My stubborn front teeth

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science teacher
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My stubborn front teeth

#1 Post by science teacher »

Hey guys, I know I don't post often anymore, but I thought this might be an odd adjustment.

I went in to get the top powerchain changed and the bottom powerchain removed. I finally broke down and asked about a time line. I asked if eating corn on the cob at the State Fair in September was a good goal. He said yes.
By the end og the adjustment he told me the whole bottom is finished and the right side top is finished. I am basically waiting on my 4 front teeth to shift a little to the left to make the mid-line correct. I may have small gaps between the 2's and 3's because my 2's are a bit small. If that occurs I can have them bonded a bit to fill them out.
I have a 3-3-4 elastic configuration on the right as a "holding" elastic and a 6-3 on the left to anchor my top molars and force the front teeth to shift. I admit I feel a bit funky that they don't match.

So, in my little mind I think I might be eating corn on the cob by June.

SARPE 11/23/06
Expansion over 12/18/06 8.5mm
Brace day tops 1/15/07
Brace day bottoms 3/19/07
all expansion devices removed 9/19/07

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