Numbness again

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Numbness again

#1 Post by asd »

I was just wondering how everyone is coming along with their numbness. ive posted a topic on here before about it, it seems to be one of my main issues since the op. im now 6 months post op, feeeling has come back a bit on my chin, and bottom lip a little. I can feel pressure but no feeling, its wierd. Im worried about kissing, havent tried since the op. Even if i pinch my lip very hard all i feel is pressure no pain and i cant feel texture of anything. Hows everyone else getting along it? Is their anything to speed up the prosscess

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#2 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Well it sounds like I'm progressing a bit faster then you, but not terribly. I'm about 6 months and 1 weeks post op. Most of the feeling in my chin has returned except for an area about the size of a nickel. It is coming back more and more everyday though and I'm just about positive will come back completely over time. My bottom lip has improved tremendously in the last month. It was pretty numb, but tingly to touch, and sometimes really hot and burny. I couldn't even find it with a cup, now it has a lot more feeling in it. I can feel it when I lick my lips, and can now locate it with a drinking glass. It too is gradually getting better each day. I have a slight bit of numbness in my left inside cheek area but it is almost gone. Other then that I have no other numbness.

Numbness can take a long time to go away. With my SARPE it took 16 months for me to finally get full feelng back. At 6 months I would say that you still have a long time before you need to get worried. Not sure about anything to speed it up. I've just been doing my normal vitamins, eating well, and exercising. I figured exercise would maybe increase circulation and help in the healing department, but that is just my theory not anything I have proof of, or research to back up.

Good luck to you, and hang in there!


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#3 Post by fromjersey »

All I had done was sliding genioplasty Sept. 19. It seems every week I'm a little better, less numb. When I wake up in morning lip feels almost normal. In afternoon I feel some tingling and numbness, mostly left side of lip and left side of chin. I try to get enough Omega 3 and B vitamins. I'm sleeping very well. For the past week I have been feeling some sensation along scar line inside mouth, not paintful, just a tiny bit sore. My O/S said it would be 3-6 months and Dec. 19 will be 3 months. I have no idea why lip and chin feel so good when I first wake up.

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#4 Post by Spooky »

I am exactly 1 year post-op on a double jaw surgery and I still feel numbness on my upper left lip. Since it's been a while now, I am accepting the fact that this may be permanent. If it eventually goes away, great. If it doesn't, it doesn't really bother me. The positives always outweigh the negatives in my opinion.
Check out my journey :
Braces on: Sept 16. 2005
Braces off: Dec 3, 2007
Upper/Lower Jaw Surgery on: Dec 1, 2006


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#5 Post by sahra »

I had upper, lower and sliding genio surgery but Numbness is the most difficult issue I have since post-op. left side of lower lip is numb but has tigniling and some time itching but what bothers me is the pressure of lower lip and lower gum. it is weird that the presuure is not everyday it is every other day which it hard and sometime pain and I don't know what to do. I hope it goes away but it is almost two months.

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not sure why...

#6 Post by jalynhasbraces »

well I had a jaw surgery about six years ago and we're headed from st. louis to Dallas for this next one in 23 days. anyway when I had my first surgery I don't truely remember having alot of numbness. (maybe I only realized it when I got hit in the face with an apple at the orchard later that year how numb I really was... lol) It didn't seem to big a problem back then but I'm a little worried now... >> The numbness will subside. just give it time.

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