Surgery on Saturday

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Surgery on Saturday

#1 Post by dragonfang »

After some 20 months I am finally having my BSSO ( lower jaw advancement ) this Saturday. I will be so pleased that it is over with.

The last 3 months have been an absolute nightmare. First my orthodontist left me to go and work in another town - he did confirm to his colleagues at the Dental Hospital before he went that I was ready for surgery. Then the surgeon at the Dental hospital where I have been treated like **** from the outset anounced that he had basically changed his mind and no longer thought that my surgery was worth doing. My 6mm overjet did not justify surgery - though it did when I saw him 2 years ago and not much has changed...

As a result I have had a very stressful time getting second opinions from other surgeons and having to waste a lot of time. Fortunately I have been able to find a decent surgeon who does a few of these ops every week and has been highly recommended. It is so nice to eventually have a surgeon that I feel I can trust.

I'm now having the op on Saturday morning. What a way to spend a weekend... Thought I might as well go the whole hog and have a small genio at the same time. It is still just 1 night in hospital.

I have planned my recovery like a military campaign, with everything from feeding syringes to Zip n' Squeeze bags to ice packs and arnica. My fridge is full of soups yoghurts and rice puddings. My very nice surgeon says that champagne is Ok ( in moderation) so I have stocked up on that to raise my spirits as and when necessary. I suppose I can always load it into my Zip n' Squeeze bag!

Thanks to lots of you on this site for your tips over the last year or so. I have been taking copious notes!

Will let you know how it goes.

Dragonfang, a natural born coward.

Posts: 834
Joined: Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:46 pm

#2 Post by Delag »

I have planned my recovery like a military campaign
:lol: :lol: :lol: I love that! (I wish George W. was as far thinking.)

I am sorry to hear you have had such a rough go of it with your doctors. You work so hard to put together a team you can work with and they pull the rug out from under you. I am glad you could overcome those setbacks and you are almost done. Sending you the best of luck and wishes for Saturday. Be sure to keep us updated!

Posts: 151
Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2007 4:38 pm


#3 Post by kate0310 »

hope your recovery is going smoothly!!
when your feeling up to it we'd all love to hear how it's going!

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