Sleeping Position Post-OP!

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Sleeping Position Post-OP!

#1 Post by kate0310 »

Another question from me... :?

Just wondering how long until most people could sleep on their side again, and not their back after surgery...basically how long until you resumed sleeping the way you did before surgery?

Posts: 44
Joined: Sun May 06, 2007 7:13 am

#2 Post by Gem »

I have been sleeping on my side for approx 10 days now, but I am also using ambien. There was one or two attempts at sleeping on my stomach (favorite position) but it felt like my bands were slicing and dicing my mouth so I stick mainly to my sides. If I feel a little congested then I resort to my back until sinuses clear and then back on my side.

Posts: 22
Joined: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:11 pm

#3 Post by twinkie »

I am 11 days post-op and have been sleeping on my side for about 3 nights now. :D

I had lower jaw surgery only.

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#4 Post by jsenigaglia »

Hi Kate,

I was on the couch for 2 weeks after my Upper/Lower surgery. It was terrible, b/c I have always been a stomach sleeper, so those 2 weeks on my back out on the couch were horrible. I remember my first night back to my bed like it was yesterday though. One of the greatest nights of sleep I have ever had :) So yeah, it took me 2 weeks before I could comfortably sleep in my bed again!

Posts: 22
Joined: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:11 pm

#5 Post by twinkie »

:D I should clarify that I have to stack my three pillows a certain way in order to sleep on my side...but I am sleeping so much better now that I'm not on my back. I have one really squishy pillow that I use to kind of frame my jaw so there's not so much pressure on it.

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