Best wishes Brandy!

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#16 Post by smile2006 »

Hey- Great on making it through the surgery. You must be excited to have it behind you. Half my tongue was swollen and numb feeling for about a week (maybe a little more) after surgery. I agree, it made food taste weird and also made it difficult to feel hot and cold temps of food very much. I highly recommend alot of milk shakes with protein powder added. I loved milkshakes. They went down easy and were loaded with calories. You may be too much of a "real" cook for this but I was eating challenged forever with a splint for 6 weeks. I loved ravioli put through the blender and Stouffer's frozen mac and cheese through the blender. These particular foods still tasted like something to me. Also, I went on a pudding kick to satisfy my sweet tooth. Pudding with crushed graham cracker crumbs and a lot of cool whip is an excellent treat! Good luck, don't worry to much about the swelling. I balloned up for about 4 days and peaked. Things will get better. One more thing, I know exactly what you mean about feeling a chin for the first time. I had genio too and it was very strange to feel that new bump in my chin.

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#17 Post by nvcarissa »

Just jumping in to say welcome to the other side. I'm glad you made it through. Now comes recovery. Just listen to your body and you'll do fine.


Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

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#18 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Thanks Carissa,
Things are going very well. My swelling has gone down pretty quickly due in part to my pre-surgical nutritional prep, but also from the drainage tubes my doctor used for the first 24 hours.

So far it hasn't been too bad. The fact that I didn't have to be wired, banded, or have a splint, has been phenomenal too. I mean I'm 4 days post op and already eating soft food! I have feeling everywhere except my tongue is a bit numb and swollen, and the center of my bottom lip is numb, but already starting to come back. My chin where the genio was done is numb right on the area of advancement but I totally have feeling all around it. I think I have been very lucky, but also I have an excellent surgeon which was key. Even at 4 days post op I'm happy with my results and know it will just continue to improve.

Thanks for the well wishes though.


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#19 Post by 4beauty4symmetry »

Hi Brandy!

I tried posting on your blog but I've never blog--posted before and it didn't go thru.

Was wondering about your post-op nauseau, and if it was possibly from the morphine.

Also, my guess is the dryness around your mouth comes from the Docs possibly using a dryer/suction cup thing, to make sure their was no fluid muddying your mouth, so to speak, as they tried to work on it.

You were in surgery about 6plus hours? Was that with just one surgeon? I thot I remember you writing that two were going to work on you, which makes the surgery seem quite long.

Anyway, glad you have energy. You actually don't look that swollen to me--because we all have pix of what you looked like pre-op we can tell you are, but otherwise I, for one, wouldn't be able to tell.

Great about the soft food. Makes me think I'll be able to have similar meals a few days after surgery--my OMS does not plan to use splints or bands or whatnot for me.

Keep On Keeping On!
Dec 2006--RPE followed by SARPE surgery
Jan 2007--Braces
Nov 2007 BSSO mandibular setback, genioplasty, and two implant anchors. Surgery-eve reprieve from Lefort.
May 2008--Debraced

Surgeries in Costa Rica, Orthodontics in Massachusetts.

All to fix an openbite, crossbite, underbite, and two missing bottom molars.

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Hey Beauty

#20 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Yeah, the nurses also seem to think my nausea came from the morphine, however I didn't know for awhile that i had a suction tube next to my bed I could use so I was swallowing all the blood from my sinuses for awhile also

I was very nauseous, and prior to surgery that was my worst fear (throwing up) as when I'm in pain that is what I do. I even asked my doctor post op if I could puke so I could just feel better and he was like NO! Let them give you the anti nausea medicine.

They had to give it to me 3 times but it worked like a dream and I never got sick. Oh...another very important tip is to tell your doctor to please add baby tylenol, or other non narcotic pain relievers to your hospital orders. I had some mild discomfort, but nothing that was very bad. I asked if I could have some baby tylenol and they told me no. That it wasn't in my orders. That I could have the morhphine or roxicet but that was it for pain. I opted for nothing and thankfully it was very close to the time my doctor was checking in on me. When he did I asked him if he could add baby tylenol to my orders as I didn't want to take the morphine that it made me so nauseaous. He said , Yep no problem and they ordered it from the pharmacy for me. I don't know how it would've been though if my doctor hadn't been coming to see me very soon, but the baby tylenol worked great for me and was all I needed.

As for the length of the surgery, yes I did have two doctors. Mine and the one assisting. I had a few procedures that were done. Five in total... in addition to the upper, lower, and genio, I also had a bone graph on my lower left molar area, and they also had to scope my entire sinuseswhen they had me opened up as we had thought I might have an oral antral fistula from my previous SARPE and wisdom tooth extraction. The surgery was originally scheduled for 5 hours but did take 6. It went without a hitch though so it is all good with me. Hopefully nothing will result afterwards and continue to be smooth sailing.


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#21 Post by Yarr »

Hey Brandy, I see you are done with the surgery and doing well. Congrats! You are looking very good! Your swelling is not bad at all! (compared to mine that is :)) Hang on, you will soon be back to normal!;)

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#22 Post by kate0310 »

Brandy! I cannot believe how great you look. You honestly look less swollen than I did at two weeks- you should be so delighted. The changes in the profile shot are very noticable- in a good way! Your face looks younger for sure.

I used the baby Tylenol as well during the first week. I was told to take it with my Torodol, for the inital nights home. Baby liquid gravol was great too for my stomach.

Keep up the awesome healing!!!

and just out of curiosity- are your cheeks and nose at full feeling? I can feel mine now but they tingle.

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#23 Post by Delag »

Brandy OMG you look amazing! You have so much less bruising and swelling than when you had your SARPE. I am so glad to hear you recovery is going so well. If anyone deserves an easy go of it, it is you.

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#24 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Thanks Meryten,
Yeah I guess I'm happy with things, I mean I don't feel like I look hideous or anything, just a bit different. It is still so hard to tell for me as all I see is the swelling everywhere. I do figure that I will look most like the new me, as I did immediately out of recovery. If I turn out looking like that I will be happy. I do like my new nose though. My mom and husband think it is adorable and I rather like it myself too. so I'm sure it will be all good.

Kate, as for feeling. Yes....I feel everythingl The only spots I have any numbess or loss of sensation are the middle of my lower lip (I can feel the outside edges, and the front edge, but just not directly in the middle) I also have some numbness and tingling in the left side of my tongue, however that is also improving. I"m thinking if things continue to progress as they have been that I may just get full feeling back everywhere. I can even feel hot and cold on the top of my palate already. This surgery has actually been less of an ordeal then my SARPE, and it was twice as much work! I definitely think all the supplementation I did and exercising etc has really helped me. My doctor told me if I followed the vitamin regimen she gave me that my recovery would be 1/2 the time of others and it does seem like it is progressing along at a very steady rate. I have been continuing the supplementation post surgery as well for 6 weeks as she requested, so I'm sure that is helping too. I also feel pretty good. Went for a short walk today and have been awake all day pretty much without a nap.

Thanks Delag, I'm happy with my healing journey. Keep your fingers crossed that things continue along at this positive steady rate. At least the worst part is over. I feel very good about that!

Gab with you ladies later....I need a nap!

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Hi Brandy

#25 Post by fromjersey »

Brandy: Have been following each day since your surgery. You're looking great. A few questions: On your vitamin supplements that you say doctor recommended, exactly what are they? Also, can we assume your sleep apnea is fixed? Also, please post more profile photos. I hope you can eat, really eat, soon.

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liquid diet

#26 Post by kate0310 »

Brandy the first week on the liquids is the worst. The second week was still frusterating and I wanted food, but the third week I just gave in and embraced it...and me and the liquids learned to be friends.

When I was cleared for soft chew at my 5 weeks...It was nice for a bit but I actually MISS my liquids and I have gone back to having smoothies for breakfast.

Call me crazy, but it gets easier.

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#27 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Helen,
Well I don't know for sure if my apnea is completely cured yet, but I think it is. I know when I breath everything feels very clear and open, When I lay down it also feels the same. Sleep has been a bit allusive the last few days as it takes awhile for the sinuses to sortof regroup and get things working properly again. So up until about today I'm been pretty stuffy,and my sinuses have been draining a lot. Also, I have to sleep on my back in an upright position for the first week to help with the reduction of swelling. I'm a total stomach/side sleeper for the most part and sleeping on my back, trying not to roll on my sides and put pressure on my jaws has been rough.

I will let you know how things go tomorrow, as I have not had a nap today and I'm hoping that tonight I will get my first good night of sleep.

I will post some more profile shots, however, until the swelling comes down in my cheeks more they all pretty much look the same.

Here is what I was taking beginning 5 weeks prior to surgery. My OS had me stop taking all supplements except the vitamin C and B12 at 1 week prior to surgery.

Vitamins and Supplements

BioEnhance Multinutrient formula - 2 Capsules 3 time daily (6 total) ... gory_Code=

These are in addition to whats in the Multivitamin

Rainbow Light Food based Calcium – 500mg, magnesium 250mg, vitamin D3 200IU, other ingredients - Stinging nettle 20mg, horsetail 20mg, spirulina 20mg. I bought this at Fred Meyers

Vitamim C - Emergen C packets - 1000mg vitamin + B vitamins and 32 mineral complexes, and 7 mineral ascorbates I take 2-3 packets a day.
(See attached info sheet for breakdown) I buy this at Fred Meyers

Vitamin A - 10,000 IU (1 capsules twice a day) 20,000 IU total - Purchased at Fred Meyers

Nutrasanus Centella Asiatic (gotu kola) 450mg (1 capsule three time daily) 1300mg total

Natures Life Zinc (picolonate) 30mg (1 capsule daily)

Bromelain Capsules – Beginning two days before surgery and 10 days afterwards (3 capsules, 3 times daily) ... &catid=635
Arnica Montana – 3 pellets under tongue every 1-3 hours as soon as possible after surgery (the bromelain and arnica come together as a kit)

You'll have to web search the rest of them I can't remember which company I ordered them from. The brands are there though so they should't be too hard to find.

Hope this helps.


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#28 Post by 4beauty4symmetry »

Brandy or anyone else:

Have you tried pureeing or blending fish?

Seems to me salmon, tuna, and sardines would blend okay. A little rough, perhaps, but doable.

I've been eating one of the above fishes, and of those above fishes only ones that come from the sea, just about every day now, to prepare for my upcoming Big Jaw Surgery. Figure the Omega-3 will help preserve/restore nerve function.
Dec 2006--RPE followed by SARPE surgery
Jan 2007--Braces
Nov 2007 BSSO mandibular setback, genioplasty, and two implant anchors. Surgery-eve reprieve from Lefort.
May 2008--Debraced

Surgeries in Costa Rica, Orthodontics in Massachusetts.

All to fix an openbite, crossbite, underbite, and two missing bottom molars.

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#29 Post by crazybeautiful »

You could always go to a fancy restaurant and order a very expensive salmon mousse! :wink: Why would anyone pay to go through what you (and me, eventually) have to? :roll:

Brandy, I'm new here so hello first of all. Your blog has been very informative and interesting as I'm just starting my 'journey' so it has been very helpful- as has this forum in general so thank you everyone (particularly Meryaten, you font of knowledge! :wink: ). Anyway Brandy, may I say your results, even at this early stage post-op, are amazing. You look very well indeed for someone 'just' out of surgery.


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#30 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

I haven't tried pureeing fish yet, but I do have a piece of halibut I'm going to give a whirl tonight (no pun intended). I'm sure it would be fine, I blended pot roast the other night and ate that. It was really good when I took it and put it in the Magic bullet with some homemade mashed potatoes and gravy. It came out like smooth baby food and I was able to eat it with a baby spoon no sweat. Didn't look the prettiest but it tasted awesome so I didn't really care!

I would think you could blend the fish and even add it to something. Maybe like some cream of potatoto soup? I have to admit I'm still mostly using the zip and squeeze bags. Eating from a spoon really works my jaw and tongue muscles which are really sore right now. With the zip and squeeze I can just put it in my mouth, squeeze, and swallow.

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