Braces with lip & tongue piercings

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Braces with lip & tongue piercings

#1 Post by Renden »

I had both of these piercings before i had braces but got them taken out once everyone started getting pierced..but I'm thinking of getting both done again..

Problem is i have braces now and I'm worried about the metal getting caught on my braces..a few people have told me, from personal experience that neither of these piercings get caught at all.

Anyone with any experience in this?

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#2 Post by Davep »

A personal view of mine is to get a life! If you are heading for Orthognatic surgery you are going to have enough to deal with without the potential infection and nerve damage. I did not have a choice as to the amount of nerve damage that causes numbness, so adding to this with personal mutilation is rather silly. One of my students had serious infection problems with tongue piercings. A very heavy price to pay for being a fashion victim.
My opinion for what its worth :( :( :( :( :( :(
In braces since 13th June 2005. Upper and lower on the 15th August 2007 and braces off 23rd October

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#3 Post by Renden »

Firstly, don't insult me by telling me to 'get a life'

Secondly, I've already had oral surgery, and i probably posted this in the wrong section, I'm just used to posting here.

In fact, would an admin please delete this and I'll post it in the appropriate section.

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#4 Post by Mart »

No experience myself with mouth piercing but i don't think the tongue would be a problem, maybe the lip but even so i can't imagine it would be able to catch on to anything. btw i've met a few people with a lip piercing and braces, they seemed fine!

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#5 Post by jma295psu »

Well, after seeing the first responses to this question, I am not sure I want to speak up. However, in the interest of helping a fellow braces wearer, I will do it anyway.

I currently have 3 tongue piercings. I have a central tongue piercing as well as venoms behind that. I payed very close attention to the placement of each piercing, though. The further back the piercing is in the tongue, the less chance of chipping teeth or gum/bone erosion. Also, my venoms are closer to the center of the tongue to avoid hitting the teeth on the sides.

I cannot tell you anything about the lip piercing as I do not have any experience there. However, I can tell you that I have heard of some orthodontists refusing treatment for pierced patients. Make sure you know the ortho's standpoint on this before you go through with it. All in all, I love my piercings. They make me happy even though the ortho lectures me about them every time I am in there. I am 22 years old, and it is my choice in the end. If I notice any issues starting, I will remove the piercings.

Hope this helps somewhat. I don't have any issues with the braces and the tongue rings. Best wishes.


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#6 Post by dubnobass »

I had some permanent gum recession on one of my lower left incisors after my first labret. The backing disk used to rub a bit.. hence the recession. I had it re-pierced eventually, but it was too late by then and the damage was already done. This has been slightly 'treated' during my orthodontics, by raising up that tooth slightly (and therefore, also the gum), so it's not as obvious as it was.

Renden, if you've had these before, I'm sure you've got a good idea of what's involved and whether they are likely to catch. For the lip, I'd imagine any sort of labret stud would get caught, but a ring would be fine. A tongue piercing might present problems if you ever need to wear cross-elastics towards the end of treatment. Ask your orthodontist what else is involved and if cross elastics loom in your future.
Braced May 2005
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#7 Post by Renden »

It was the side lower lip i had pierced with a ring, which is what I'm considering getting again..

Labret bars are known to damage your teeth but i haven't heard much about rings doing this

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#8 Post by freerideuk »

hey renden i was thinking a getting my liip percied also but have put it off for the last year and a half due to having braces but am probly just gonna wait till the braces come off now

and your surgery was a couple months ago now you should be getting yer braces off within a few months should just wait then you don't have to worry bout the whole getting caught thng

but i know peple with braces and lip percings stick to a ring and it wont get caught :)


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#9 Post by Beth85 »

Hey I thought i'd join in cos I have my tongue pierced...
The only problems i had were i wore my front top left tooth down a bit before braces and cracked it on my back teeth a few times.

Apart from that i've had no problems. I i can't wear my front tooth down now cos i can't reach. My lower jaw is so far forward now it's physically impossible!!!

As far as a lip piercing goes, my little sis has hers done and is curious as to whether it will cause problems. I'm considering getting mine done but not until i get my braces off...

Beth xx


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#10 Post by bunnywich »

I've never had my tongue pierced so I can't comment on that but I've had a monroe with a stud on the left side and a low monroe with a ring on the right side. The only problem for me was when I would smile, the right side with the ring would get stuck on the bracket that is on my canine (with the little hook on it, I don't know specifically what it's called.) Everytime! As soon as my treatment is complete I am going to re-pierce it, for now it's just too much trouble to have to manually pull it off that little hook everytime I smile. I don't think any real health problems would arise unless the piercing is constantly rubbing the gums like dubnobass said, or pierced wrong.

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#11 Post by ollielloyd »

I had my tongue piercing in during the first 5 months. I didn't need MORE metal in my mouth,I took it out.

Piercings are a had-fad. They where the rage in the 90's- they're not making a comeback.

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#12 Post by jma295psu »

I would like to update my post slightly. I just had an adjustment today. Obviously, my ortho does not like my tongue piercings, and he lectures me every time I go in there.

Anyway, he told me last time that he's going to watch very closely just so he can be the first to notice "when" my gums start deteriorating. I insist that this is not a given occurance, but he is of another school of thought. He thoroughly examined my gums at the back of my lowers today, and he had nothing to say. There's apparently no signs of any damage from the piercings even though I have had one for 9 months already. There isn't any gum erosion or markings of any kind from the bottom ball.

I should point out that I have the shortest barbell possible in each one of the piercings even though this meant that I had to have them custom made. The standard tongue barbell is 16 mm, but I have found that a 14 mm bar is much less irritating. It's amazing the difference those 2 mm make. If this means that I can have my piercings and not sacrifice my oral health, then I am thrilled.

My apologies for writing a short chapter! This is something that I feel very strongly about. Thank you, Meryaten, for noticing that I did indeed do my research. I was not willing to sacrifice all the work that I am putting into my mouth with the braces and the SARPE simply because I wanted a piercing. I couldn't be happier that I got it done, though.


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#13 Post by Kerry »

i had my tonge one for bout 7 yrs but recently decided as im going to have so much surgery i would rathe just take out. I have kinda grown out of it now anyway the only reason i was reluctant to take it out is because it hurt so flaming much to get it done lol
Imagewisdom teeth removed under GA nov07 * Braced 8/2/08 * 2 premolars removed Apr08 * Adjustment 4 rebonding, 4 molar bands & new wire 4/7/08 * 31Jul wire change * 28 Aug last wire fitted and lower powerchain put on. 29th May moulds and x rays. 31st July Surgery date :-)

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#14 Post by Kerry »

i had my tonge one for bout 7 yrs but recently decided as im going to have so much surgery i would rathe just take out. I have kinda grown out of it now anyway the only reason i was reluctant to take it out is because it hurt so flaming much to get it done lol
Imagewisdom teeth removed under GA nov07 * Braced 8/2/08 * 2 premolars removed Apr08 * Adjustment 4 rebonding, 4 molar bands & new wire 4/7/08 * 31Jul wire change * 28 Aug last wire fitted and lower powerchain put on. 29th May moulds and x rays. 31st July Surgery date :-)

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#15 Post by Beth85 »

I just wanted to add that the person that said 'piercings are a had-fad. They were the rage in the 90's they're not making a come back' is in my opinion making a statement that isn't strictly true. Everyone is entitled to choose what they do with their body, 'had-fad' is just an opinion. I had my tongue pierced 3 years ago because that's what i wanted to do for myself. not to follow a craze!!!!!

Beth x


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