me meds along with the anesthesia. he assured me he would and voila! - i woke up just fine.

i didn't even feel pain and fortunately didn't have a single drop of painkillers. meryaten's right about pain meds. the girl beside me was in pain and pressed her morphine button (i didn't even touch it) and she got nauseous and itchy after :(

but yeah.. just before they put you under, make sure they are putting anti-nausea stuff in your anesthesia and you should be ok :)
<-- 4 months post-op.

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#8 Post by phil »

I hate to be the wet blanket at the party, but there always has to be ONE!

When I had my SARPE last July, I warned the surgeon and the anesthesiologist that I had an extremely delicate stomach. They told me, "when you wake up from surgery, if you feel nauseous, tell the nurse right away, and we'll put something in your IV." My first memory waking up after surgery was saying, "I feel sick!" My next memory was the nurse saying, "oh, we're too late."

I'm going to repeat this story to my surgeon/anesthesiologist this June when I have "the big surgery," and maybe they can be more proactive with it. As Meryaten said, many people don't have problems, but I am proof that it can happen. :yuck:

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#9 Post by kate0310 »

but your alive and well to tell the story, so thats good too! :D

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#10 Post by angelgarcia »

eep! sorry to hear about that phil :( good that it's over and done with.

but if it makes anyone else feels better, the majority of jaw surgery cases seem to be vomit-free.
<-- 4 months post-op.

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#11 Post by ohmyjaw »

I don't think this is very common but I had an NG (naso-gastric) tube after surgery until the next morning. It is a tube that goes in your nose and into your stomach, and it basically sucks out any blood, etc, so that in the event that you are nauseos there is nothing in your stomach anyway. I did not have any nausea at all, and I only ever saw a drop of blood in the tube, so I probably could have done without it. It was pretty uncomfortable.

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#12 Post by JJUK »

Sorry to hear about your experience Phil. :(

Luckily I am hardly ever sick so hopefully that will work for me also.

I became concerned because a colleague of mine who had surgery was sick (not wired but didn't have anything put in her anaesthetic), but I got the impression from her she was mainly sick because there was blood still down her throat, if you get me, which is what she brought up (sorry for details).

But thank you for your comments, definatley feeling better about it.

Jayne x

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