Good luck and all the best to both of you!
Phil your an old hand at this now, you couldn't get any more prepared if you tried! I wish you all the best for a full and speedy recovery.
I truly hope that your recovery from here on is no more complicated than what flavor yogurt to put in your smoothie.
Goddess knows, you are due some simplicity in this Great Orthodontic Orthognathic Adventure.
Me and everybody else are rooting for you.
Dec 2006--RPE followed by SARPE surgery
Jan 2007--Braces
Nov 2007 BSSO mandibular setback, genioplasty, and two implant anchors. Surgery-eve reprieve from Lefort.
May 2008--Debraced
Surgeries in Costa Rica, Orthodontics in Massachusetts.
All to fix an openbite, crossbite, underbite, and two missing bottom molars.
Well, everyone, it's 4:20 a.m. in RAINY Ohio, and I'm preparing to go to the hospital. I guess it's a good day for surgery--who would want to do anything else in weather like this???
I slept very little last night. Just as well that I'll have a drug-induced nap very soon!
Thanks again to everyone here at AW. What great support. I'm ready now, and I know things will go well for me this time. I promise to report back when I can--it will probably be Thursday afternoon. If I don't report back on Thursday, then you know that my hip is really sore from the bone graft, and that I wasn't able to make it upstairs to the office, where my PC is. Of course, I have the good drugs from the doc, so who knows? It is a very long and steep staircase, though.
By the time you read this you'll be on the other side... and you've done it! Way to go Phil! Sorry for all the duplicate posts, it was doing that "debug mode" thing and it seemed like my posts weren't working but I wanted to wish you well. Hope you're feeling alright - take it easy!
I suppose you're out of surgery already, but I wanted to add my wishes for a quick and uneventful recovery for you! We are certainly all thinking of you and wishing you the best.
Hey Phil, I was just reading up on your story and wanted to say that I wish you a speedy and easy recovery!! Enjoy some eggnog(if able to) and maybe catch up on some TV series you haven't seen in a while!!!!
I feel like crap, my face is the size of the Goodyear Blimp, and my hip hurts like crazy, but I'm home! I made it all the way up the stairs to the second floor all by myself! I just did what the orthopedic surgeon said to do--take it one step at a time!
My surgery took longer than expected--four hours all together. The orthopedic surgeon did the bone graft first, and the OMS went to work. He said that there was more scar tissue to remove than he had anticipated, but then again, I don't think he's ever really done one of these before! I have four titanium plates, and he said that he used almost all of the bone that the orthopedic surgeon harvested from my hip. As I said before, I am in pain, but I'm happy to be able to move around as well as I can. I wasn't sure that I'd even be able to make the steps going into the house, let alone to the second floor, but here I am!
No pictures for you all--I'm ugly as sin right now. I can barely open to look inside (no wonder, being stretched open for four hours!). I'm going to take a motrin, and sack out in the recliner, and THAT'S THAT!
Phil: Welcome back! Have a good long nap and when you can, keep us posted. Have a good recovery. Many of us were thinking of you this morning. Sleep tight.