BSSO revision?

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BSSO revision?

#1 Post by massey1873 »

I am so emotionally tired. I had my BSSO on May 8th. The surgeon damaged a nerve and part of my face is completely numb. He recommended I see a nerve specialist the day after surgeon. Well today my second visit to the ortho, the ortho said that my relapse (my surgeon took my bite splint out at three weeks and I saw the ortho four days later and apparently had relapsed) is 2mm.

This is my third time in braces. I got them and decided on surgery because apparently my migraines were caused by my bite.

So should I go see the specialist for another jaw surgery to fix the 2mm and possibly the nerve?

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#2 Post by platinum »

I had a suspect that one if my hand nerves was damaged. Hand surgeon open the wound and checked teh nerve. It was ok. But if it would have been damaged my hand would have put in a plaster cast in order to immobilize the hand and get for the nerve a possibility to heal.

I dont know how old you are but in one other forum I read about a case who had relapse. Her doctor told her that young women are more prone to have unsuccesful operation. Causes for that could be hormonal (pills) or throat ache in young age (angina).

Here is a link to the forum/discussion: ... 0214508499

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#3 Post by massey1873 »

Thanks for the replies. I am definately needing some advice from those of you who have been through this. Stats; I am 27 Married Female with two kids. This is my third time in braces. The first time, my mom refused surgery and my bite wasn't fixed right with elastics. The second was for cosmetic. My dentist and ortho believe that due to the loosening of joints during pregnancies, my jaw resorted faster to its original/bad shape. After five years of seeing a neurologist for migraines, my dentist and ortho determined my symptoms were completely a result from the bite compressing the trigemenal nerve (migraines, blurred/double vision in one eye, face twitching on one side, and tingling and numbness in my face). I haven't had a headache since about two months into the third round of braces. My big issue today was basically that since I started the rubber band (only on one side) headaches have came back. So far, no migraines and the headaches have been attributed to the tension of the rubber band and its assymetry.

As far as the relapse goes, I don't think I had one. I saw my OS last week and he was still saying my bite was "right on". THat is after my ortho said I had relapsed. I think my OS didn't do what the ortho wanted. The OS fixed the overjet but did not attempt to line up the midline(?). I had internal rigid fixation (four screws on each side).

I talked to my ortho since posting this (called about an hour after my appt). He said he wouldn't do surgery for 2mm although it is hard to tell how my mouth will respond to elastics (due to adult and previous attempts at elastics). He told me to definately contact the jaw nerve specialist and that if he can fix the nerve, he could fix the 2mm.

I am nervous about seeing another surgeon although it is obvious my current OS screwed up. I am going to ask for my medical records tomorrow to determine to what extent. Especially since the OS has been so vague as to how or too what extent my nerve what damaged.

Sorry so long. Thanks for reading if you made it this far.

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#4 Post by ohmyjaw »

This sounds like a really tough situation, but I think you are doing the right thing by seeing another surgeon - even if it's just to get more information.

Is the first surgeon sure that the nerve won't get any better on its own? Sometimes it can take months for feeling to come back. I had surgery 3 months ago and I still have some numbness. Do you have any sensation at all? Like pins and needles, or anything along those lines?

I hope your orthodontist can fix your midline... best wishes and hang in there.

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#5 Post by massey1873 »

I had mild tingling in my chin for the first few weeks, particulary in just one specific spot (I noticed because when it tingled I would touch it and thus the wonders of acne). Anways, the tingling has really slowed down (i am 7 weeks out). My OS didn't expect me to have any tingling, if that tells you how badly the nerve was damaged. He is expecting that what ever feeling I have at three months will be it. Although the itching/tingling right after is a good sign I don't think he is expecting any feeling to return.

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#6 Post by massey1873 »

I think one big question here is what effect would correcting that midline have on your jaw pain/headache issue?

That is totally my issue. Will fixing the 2mm fix the problem or will attempting to fix the 2mm make the problem worse. I am hoping this nerve specialist will be able to tell me since apparently attributing migraines (even with my weird symptoms) to my bite, specifically pressing into the nerve is new science.

I feel like I could throw up thinking about going through another jaw surgery. With two little kids, this surgery was really emotionally hard on my family.

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#7 Post by HighandLo »


I totally feel for you. I would definitely get another opinion about something as important as nerve damage. Better to have too much information rather than too little.

I am having a BSSO on Saturday and have much the same problems as you do (did). A definite asymmetry and headaches every day. I will also have elastics and am wondering on the effects of changing my facial muscles in relation to the headaches.

My OS told me it could take 6 months to a year to get all feeling back (if I did). I am 47 and he said it takes longer for someone over 25. It seems like every OS has a different opinion on this! I wouldn't give up on your nerves regenerating just yet.


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