who are the UK Patients here ?

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#16 Post by Kerry »

ajj thats fantastic, i dont think i need any extradition otherwise they would have done it for me yesturday when i had my lower impacted wisdom teeth out at hospital, still bit numb today and my jaw hurts but i guess its a taster of whats to come in a yr n half but its defintely worth it !
Imagewisdom teeth removed under GA nov07 * Braced 8/2/08 * 2 premolars removed Apr08 * Adjustment 4 rebonding, 4 molar bands & new wire 4/7/08 * 31Jul wire change * 28 Aug last wire fitted and lower powerchain put on. 29th May moulds and x rays. 31st July Surgery date :-)

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#17 Post by shazmuls »

Anyone know how much surgery is in the london area, non NHS?


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#18 Post by skintz »

Hi guys, i'm from Devon so being treated in the UK too. I'm happy with my ortho and surgeon, i have full metal braces on-at first i was mortified, but now, i really don't care. I figure there's a lot of people in the UK with bad teeth but at least i'm doing something about it, so i'm proud to wear full metals. I had my wisdom teeth out, had a bit of a tough time after-my painkillers were sending me dizzy, but all in all i'm happy with my treatment. I'm not gonna write bad about the NHS as i work in the same hospital i'm treated in and i like it! So if i wrote bad things, it would reflect bad on me too. Anyway, i'll stop waffling....i'm having lower jaw surgery after my braces have sorted my teeth out (so got about a year and a half to go), but if anyone's thinking about getting braces on the NHS i'd DEFINATELY recommend it, i know there's waits for it but its worth waiting for, what better quality of service can you get? Everyone else is just after your money!! Good luck with everyone's treatments :)



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#19 Post by Kerry »

hey skintz, im still suffering with my wisdom teeth removal im in agony lol and its been 2.5 days since it was done, both of my lower wisdom teeth where impacted aswell. Im dying to some yummy food god help me when i have surgery lol

Do you have to have your jaw pulled forward or back ?

im dreading jaw surgery its going to be so painfull if this is what it feels like to just have my wisdom teeth removed lol.

I get told when i can have my braces fitted hopefully in two weeks time, I think i may be getting them in feb/march time :) im looking forward to getting it all moving now.
Imagewisdom teeth removed under GA nov07 * Braced 8/2/08 * 2 premolars removed Apr08 * Adjustment 4 rebonding, 4 molar bands & new wire 4/7/08 * 31Jul wire change * 28 Aug last wire fitted and lower powerchain put on. 29th May moulds and x rays. 31st July Surgery date :-)

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#20 Post by KriegeR »

Kerry wrote:im dreading jaw surgery its going to be so painfull if this is what it feels like to just have my wisdom teeth removed lol.
It really isn't that bad Kerry, speaking from experience. A lower jaw advancement/retraction is generally much less painful than the aftermath of Le Fort I (upper jaw surgery). I found the pain caused by lower jaw surgery was less painful than the removal of my wisdom teeth, and that caused more in the way of discomfort than pain.

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#21 Post by Kerry »

oh i love you lot, you have put me right at ease, im still in pain with wisdom teeth they really must of had to dig deep lol
Imagewisdom teeth removed under GA nov07 * Braced 8/2/08 * 2 premolars removed Apr08 * Adjustment 4 rebonding, 4 molar bands & new wire 4/7/08 * 31Jul wire change * 28 Aug last wire fitted and lower powerchain put on. 29th May moulds and x rays. 31st July Surgery date :-)

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#22 Post by KriegeR »

Kerry wrote:oh i love you lot, you have put me right at ease, im still in pain with wisdom teeth they really must of had to dig deep lol
Well that's what we're all here for, and to honestly and fairly share our experiences. I'd hate to think what I'd have been like going into surgery without having the information from Archwired.com first! As I said in a previous post, even the surgeon was impressed with my knowledge of the procedure when he was describing it in the last minutes before I was taken down to theatre.

Knowledge is power!

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#23 Post by Kerry »

i hate going in for things or doing stuff without research before hand, its great this site and is helping me prepare for everything as well as it stops me feeling like the only person in the world which will have braces lol
Imagewisdom teeth removed under GA nov07 * Braced 8/2/08 * 2 premolars removed Apr08 * Adjustment 4 rebonding, 4 molar bands & new wire 4/7/08 * 31Jul wire change * 28 Aug last wire fitted and lower powerchain put on. 29th May moulds and x rays. 31st July Surgery date :-)

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#24 Post by skintz »

Hey kerry, i'm having lower jaw surgery to bring my jaw forward...i am absolutely PETRIFIED. Luckily i have a year and a half to wait for it, hopefully i can psyche myself up for it but at the moment i am so so scared. Wisdom teeth was like a walk in the park!



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#25 Post by Kerry »

Iv had my wisdom teeth out, was painfull but not overly painfull, I had two holess either side of my face so was really difficult to eat and i swelled up like a hamster lol .

Sounds like you are having the same procedure as me then, I havent had my braces fitted yet but i go back in for an appointment on the 29th nov and was hoping i could have them done after christmas lol
Imagewisdom teeth removed under GA nov07 * Braced 8/2/08 * 2 premolars removed Apr08 * Adjustment 4 rebonding, 4 molar bands & new wire 4/7/08 * 31Jul wire change * 28 Aug last wire fitted and lower powerchain put on. 29th May moulds and x rays. 31st July Surgery date :-)

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#26 Post by Pagey »


ive bin in full braces since Aug 2006 and have my surgery date 14th Nov 2007 to have my lower jaw moved forward and teeny bit to the right to line up my midline. i have had no probs at all until lastnite i started to get toothache in my bottom molar and it is now wobbly, i really hope there isnt an infection there so i have got an appointment to get it checked!!

bloody SOD'S LAW that problems start few weeks b4 my surgery!!!

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#27 Post by Pagey »

oh yes i did mean dec LOL

well the ibruprofen wore off at 2am this morning and i have never experienced pain like it, i can not wait until my thurs app so i am going to my regular dentist this afternoon, im assuming i have an absess and will need antibiotics so the sooner i get started on them the better. :(

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#28 Post by Kerry »

Hi pagey

Your taking the right meds to keep the pain at bay and they help relax too, Let us know how you get on in your appointment hopefully its something that can be easily sorted which im sure it will be.

I guess i find out when I get braced on thursday, well i am hoping to find out really want to get things going the quicker they go on the quicker i finish 8)
Imagewisdom teeth removed under GA nov07 * Braced 8/2/08 * 2 premolars removed Apr08 * Adjustment 4 rebonding, 4 molar bands & new wire 4/7/08 * 31Jul wire change * 28 Aug last wire fitted and lower powerchain put on. 29th May moulds and x rays. 31st July Surgery date :-)

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#29 Post by Rach »

loulou123 wrote:Hi Kerry, ive had my braces on for nearly 18months now and am scheduled for surgery on the 11th feb 2008, all on the nhs.

I live in hampshire now but was living in west sussex when i began my treatment so am having it done at St Richards in chichester like Rach.

The nhs has been fine so far apart from the intial long wait for braces. My surgons great and i get on with the ortho well.

RACH-as you see from above im also in chi and having my surgery two weeks after you, what a small world! Is Mr Wilson your surgon?
Lou - soo sorry only just looked back on this thread! hope you get this because yes Mr.Wilson is my surgeon!! wow how cool. 2 weeks after me? wonder if weve ever met and never realised it! lol. It is a small world. You used to live in west sussex? I live there now but its still an hour drive to Chi from my town. Its wierd as my local hospital and chichester are 'competing' to keep parts of the hospitals open due to government cutbacks :roll: so i feel as if im going to a rival hospital lol! Nice to know theres someone on this site that is going to the same hospital and has surgery so close to mine!

Rach xx
Feel free to take a look at my SurgeryBlog




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