DAY 3 Post-Op- *pics and updates* (upper/lower/genio)

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#91 Post by ohmyjaw »

Hi Kate,

Your profile looks great! You must be thrilled.

I had some nose "issues" after surgery as well. I think that area remained tender longer than anywhere else, and I couldn't stretch my lip to the side because the pulling on my nose was really painful. And my right nostril is still bigger than the left (but getting smaller, slowly). Also, my swelling is still going down, even at nine weeks after surgery. If I poke my face on either side of my nose, I can feel the plates and screw. It's weird.

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#92 Post by kate0310 »

ohmyjaw- ohh good! not that I'm glad you've had nose troubles too, but I'm glad I'm not alone on it. My left nostril remains more swollen, and yes I can relate to that painful stretching feeling. Ive been poking around a bit to try and feel the plates and screws, no luck yet but maybe once a bit more swelling goes I will.

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#93 Post by WhiteLurcher »

Ha! So this nose thing is normal is it? What a relief, I'm 10 days post-op and most of my problems are centred on my nose. It's not blocked but I feel a lot of horrible pressure particularly on the right side, its really awful when I yawn (Which is lots!)I feel like my mid-face is about to split :shock: I'm also desperately hoping it is only the swelling that makes it look the way it does now :paperbag: I just don't look like me!
Patients I know!! :roll: I just hope my results are as good as yours at 5 weeks (when I go back to work!) You look great :banana:

Unfortunately unlike you I see a lot of elastics and such in my near future as my bite is rather off, not to mention I still seem to have a bit of an overbite, but maybe I'm just expecting too much at the mo!

All the best!


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bad day

#94 Post by kate0310 »

6 and a half weeks

OK so today was a BAD day, which seems very strange after I've had such a pain free good week. I woke up at 5am this morning in agony, with super sharp pain going through my jaw. It subsided in about 10 minutes, and I went back to sleep. However, all day was very achy and I had to resort to extra strength tylonel which was not effective, so I'm not sure what all this is about. I might try doing liquids again for a few days to see if that changes things, otherwise maybe my surgeon should get a call if its still bad later in the week. I feel a bit more swollen too, but I could be imagining that too.


On a more positive note, my step-dad bought a new blender today after our other one exploded, and its the most amazing blender ever so I'm pretty pumped about the new smoothie potential in my life.

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#95 Post by nvcarissa »

Kate, this happened to me too! I'd wake up in excruciating pain. I spoke to my OS about it and he said that it most likely was muscle spasms and prescribed a muscle relaxer (Valium) to take just before bed time for a week.

Even though your jaw is in a new position, your brain is trying to "put it back" and this can cause unconscious clenching at night and therefore the pain.

If this continues, contact your OS.

Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

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#96 Post by Yarr »

Hey Kate, just droped in to see how evryone was doing. It sucks that you are experiencing pain from time to time, but I am sure it will all pass very soon. Compared to the first weeks this is nothing ill bet. Just focus on the bright side, and you will be out of this mess in no time . :D

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check in

#97 Post by kate0310 »

Yarr! Nice to hear from you- how's the ol' Jaw doing? Are you eating up a storm yet?

I'm actually better today. Certain angles of lying in bed are really not good, and certain movements I make during the day are more sore...but its not bad today. Not complaint worthy.

My prom is in two days, and Im paying $50.00 for a meal that I can't even eat. Just means my dress will fit more comfortably :lol:

Orthodontist tommorow- I think I'm going to ask the famous "how long in braces" question- and hopefully bolts of lightning will not shoot from my ortho's eyes at me.

After reading Brandy's blog, I am feeling a bit worrysome about my numbness. THe bottom half of my face is still quite numb. And my lower lip might as well not exist. I don't care so much if I ever get feeling in my chin back, but I would be slightly devastated about my lips.
It's still to early to get worried I suppose...

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#98 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Kate,
Please don't stress about the numbness. I have no idea why this surgery is going so well for me, but I can tell you that with my SARPE it took much longer. I came out of surgery and couldn't feel my face from like under my eyes down. My mouth was really numb and seriously it took 14 months for me to get all the feeling back. It did come back though, even though it was slow, and I"m 43 years old. Trust me, it will be fine. I'm sure you know though that wiith lower jaw surgery there is always a chance of some permanent numbness, especially in the lower lip and chin right? It is pretty unlikely at your age that you would have this, but it is a possibility.

You are still way too early to be worrying about it though, I think we all just recover at different rates and when our body is ready. Try and relax about it. It will work itself out when its ready.

As for the liquid diet thing, honestly I'm not really having that much trouble with it. I think because I have been trying a lot of things. Honestly I rather like it right now, as it keeps me from having to work to hard to get food into me. I'm still using the zip and squeeze bags as they are just easier for me right now while my muscles are so sore. Have you lost a lot of weight doing the liquids? My doctor said NO CHEWING PERIOD for 6 weeks I'm sure as the swelling continues to come down I will do more of the fork smash stuff but for now it is mostly liquids. I've lost 12lbs in 6 days.

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7.5 weeks

#99 Post by kate0310 »

7.5 weeks

Just a quick update before bed:

The left side of my face has been SO achy the last three days, im starting to go a bit crazy. I'm back to constant painkillers, and I'm just wondering when on earth this ache goes away. My prom was Thursday- so my guess is that maybe the constant smiling for pictures is what hurt me, but since then I've been very sore. Even on advil right now, its just throbbing. :(

On a more positive note, everyone was shocked at how I looked at prom. Since I havn't been back to school at all, no one has seen my except my closer friends so I got quite the reaction :) That was nice. The pictures became torturous, but the swelling is hardly noticable.

Since ortho, im wearing 3 elastics. I can open my mouth 27 mm as of 7 weeks. The prognosis was 8 months minimum more of braces, how depressing.

Ok, too much pain to type any more. Gonna try and get some sleep.

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#100 Post by kate0310 »

oh and in response to Brandy's question- I didn't lose any weight from the liquid diet- I've been going to the gym so I might be a bit less from that.

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8 weeks

#101 Post by kate0310 »

8 Weeks

Feeling much better since my last post- Yesterday was FINALLY less painful, and today was great. First day off Advil in a LONG time.

I had an emergency ortho appt. 2 days ago because the whole band around my top molar came off, and it holds one of my elastics. So I had wire jabbing into me and my mouth became a bit of a mess.

At ortho, they couldnt get the band back on because of bad ROM and also so much swelling in my mouth, so they changed it to a buttom to hold the elastic - my ortho also decided to add more elastics. I've now got 4, and apart from sore jaw hurts much LESS with them holding my bite secure.

I chewed a piece of a pizza at dinner tonight...took an hour but I did it :lol: I swelled up a bit after, but not bad.

Thats all for now.

Oh, and half my bottom lip and chin is still totally numb- the rest of me atleast tingles but im getting impatient with not feeling my lip. Who cares about the chin....

chin before, and chin @ prom :)

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#102 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Wow Kate,
Glad to hear that things are getting better. I'm not sure if there is an actual progression for the restoration of feeling (I think there is) but I do think it starts at the chin and works its way up. My chin it really burny and I've actually gotten a lot of feeling back in it over the past couple days. I've noticed that my bottom lip is now starting to improve too. It is still numb in parts but I have a lot more control over it and it doesn't feel so huge. It is definitely going down.

Hopefully if your chin is tingly then your lip is close behind. I'm already annoyed with it and I've only been dealing with it for 15 days. I can imagine your frustration after 8 weeks!

OMG pizza sounds heavenly....not that I would want to try it right now or anything, but I know when the time comes, I will surely be looking forward to it! Keep up the great healing!


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#103 Post by iheartmypanda »

Hi Kate!
I'm at week 6 with plenty of numbness (my chin and my lips- which have tingles but I can it's going to be a while!). OS says I might just be a slow healer. So don't stress!
That's awesome that you can have pizza. I'm not allowed anything extra chewy such as bagles or anyting hard.
Oh well, all with time! You looked so much better at six weeks that I do now!
I think you look amazing! How do you feel about it?

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ice cube test

#104 Post by kate0310 »

P.s. As a little numbness test, I just put an icecube in my mouth, and I can feel the cold on my left side, but not my right yet.
Last edited by kate0310 on Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#105 Post by Gem »

Hi Kate

you are looking amazing, I am sorry to read about your recent troubles. os told me on friday that the nerves won't be completely normal until the 12 month mark. however I never accepted that from the beginning so I have been massaging the chin and face since week 2 and sensation is probably at 80%. Plus when I am in front of a mirror or brushing my teeth I force myself to smile and make facial gestures and that seems to help as well. are you icing? my pt told me I am actually still rather swollen(but compared to day 1 I look normal now) and should be icing 3x for 10mins so maybe that might help. I hope you feel better soon!

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