When oh when will I get my braces off?

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#16 Post by nvcarissa »

Like many here, I was told that my braces would probably come off six months post op. I guess that's the standard response. Well, IF my debanding date holds, it will be 13 1/2 months post op that they will come off. And yes, at about six months I felt like I was going to lose my mind. Tweak, tweak, weird gaps, more tweaks, but now, finally...it looks ready to go.

Crossing my fingers...but not holding my breath! :roll:

Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

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#17 Post by freerideuk »

are you aloud to tell your ortho that you feel your bite is as close as you want and you just want them off?

cause if i had my braces on longer than 6 months after my opp ad just want them off lol


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#18 Post by phil »

I am planning on about 12 months post-op ortho...if I'm lucky! There's still a lot of work left to do with my bite, and I dare say that it will take a while before my mandible establishes equilibrium, and they know exactly WHERE my bite should be!

I figure if I accept it now, and my debanding ends up being sooner than a year from now, I'll be pleasantly surprised. I look at it this way--I lived with my malocclusion for over 40 years, what's one more year in my life to get it right? And dealing with braces is NOTHING compared to recovery from surgery!

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#19 Post by iristurquoise »

I love all the positive attitudes. My orthodontist said yesterday "Well yah between 6 -12 months." Sometimes I wish he'd just say "Yah about 6 months" and I'd take it as it was if it was longer. I'm coming to realize though that the month that has just passed after my surgery flew by and 5 months from now really isn't that far away. I just pray I'll be pleasantly surprised.
As for the method, I'd say you were right because I only had regular orthodontic elastics after the surgery. After a week I was more or less back to normal too.

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#20 Post by asd »

Ive just turned 18, i was wondering if age matters as to how long after the op you keep them on, because i thought mayve if your older your teeth may have more of a tendancy to move back to how they were. Im just so desperate to get mine off. Im 4 weeks post op and want them off already!! My authodontist had said they earliest they could come possibly come off is 6 weeks but my teeth have gone all wierd and gappy since they op so im guessing it will be 3-6 months which is the average.

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#21 Post by iristurquoise »

I'm hoping someone could answer this question too. I'm in the same boat (17 and 5 weeks post op ) but my orthodontist was not as sympathetic as yours.

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#22 Post by ohmyjaw »

I am exactly four months post-op today. I think I have a ways to go, but I am afraid to ask just how long. My teeth look pretty good, but they don't fit together that well. I thought they would fit together really nicely after the surgery, but that is just not the case.

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