Tonsil Removal is My Fate!! :(

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Tonsil Removal is My Fate!! :(

#1 Post by KatieBug »

Well, I had a consultation yesteray with the head & neck surgeon and he wants to remove my tonsils in March because they are so badly affecting me. Any words of wisdom from someone who had the same procedure? Thanks for the support.



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#2 Post by ohmyjaw »

Sorry, no words of wisdom to offer... But maybe you can help me - I am wondering how you determine if you should have your tonsils taken out? I have been thinking I should get mine removed.

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#3 Post by KatieBug »

Well for about the past six months or so I have had to miss work about 2-3 days a month because my throat was so sore. All my doctor said was that,"well you dont test positive for strep so you must have a cold." I kept urging that I needed to see a specialist and finally yesterday I got into see one. If you do a google search and type Tonsillectomy for Adults, it will give you some guidelines on what to expect and what should be warning signs...every doctor is different.



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#4 Post by ohmyjaw »

Well, I did some reading and the operation sounds tougher than I thought. I hope it all goes well and that you have a speedy recovery!

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#5 Post by shani »

having tonsills and adenoids out as an adult is no walk in the park, however if it is absolutely necessary to pro's will most likely outweigh con's, but it can be a lot more painfull as an adult compared to as a kid as they have to dig a lot harder to get them out and they tend to be much larger when your an adult, therefore most surgeons wont be to keen to take them out unless its absolutely necessary. good luck, remember to drink plenty of fluids & rest up.

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#6 Post by KatieBug »

Thanks Shani! My surgeon says that my tonsils (when not swollen from infection) are relativley small. He says to plan on taking 1-2 weeks off of work but it shouldn't be too bad. I am really nervous and I hope that I will be used to my braces a & herbst by then!




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#7 Post by science teacher »

I hope that yours go better than mine. However I was told my tonsils were unusually large even when healthy. I would definitely take 2 weeks off. If nothing else, taking pain pills wiped me out so bad, I needed a few days after I stopped taking them to finish sleeping them off.

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#8 Post by KatieBug »

So early March is my date...I am planning on taking only 1 week off for the surgery. One good thing is I wont have my braces on yet, only my herbst that will be installed on Feb. 7th. This will surley give me some time to get used to it. Anyone have any other opinions about a tonsillectomy in adults...I am really nervous! :?



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#9 Post by chillin-in-grilz »

I had tonsils out in the 5th grade cuz i had enlarge tonsils sinch birth. Had them taken out. POPSICLES really help! But I heard its true that it is worse for adults. It took me 2 weeks to fully recover.
Brace Free February 17th, 2009

Braces January 29, 2007

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