More than 1 month post op, teeth hurt :(

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More than 1 month post op, teeth hurt :(

#1 Post by DotCat »

I am after SARPE and lately, my teeth hurt. It is not the whole jaw, just the teeth. Especially the ones that are banded to the RPE.
Had anyone this happen? When did it go away?
It is not so bad, but so terribly annoying. :(

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#2 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

I had a lot of achiness with my teeth, most especially the ones that were banded. They were very sensitive, and also felt sortof loose. It lasted for quite awhile, but when it got really bad I would take some advil and that seemed to help a lot.

It is most likely due to the pressure from your RPE. Are you all done expanding? but it could also just be from your teeth settling into their new spot right now. Hard to say......I would say this is pretty normal though. I remember the whole SARPE experience w/expansion was the worst part of all for me. My teeth were very tender!


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#3 Post by DotCat »

I got a little worried, because I stopped expanding about 2 weeks ago and my teeth were quite ok during the expansion (well, maybe because I felt the jaw more than the teeth alone, lol), but they started to hurt quite a lot few days ago.
Also there are some slight popping/cracking noises in the teeth and palate. The expander will be in for another 1 and half month, then I should get the retainer. I am so looking forward to it.
Crouzon syndrome with midface hypoplasia and class III

SARPE, 7mm expansion - 14th September 2007
Lower braces on from 15th November 2007
Upper braces on from 17th January 2008
Hyrax RPE removed - 20th March 2008
Le Fort I advancement - 1st June 2009 (with major surgical complications)
Braces off from 25th March 2010, retainers on from 29th March 2010.


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#4 Post by Delag »

I don't know if this applies to your situation but I have noticed a pattern of pain after each braces adjustment. My teeth ache for two or three days, then they start to hurt again around the two week mark. Then again, it might just be the full moon that is out tonight :lol:

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#5 Post by DotCat »

Oh! Wereteeth! :twisted:
Crouzon syndrome with midface hypoplasia and class III

SARPE, 7mm expansion - 14th September 2007
Lower braces on from 15th November 2007
Upper braces on from 17th January 2008
Hyrax RPE removed - 20th March 2008
Le Fort I advancement - 1st June 2009 (with major surgical complications)
Braces off from 25th March 2010, retainers on from 29th March 2010.


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#6 Post by Charlene »

I do believe I know exactly what you are talking about. I had SARPE and four teeth extracted February 1st. I have to admit I thought the surgery and post op was every bit as horrific as I had imagined .. very sick and a lot of pain .. I did recover fairly quickly from the actual surgery but shortly afterward I had the most undescribable pain in some of my front teeth. To the point I couldn't even run my tongue across them without it feeling like an exposed nerve. This thank God did go away but lasted for probably two months. And the teeth in question were the two on either side of my two front teeth .. mostly on the right hand side. It made brushing extremely painful and having my braces adjusted almost unbearable. Fortunately this does get better with time but it took me probably 5 months before I didn't kick myself daily for the voluntary torture. It will get better but now with power chains, wire ties and rubber bands I have to wonder .. As for the creaking in your teeth mine do that also but mostly when I have my rubber bands in ... GOOD LUCK TO YOU :) Everyone keeps telling me it will all be worth it in the end .. I sure hope they are right .. my teeth are looking BEAUTIFUL compared to prior but it is still a struggle .. My thoughts are with you !!!!!

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