1 week post-op

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1 week post-op

#1 Post by AndyH »

It's been one week since my BSSO and genio so I thought I would tell you about the experience.

Last Tuesday I checked in to the Hospital at 10am and was scheduled to go into surgery at 12.30. Got to my room and went through the normal procedures (pulse, BP etc) and the nurse asked me some questions about my general health and alergies etc. The last question was "On average how much alcohol do you consume on a weekly basis"......uh oh. A 20 year old Scottish lad at university in Glasgow? I dunno....a hundred times the safe amount? I lied and I'm pretty sure she knew it. :lol:

After all that I was given my ultra sexy hospital gown and some stupid stockings like the ones you wear on a plane to prevent DVT. Apparently standard procedure for any overnight patients because you're in bed for so long. I'm pretty sure the nurse fancied me and dressed like that...who can blame her?

The surgeon and anast...anaest...the bloke that knocks you out came in and went through the procedure again and any questions I had. Then it was off to theatre.

I was given some stuff to reduce swelling and some anti-biotics then the third syringe was the anaesthetic (I can spell the stuff just not the bloke that uses it).

Four hours later I was lying in recovery. I don't remember but apparently I woke up and passed out several times in recovery and was complaining of feeling sick so I stayed there for 2 hours as opposed to the planned 45 mins-1hour. The first thing I do remember is when I woke up properly and the surgeon asked how I was feeling to which I replied "Well at least now I know what it feels like to go 12 rounds with Mike Tyson" and I wasn't feeling sick anymore so I was wheeled down to the High Dependancy Unit.

That night was pretty rough. I threw up blood a couple of times. Those of you worried about being sick whilst tight banded don't worry about it. It WILL come out. Apart from that I just generally felt pretty awful. I did ask for morphine a couple of times which helped but also made me feel sick so I decided to just forget about pain meds and just deal with the little pain I had.

The surgeon and ortho both came and saw me the next morning and were both very pleased with the outcome. Couldn't have gone better apparently. The surgeon was also very pleased that I have absolutely no numbness. The sensations in my lower lip are a bit dulled but apart form that I can feel everything perfectly.

For the rest of that first day I was in the world's worst mood until I got home and got to my own bed.

I was never in any real pain but the first 5 days my jaw joints ached and so did the jaw muscles but nothing too major. I was given pain killers to take home but they were only touched once when I quickly decided that french kissing my dog probably tasted better (let me just clarify...I don't know that for sure. Don't call the police)

Yesterday and today (days 6 & 7) have been the best and I'm feeling back to my usual self. I still have a bit of swelling and some bruising but nothing too noticable. I wandered round Edinburgh city centre today without getting pointed and laughed at so it can't be that bad.

Today I've started being able to chew very soft things which is a step in the right direction. I swear to god if I see another pizza hut advert I'm going to put my foot through the TV, they almost bring me to the point of tears.

Anyway thats about it. Leave any questions and I'll get back to you. Let's face it...I've got nothing better to do.


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#2 Post by TheUnk311 »

Sounds like everything went pretty well. You must be quite happy about "absolutely no numbness"! That's really great.

How far did they move your jaw?

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#3 Post by AndyH »

Yeah I'm really pleased with having all the sensation although it does mean that i can feel a bit more pain in my chin but nothing I can't live with. My jaw was advanced 8mm and the genio was 7mm.

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#4 Post by sillikitti »

I enjoyed your story! That's amazing no numbness! You're so lucky!

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#5 Post by AndyH »

I will post some pics probably at the end of this week once the swelling has settled a bit more.

One thing I forgot to mention which seems to be asked a lot is about the elastics. Obviously this differs from case to case but for what its worth I'll explain how mine are set up.

When I woke up I had one guiding elastic on the left and one on the right and then a tightband right down my midline holding the jaw pretty much immobile. The surgeon did consider taking the tightband off the morning after surgery but in the end left it on and told me to take it off once the swelling had peaked and was starting to recede. Apparently this is because the swelling can pull the jaw out of symmetry and obviously he didn't want that happening. So I took that off on day four and I'm now left with reasonably loose guiding elastics I replace daily. They aren't too restrictive so I can talk and open my mouth (although at this stage not too wide) without hinderance. These elastics will stay for the next 5 weeks and then taken off.

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#6 Post by phil »


Glad to hear that you're doing OK. Amazing that you're not numb at all! I would think that this is very unusual. I thought it was unusual enough that my feeling has been coming back as quickly as it has. Maybe it has something to do with June 26th! :crazy:

Good luck with your continued recovery.

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#7 Post by freerideuk »

haha trust you
I'm pretty sure the nurse fancied me
but aye your wee account on things made me smile

and all be quite jealous if i get numb and you didn't

but its good to no being sick wasn' too bad thats one thing am worried about

and aye get your pics up


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#8 Post by Rebelda »

What a great little story! I loved it...quite funny. Good luck with your recovery. Hopefully I'll have the same experience in about 4-5 months from now. Hope to see the pics up soon. Take care.

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#9 Post by Rebelda »

arggghhh--double post!

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#10 Post by ashjean44 »

Your story made me laugh, which hurts, by the way. I'm only 4 days after my operation, and I hope, I will feel as good as you soon. Congratz!

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#11 Post by vgmessenger »

I am totally jealous that you have no numbness. I do yearn for the day that I can feel my bottom lip. Kissing is weird when you can not tell what you are doing. Your story cracked me up, sorry about the getting sick, I am suprised they did not give you anything with that to help just incase the pain meds made you sick. I was pumped with so many meds I am suprised that I did not get sick at all. Good luck on your continued recovery!!


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#12 Post by crazybeautiful »

Good luck with the rest of your recovery. :D I hope I have the same luck with numbness (or lack thereof...) when it's my turn on the cutting board

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