Surgery Date getting closer!

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Surgery Date getting closer!

#1 Post by vgmessenger »

Hell all I have been reading a little bit of everything and now I have got myself all worked up!! I am having a Bilaterial Saggital Split Osteotomy for my Mandibular Hypoplasia. My date has been set for June the 19th and it seems to be closing in on me fast... I have done all the pre op testing and registration and I only lack donating my blood. My kids are going to stay with my mother for 2 weeks so at least I will have that time to get recoop. Any suggestions for the pain or anything you can think that I really need for the hospital. I will be inpatient and my Doc did say I will be in intensive care unit when I am out of surgery. I want to be ready, so I am looking for advise......... Thanks, Victoria from Alabama

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#2 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Don't give blood! I was going to do it and my doctor adviced against it. He says they used to have people routiniely donate, however, he has been doing this surgery for 30 years and has never had to use the blood. They have found that it can actually slow done your recovery as it reduces your blood count. Thus in addition to your body having to make up the blood loss during surgery it iwill also still be working on replenshiing that which you donated.

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#3 Post by ohmyjaw »

I would agree that one of the most important things is to plan your food Of course, if you are banded or wired at at all you will need to think about what kinds of things you will want to blend - soups, milkshakes, etc. I found it was great to have lots of "comfort" foods. Anything with chocolate in it...

Do you have anyone to help you out at home? I only had someone stay with me the first night, and that was fine, but if that is your case you will want to be extra-prepared with food and such. And have a friend on "stand-by" in case you need anything.

As for pain, your surgeon will prescribe something for you to take when you get home. Ice packs are also great - was a life-saver for me. And don't hestitate to call your surgeon if you are having any difficulties whatsoever.

Let us know if there's anything else you're wondering about!

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#4 Post by vgmessenger »

Thank you guys so much for all the info. I will keep everyone posted, I think I will move my Laptop into the bedroom before I leave for the hospital that way it will be ready for me when I need it. So are there any sites you guys might recommend for food ideas?? My hunny will prob be with me for a day or two, after that I have lots of great friends and family that will stop by. I am most looking foward to the rest, (I have a six year old little girl and a 2 year old little girl). My OS did tell me that he would give me good meds and they do not wire or band shut afterwards.

Another question Does anyone here suffer with sleep apnea? I use a CPAP machine and I was wondering if I needed to take it with me to the hospital or not? Did your Sleep Apnea get better once you had surgery?
Thanks again,

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#5 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

HEy Victoria,
I would ask your doctor about the CPAP. I mean I know you won't need it during surgery but not sure what the plan would be for afterwards. I just had my upper and lower done primarily to deal with my Apnea issues, (I also had a palate expansion last year too) and yes it has at this moment eliminated my apnea. I'm convinced that once I fully heal it will be totally gone. I did not use a CPAP, as I was not compatibile with it. Have you talked with your doctor about correcting your apnea? I mean if they are going to do the surgery you might want to discuss with him the possibility of addressing your apnea too.

I was originally scheduled for lower only, but had upper, lower, and genio, so as to eliminate my apnea. You can check out my blog link below if you like.


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#6 Post by vgmessenger »

Hey Brandy I checked out your blog that was cool. I am thinking about doing that myself...

Initially my Ortho said both to correct overbite but who knows then he decided bottom only.

I am really having the BSSO for the overbite but wouldn't that be a nice added bonus if it did reduced the Sleep Apnea some. My brother did have surgery for SA and to this day he is still using his CPAP machine. His surgery was 11 years ago. He still snores like a freight train... So better luck for me maybe.

Thanks again everybody.

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#7 Post by vgmessenger »

Wow I got my jaw Wrap and ZNS yesterday!! Pretty quick!!!

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#8 Post by anabel »

I wouldn't think you'd be able to tolerate the CPAP mask right after surgery. There might be pain and pressure issues. Also might be awkward trying to fit a jaw wrap and the mask on at the same time.
Braces on July 2005
Upper/Lower/Genio July 2006
Braces off June 2007

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Good luck Victoria!

#9 Post by fromjersey »

On the sleep apnea, maybe your brother had surgery on his uvula and palate and that surgery does not have a high success rate. Surgery on lower jaw, especially genioplasty or genioglossus advancement have much higher success rate. Tongue is brought forward, keeping it from blocking airway. I hope you tell your OS about your apnea. It's a bonus to have that fixed too.

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#10 Post by vgmessenger »

Wow I can not believe that Tuesday is just around the corner. I am totally nervous!! We droppped the kids off at my moms and I am having a great massage on Monday, hopefully that will calm my nerves some. Any last minute advice would be great!!

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#11 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

I'm sure this is wasted advice, but do try and relax. Trust me when I say the build up, and anticipation is far worse then the actual surgery itself.
I had upper, lower, and genio about 24 days ago. I was very scared when I finally went into surgery, but it truly wasn't near as bad has I had anticipated.

A positive attitude will do wonders for you! Try and relax and trust in your doctor.


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