Arnica, catheters and stress

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Arnica, catheters and stress

#1 Post by Clover »

I saw my surgeon for a pre-op consult yesterday, and we're looking at doing the op in February 08.
I wondered if anyone would share their thoughts or experiences of arnica? My surgeon says he doesn't like it, but that I can argue my case and try and persuade him feel strongly about it. Do you guys think it would be beneficial?
He also told me that my surgery (5mm lower advancement only) would last about two and a half hours, and that the anaesthetist likes to leave a catheter in for twelve hours post op. I really can't see why this is necessary for such a short op, and I can't understand why they would want me lying in bed for that amount of time. I'll have to discuss it with the anaesthetist, but I'd be interested to hear your experiences in the meantime. I'll be having surgery at the Southern General in Glasgow.
I'm getting myself really wound up about this now, and I don't understand why, I'm normally fine about things like this. Was there anything you did to try and settle the nerves a little?
I've put a lot more detail in my braces story, but I can't seem to get the wee link to work. Sorry :oops:

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#2 Post by jjames »

Clover, I don't know too much about the Arnica, but I can tell you I think that Bromelain did help me, some. But I'm not sure if just drinking lots of fluid and getting mild exercise didn't help me just as much. But 12 hours for a catheter - GOOD GRIEF. I'm no doctor, but that seems like an awfully long time to leave it in there post op for just a lower jaw surgery, my lower jaw surgery went for about three and half hours, and as soon as it was over they took it out. I think some people on here were not required to even have one put in for just a BSSO - but it varies GREATLY from person to person. Mercifully, I don't remember much about it. But I will tell you that if you can't pass water after about 6-8 hours after your surgery, they threatened to put mine back in. I think about 8 hours after my surgery I managed to pee just a little after running lots and lots of water, and drinking, and even sitting in a warm bathtub of water. You're going to have to drink as much as you can, and if they're that crazy for catheters where you're having your surgery, you can bet they will measure your output of urine to make sure you're going. It's hard too because remember, you won't be able to drink anything from midnight on the night before your surgery so you're going to have to get those fluids in post op.

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#3 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

I'm with James! My surgery was 6 hours long and I woke up with no catheter, THANK Goodness! I had no problems going to the bathroom and getting up and moving I was told was good for me. I would surely talk with the doctor about it.

As for the Arnica. I have found that a lot of non homepathic doctors sortof poo poo the whole herbal remedy thing. They think its all a bunch of crap and don't trust it. Thus they won't recommend it. Also, many are just not familiar with it enough to feel comfortable with their patients taking it. I used the arnica pellets, as well as arnica gel on my face. It is more for bruising then anything else. Now with that being said, I had almost no bruising, and the bit that I did get lasted only about 2 days or less. I also used Bromelain religiously for 8 weeks. The Bromelain definitely helped me with the swelling. The Arnica pellets for some weird reason seemed to make my tongue feel a bit irritated though (my tongue was already half numb and had some very sensitive spots on it) so I found the pellets were making things worse. I stopped using them after 2 days and just used the gel for about another 2-3 days. I don't know if it was just the Arnica, or a combination of everything I was doing and taking, but it appears to have help reduce the brusing for me. My first surgery (SARPE) I did not use it and I looked like I had been mugged for about 12 days, the bruising was much worse. really is up to you I would say.


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#4 Post by WhiteLurcher »

Clover, I had Bimax surgery twice at the Glasgow Southern General and I never had a catheter, well not that I was aware off! :roll: Maybe it depends on the anaesthetist. I did try arnica in liquid (yuk!!) and gel, my lower face and eyes bruised within hours of the surgery and it took over two weeks for it to fade. So I don't really think arnica helped me much, that doesn't mean it won't help you and there's no harm in trying!

All the best! :-1


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#5 Post by freerideuk »

i also had surgery at southern general and i did have a catheter but wasn't warned about it i woke up with nothing in they removed it before i woke up but

i know i had one cause i woke up with no pants on but went in wearing some :O

sly wee people they are came as a shock but i was far to out of it to care


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#6 Post by DotCat »

My doc said I should not take anything before the surgery, but I was getting chamomile tea as part of my treatment and also chamomile extract for rinsing my mouth few times a day, which really helped a lot with the healing.

Also I did not have a catether when I had sarpe and really hope I wont wake up with one after my next surgery (the bimax). :)

I was really scared about the whole intubation thingy and was scared that I could wake up with a tube in my nose or throat, but they assured me, that it won't happen as it is taken off just before they wake you up.

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#7 Post by sweetpea »

I asked about catheters at my pre-op assessment yesterday (the big day is Monday!). The nurse had no definitive answer. I may have one in or may not. I may wake up with one or may not. To be honest, having had two children by CSection, I'm pretty used to them, and would rather have one so I don't have to get up too soon.

Freerideuk, that was a bit naughty of them not to warn you. But it must be tricky for them to cover everything.

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#8 Post by HighandLo »


I used both the Arnica pellets and gel as my doctor said it was OK. The gel sure felt good!

I didn't have a catheter as my surgery was an hour and a half. If you really don't want one since your surgery is short, they will usually try to accommodate you. They just never know if they'll run into a longer surgery for some reason.

Also, about the underwear thing - over here sometimes they put those vital sign monitoring patches on your thighs or hips and underwear gets in the way, even if they don't need to use a catheter. I wore my undies for other surgeries anyway :wink:. If it was me, I'd say no way to the 12 hour idea. Also, there is always a chance of infection with catheters.


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#9 Post by Supermax »

Had my BSSO in July, no catheter at all....virtually the first thing I wanted to do after waking up was pee, with all the liquids they pump into your IV. I suppose a lot of health care people don't want to be bothering with bed pans right after the surgery, you too groggy to walk to the bathroom, or in my case they don't let you get out of bed until the next day, but bed pans were never an issue with me, but I'm glad I didn't have to do the catheter.

As for the Arnica, my OS asked that I didn't take arnica for at least a week post op. I actually ended up never taking it at all. His theory is that arnica can in some cases promote bleeding, as it's a natural anti coagulant, don't know if this is true or not because I never actually looked into it.

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#10 Post by NCRN »

I had surgery on Tue. I was in the OR for 4 hrs and then in reovery room for another 2 hrs. (I had a BSSO and Lefort).
I had a catheter in during surgery. They took in out in recovery room. I was unable to void after 6 hrs so they straight cathed me X2 then ended up putting the Foley back in at 2am to let my bladder rest. I still had a hard time voiding after the last one was removed; but doing much better now.

I did not take any meds or herbs before surgery. My bruising in very minimal. I do have a lot of swelling, but my OS said I am recovery in the top 10% of his patients and he feels the swelling is minimal when you consider all I had done.

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#11 Post by Clover »

Thanks very much for taking the time to respond everyone, it is very much appreciated :D .
I will ask my OS why he objects to arnica, but I don't see myself trying to argue my case. He's a wee bit obnoxious, so I'd prefer to choose my battles carefully. I'm in the process of finding out if I can have a different OS, as it looks like my company health insurace would cover the op, but that's another story.
I'm willing to bet that I won't be having a catheter for 12 hours post op, I've decided not to consent to it, unless there's an emergency of course. I can't see how the benefits of having one could outweight the risk of infection etc. Thanks for your comments on that one, I thought it was wierd to have one in post op. :o

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#12 Post by ohmyjaw »

I had a catheter put in during surgery (about 8am) and it was left in until the next morning, so just over 24 hours total.

If I didn't have the catheter, I would have had to use the bed pan, because there was no way I was strong enough to get out of bed! I couldn't even sit up.

Your surgery will be a lot shorter than mine, so hopefully you will have an easier time!

I did not try arnica, but I did use Bromelain, which I thought worked pretty well.

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#13 Post by sweetpea »

I had no cathetar, and my op was very long, so I woke up bursting to go. In fact they gave me a bed pan because I was still too weak to get up, and I overfilled it - ooops. Good thing the nurses are so kind and understanding.

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