Well I made it...

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Well I made it...

#1 Post by Supermax »

All those years wondering about the surgery and it's done and dusted. I'm now 9 days post op. These whole thing has been totally pain free for me, lucky I guess with everything I've read here, but definatley not comfortable in the least. If it wasn't for the wonderful reaction I've developed on my bottom lip two days ago, I'd say it's been a breeze.But more about that later...

I was on childrens pain killer for goodness sake!!!The only night they gave me the really good stuff was the night of the op, I actually sat there in the bed wondering if I should fake some pain 'cos the stuff felt REALLLY good :wink: :wink:

Aside from that I did swell up like a soccer ball, but faithfully did ice packs and that's come done really well, I bruised a bit on my neck,I bruise yellow and green and my hubby says he keeps wanting to wash my neck 'cos it looks dirty :)

I caught a cold on the Monday, can you believe that!!! I was almost in tears that I had waited so long and now maybe couldn't have the op because of a cold! Went to the anaesthetist, and he gave the go ahead saying that it wasn't in my chest and it was nasal. That was honestly the worst of it trying to cope with a cold and swelling afterwards...all those wonderful extra cream milkshakes I was looking forward to went out the door, as lactose obviously flared the cold up.

Still absolutley no pain, just stuffyness and pretty uncomfortable. Then about two days ago, I developed a rash on my lip. My lip burned like crazy everytime I touched it, and the inside of my mouth didn't feel that hot either. Just came back from my post op check up, surgeon said everything inside looks pretty good, he changed the elastics and it feels really weird to be able to open my mouth a little. I'm going to have to do that myself and looking at it, I just don't know how I'm going to managed with swollen lip and all. Any case the rash, well, he gave me anti histamines, see how thoses go. Said I should stop using petroleum jelly on my lips, which might have caused some sort of allergy, and stop the prescribed mouthwash and just do salt rinses. If it's not the mouthwash or the jelly, he said it might be thrush...I have to go back on Monday and see if it's gotten any better. God forbid it's thrush, but with me not eating any yoghurt because of my cold...well I live in hope. He also said to take a good B vitamin.

Well, that's me I guess.... really looking forward to shoving some scrambled eggs in there hopefully by the weekend, the novelty of syringe feeding is well and truly gone...and I just wish this blasted lip would heal, bar that this really wasn't too bad, cold and all... I honestly think my attitude to the op might have something to do with it, I just prepared my mind to handle whatever happened afterwards in as positive light as possible because I really know this was a good decision in the end of it all.

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#2 Post by HighandLo »

It's nice to hear your good news! I'm glad you're doing well. I'm sure your attitude it helping you feel better so quickly 8) . I hope your other problems are resolved quickly, too! My bruising was totally gone by week 3.


Acidophilus helps with yeast and flora balance. I also use digestive enzymes since I'm sensitive to some foods and it helps break them down.

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#3 Post by freerideuk »


well done on making it to the other side

and am glad you had very little pain

i hope your lip gets better and that its not he begining of thrush :|


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