
This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#1 Post by asd »

Hiya, i was wondering how long it takes for the numbness to fade? Im told it can take upto a year for the lip and chin feeling to come back but i have no idea untill the rest of my face will stop being numb. I had surgery 8 days ago.

Thanks for any help

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#2 Post by vgmessenger »

asd, I was wondering the same thing. I am 7 days out today!! I look like a old person when I am eating. I am constantly wiping my face to make sure there is no food on my chin or bottom lip. My lip tingles so I feel like that feeling will come back sooner than my chin but who knows.


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#3 Post by asd »

oo same i feel like a baby constantly drippelling food down my chin! Sicnc the 3rd day ive experienced these terrible tingly feeling in random patches on my face where the nerves must be fixing, i think im getting the feeling back in a few parts - just under my eyes and a bit around my jaw line i can now feel again

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#4 Post by iheartmypanda »

Don't worry! I stopped the constant slobberling going into week 3 I think.. most of the facial feeling except chin and lips was back too!
Hang in there!

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#5 Post by TheUnk311 »

I'm 6 weeks post op now and my tingling sensations have decreased a lot. I still get them occasionaly but not nearly as frequent as before. I have feeling on the surface on my chin/lip almost everywhere. Still not much deep feeling and my chin/lip still feels kinda stiff.

I don't know if I should miss the tingling or not, doc said it was a sign that things are returning to normal, so what does that mean when there is lack of it? =/

Sometimes I feel food/liquid on my lip, othertimes I don't and only find it when I use a napkin. So, I always clean up a bit every few bites or so.

I believe the feeling in rest of the face will come back a lot quicker than chin/lower lip, not too sure as I only had lower myself.

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#6 Post by asd »

Thanks TheUnk311, how r u feeling after the 6th week? I am told my bands will be taken off after 6 weeks. Are you able to eat normal food?

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#7 Post by TheUnk311 »

I feel great. Everything is pretty much back to normal. I'm eating just about everything I did before now. It is a little slower than before, but has been improving really fast (only been chewing for about a week now). I find I can talk pretty well now and feel like even if my numbness did not improve any further that I would manage just fine with it.

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#8 Post by asd »

Wow it must be great to eat normal food. I had my bands changed yesterday so they are slightly less tight, they were undone for a moment and i was able to open my mouth it felt so wierd as if my jaw was going to fall off and had no strength, really scared me! But im told thats normal the first time.

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#9 Post by vgmessenger »

so what have you guys been eating? Last night my sister made a homemade soup with cabbage, potatoes, carrotts, onions, peppers, garlic, squash, zuchinni, and bacon. Of course I put mine in the Food Processor and it ended up looking like baby mush but honestly it was the best meal I have had since my BSSO. Just kinda wondering how everyone else has survived. I am craving something, but nothing seems to do the trick.

I should have bought stock in napkins.


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#10 Post by asd »

Im 17 so luckily my mum has been making all my meals! Shes bought soups or prosessed alot off food, i have homemade soups using potatoes, bacons, leeks, carrots. Ive also tried Babyfood but dont really like them, although their pudding are great such as apple and bannana yogurt type things. My mums also been making my some great deserts by prossesing fruits such as banannas and strawberrys mixed with creme or yogurt. I ordered zip and squeze yesterday just hope they get here soon takes forever with siringes and i have red sores all over my mouth!!

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#11 Post by asd »

Im 17 so luckily my mum has been making all my meals! Shes bought soups or prosessed alot off food, i have homemade soups using potatoes, bacons, leeks, carrots. Ive also tried Babyfood but dont really like them, although their pudding are great such as apple and bannana yogurt type things. My mums also been making my some great deserts by prossesing fruits such as banannas and strawberrys mixed with creme or yogurt. I ordered zip and squeze yesterday just hope they get here soon takes forever with siringes and i have red sores all over my mouth!!

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#12 Post by sillikitti »

For the first few days I lived off of Boost and soup broth...after a week when I got looser elastics I've been eating pasta, chicken, rice, soup..basically anything as long as I cut it up into teeny pieces and just swallow it.

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