Sleep Study For Sleep Apena

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Sleep Study For Sleep Apena

#1 Post by Braceschris »

I had my sleep study done last night and here are the details for people that maynot have had one and looking at having one done.

I went in about 8:00 P.M. and then about 9:00 P.M. they got me hooked up with wires from head to toe. The jel in the hair is not bad to wash out the moring. This took about 20 minutes and they also asked me what type of mask I would like to try. My test was to be a split test where they do the sleep test and then they fit you with a mask.

At about 10:30 they came in and had me laid down and they hooked me up to the system and spent about 15 minutes doing systems checks with jaw movements, eye movements. Then I went to sleep. Not sure what time but go up once in the middle of the night to use the restroom. They have to come in and unhook you and then rehook you up. I asked at that point how things were going and if things were good or what. She did not really say anything and I asked when they would come back about the mask and she was not sure. So then they got me up about 5:45 and said the test was done. I asked here hoe it went and why they did not do a mask. She said that my numbers were below but that had a wide range from sleep Apena to breathng issues. She said that is why tehy did not do the mask. She was not sure if I would need a V Pap, C Pap, Bi-Pap. Not really sure what all they mean. She said that they doctor will look at them and then go from there. They took all the wires off me and I cleaned up and left for the day.

Here is are my question to the group.

1) Did you do a sleep study? Yes or No

2) If yes what did they say that you had?

3) How did you/they figure out that it was related to your bite or Jaw?

4) How soon after surgery did you go back for another sleep study to ensure that the problem was corrected?

5) If you still had sleep anpena after the jaw work was the problem do to weight or what?

At this time Iam not sure if it do to my weight and or jaw. I did have braces as an teenager/adult.

I have been looking into the pilliar procedure and maybe a dental retainer but not sure at this time.

I hope that this will shed light on sleep study test and answer some questions that I have.


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Sleep apnea

#2 Post by fromjersey »

1. Yes, I had sleep study.
2. It showed "mild" obstructive apnea. I woke up 39 times an hour and stopped breathing 9.8 times an hour.
3. Mine related to jaw. Retruded mandible and Class II can push tongue back into airway. I had x-rays by oral surgeon showing airway about half normal size due to this. So this kind of obstruction rather than being overweight is visible and measurable. Also obvious from my body, 114 lbs. It's reportedly common for people with retruded mandibles to have sleep apnea.
4 and 5. I haven't done anything yet. Thinking of sliding genioplasty. This and sagittal split surgery can relieve obstruction.

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#3 Post by vgmessenger »

1. yes, I have sleep apnea and i went back for a second night to see just how much better the sleep was with the mack on.

2. I also have "mild" obstructive apnea. my doc said mine was related to my facial structure.

3. I saw the ortho for ortho reasons not the sleep apnea but he did say that the Bilaterial Saggital Split Osteotomy would most likely help that alot too.

We will see I am only 3 days post Op!!! My husband did say I napped today on my back and did not make a sound .........

anyways hope this helps seems like they have some more info to give you.


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#4 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

1) Did you do a sleep study? Yes or No - Yes I did

2) If yes what did they say that you had? said I had severe Upper Airway Resistance sleep apnea. Was waking 25-30 times an hour, however my oxygen levels were good. I did not get to sleep for a long time though and they only got less then 2 hours of useable info, with me sleeping on my side. I can tell you that I used to wake up gasping for air, so while they did not record any obstructive events, I definitely had them.

3) How did you/they figure out that it was related to your bite or Jaw? - I had a small maxilla/palate, and a retronathic jaw. I tried bipap which was a total no go for me. Then we used a Mandibular advancement device. I had tremendous success with the appliance. Starting dreaming again, and things improved greatly, however, I have TMJ and it really aggravated things and was moving my teeth around creating more issues.

4) How soon after surgery did you go back for another sleep study to ensure that the problem was corrected? - I'm only 4 weeks post MMA but I will not be having another study done. I hate those things and I know by the fact that I'm dreaming many times a night now that my apnea is gone.

5) If you still had sleep anpena after the jaw work was the problem do to weight or what? - Didn't have that issue, but no mine was never due to weight, even my ENT early on said I most likely had it due to my retronathic jaw.

At this time I'am not sure if it do to my weight and or jaw. I did have braces as an teenager/adult. - weight can play into the possible reason but is often not the only cause. Honestly this is not the forum to gather this kind of info from. Here are some websites that will give you much better info regarding sleep apnea and the choices for treatment. ... um.php?f=1

These sites can answer just about any questions you may have on treatment for sleep apnea. Also, on the sleepnet site read the "ask a doctor" questions. There is one in particular that addresses the pillar procedure. I would not recommend it. Dr Kasey Li. is world reknown for this type of surgery. He does roughly 30 per week specifically addressing sleep apnea. He is the doctor who answers the questions on that board and he also does not recommend the pillar procedure. It has not been very successful. I have done a ton of research on this sort of thing as it is the reason I decided to pursue all this. For the sake of relieving my Apnea I had full braces, a surgically assisted rapid palate expansion, and just recently upper, lower, and genio. Surgery is usually a last resort, but can also be a more likely choice depending on what your diagnosis is. If your apnea is mild then a mandibular advancement device might be the easiest way to go.

Most of the people on this board are doing this sort of surgery to correct dental malloclusions. Honestly, I'm the only one I know of on here that has actually pursued all of this strictly to correct my apnea. Most are doing it for other issues and hoping it will fix their apnea, or that that will be a benefit from the surgery. Check out my blog below. I have several links on there regarding apnea issues. Also there are several links to people who have had MMA's on there to correct their apnea.

The sleepnet forums have a wealth of information check them out. You will probably find a ton of info on there. It is a wonderful resource.

Hope this helps some!


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#5 Post by jjames »

WOW - this is so amazing. I hadn't really made the connection between sleep apnea and a retronathic jaw so clearly till reading this thread. But you know it makes TOTAL sense about the tongue obstructing the airway. Since the elastics I am wearing push my jaw farther back even farther so they can bring my top teeth foward in prep for my BSSO - I've noticed I've been waking up over and over at night. I just thought it was because the elastics were forcing my mouth open when my jaw muscles relax and that's what wakes me up - but this is a great thread. Best of luck to you all on correcting the apnea problem and Brandy I'm so glad your dreams have returned.

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#6 Post by Braceschris »

Thanks for all the information and advice. Thanks Brandyleigh35 and seriously for all you help advice through the pm mail system.



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#7 Post by platinum »

1) Did you do a sleep study? Yes or No


2) If yes what did they say that you had?

Very mild apnea, no need to have further treatment if I dont really want to. I could have had soft tissue behind my upper palate tihgtened.

3) How did you/they figure out that it was related to your bite or Jaw?

No mention about my bite, just loose tissue.

4) How soon after surgery did you go back for another sleep study to ensure that the problem was corrected?

No need to go.

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Up Date

#8 Post by Braceschris »

Well I talked with the doctor on Friday about the results and I have sleep apena. He wants me to start out on the cpap. The machine he wants me on will adjust to the pressure that I will need and not just a constant pressure all the time. He is not sure at this point as to what is causing the sleep apena. He thinks that a lot of it has to do with my weight. He feels that it could go away if I loose weight. But he also is not 100% sure that is the case. So I hopeing to have lapband weight loss surgery in the next 6 months and go from there. I did ask the him about my jaw and he did say that you could have the perfict jaw and streight teeth from braces and that your jaw line could still cause sleep apnea. He said let's start and take it a step at a time and go from there. He was very please that someone was asking a lot of questions and was informed coming in. So thanks to this site and everybody here and other sites as well. I will keep you up to date as to what happens. Hope to get machine this week or next.


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#9 Post by hedybleu »

1) Did you do a sleep study? Yes

2) If yes what did they say that you had? The sleep techs wouldn't tell me anything. When I saw the Dr later he said severe sleep apnea - over 49 apneas but good oxygen levels.

3) How did you/they figure out that it was related to your bite or Jaw? The sleep doctors never did tell me anything about my jaw possibily being the problem. When I went to the Ortho to discuss invisalign for cosmetic purposes, he told me about my recessed lower jaw affecting my sleep.

4) How soon after surgery did you go back for another sleep study to ensure that the problem was corrected? Haven't had surgery yet, but I don't think I would need a sleep study after surgery unless I was still having apneas.

5) If you still had sleep apena after the jaw work was the problem do to weight or what? I have not yet had the jaw surgery but I do have weight issues. My weight has fluctuated from 160 to 270 during my adult life (I'm 5'10"), but I had sleep apnea throughout, regardless of my weight. My weight was only 160/170 when I was diagnoised.

I hope you have great success with the CPAP. I have used CPAP off & on since 95. CPAP is challenging to get use to and many people do not tolorate it well. Be sure to discuss any problems you experience with your assigned sleep tech. There iare a wide variety of masks and machines out now, so it is his job to help find the best "fit" for you. Again, best of luck in your journey! ~ Hedybleu


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#10 Post by Braceschris »

It is hard to beleive that it has been 13 months since I have been
banded. A lot of things have happen since being banded and I will do
that in another post.

In June of 2007 I went in for a sleep study and found out that I did
indeed have sleep apena. I was put on a CPAP machine in August 07 and
did ok with it. I was banded in September of 2007. After being banded
I was having some issues with the CPAP machine, in regards to being
bloated all the time and taking the mask off at night. I talked with
my doctor about this and he had the machine set to the lowest
settings. He also suggested that I look into getting a dental
applaince. I went and meet with the dentist who deals in sleep apnea
and she said it would not be a problem and so it took about 4 months
to get it approved by insurance. I was fitted with the herbest
retainer in February, 2008. I went back to my doctor who handles the
sleep apnea in August and he was real pleased with the way I looked
and the amount of weight lost. So the doctor order a new sleep study.
I had the sleep study on year to the date of being banded. I will say
that the band can help people get away from using the CPAP. Keep in
mind that everyone is differant and what works for one might not work
for the other person. Here is the results of the study:

Per Band
Original study (pre weight loss)
Weight 250 BMI 40
Breathing event per hour: 68
Total breathing cessation per hour: 49
Lowest recorded oxygen level: 70%

New Study: post weight loss
Weight 186 BMI 29.1
Breathing events per hour: 19.4
Total breathing cessation per hour: 19.4
Lowest recorded oxygen level: 91%

With the Herbst Retainer Dental Device:
Breathing events per hour: 4.6 (counting little bitty ones 6.2)
Total breathing cessation per hour: 4
Lowest oxygen level: 92%

It turns out that with the Herbst, you are worst when you lie on your
left side. Then you have 8.3 events per hour. In dream sleep, you
have 10.2 events per hour.

I went to the sleep doctor this week to review this study and he said
that I could stop using the CPAP Machine and continue with the Herbst
Retainer. He also said that my numbers were low enough that even if I
did not use the retainer that I could do away with the CPAP. He also
felt the numbers would go down lower with more weight loss. My goal
range is between 165-175. He also said that I did not need to come
back and see him unless I feel that Iam having problems. He said that
I can just go back to the dentist and get a new herbest retainer when
this one wears out in a few years. Also I no longer have any snoring
issues either.

So as you can see here proof is in the pudding about the band and how
it can help everyone out. It just takes a lot of time and effort to
make it all happen. It does not happen overnight.

Pre Band 250
Now 184

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