I'm back! With pictures!

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#16 Post by Rach »

Hey everyone thanks for your replies,
ThinK - I havn't got my bands yet (only two that got put on day of surgery) I think I'm getting more on friday :? And I'm still on the good ol' liquid diet, part from scrambled eggs and mash potato but seeing my surgeon on friday so hopefully he can give me the go ahead! Hows your eating going? My neck at first hurt when I moved it back (partly due to swelling) but the more you do it the easier it becomes, kind of like exercising it. So Im ok in that respect. But I do find if I lean forward for too long, I get a lot of pressure in my jaw, is your like that too?

freerideuk - The swelling has gone down quite a lot comparing it to a week ago so hopefully I will be out with friends soon, since half term is coming up.

Heres some pics eight days post op:

Oh and I updated my blog yesterday with how I'm progressing

Rach xx
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#17 Post by ThinK »

Tomorrow I am getting my bands cut so I can start chewing soft foods. I am really getting sick of liquids. Unless I'm drinking something, I constantly have a tiny feeling of nausea and it makes me not want to eat or drink, so I haven't been taking in much compared to what I should be. Also I'm scared that I may vomit (sometimes when I stand up I feel like gagging...) so I'm taking it extra easy until I can open my mouth a little. Have you had any feelings of nausea?

Two nights ago I slept with my head as flat as possible with my body. Usually I have my neck propped up a bit, but with my neck flat it definitely helped add some mobility to it, and I've noticed improvement there. I do too feel the pressure when leaning forward too much, especially when sitting up, so I try to keep my head back as much as possible.

Your swelling really is improving. Mine hasn't very much at all (probably due to the lack of liquids I'm getting).

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#18 Post by iBorg »

I would like to be the first to say Congrats but it seems half the board has beat me to it.

Okay, you look absolutely SMASHING!

I'm sure your friends and family will be amazed by the change.

I keep on trying to write this "correctly" but fail...forgive my clumsiness with words. Your blog indicates you were very self conscious of your profile. I wonder how this change (you are a swan emerging from a shell) will change how you interact with people. I wonder if you will find it easier to interact with strangers and enjoy their company.

I hope your recovery progresses smoothly.

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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#19 Post by Beth85 »

Hi Rach just wanted to say you're looking really good. Swelling seems to have calmed down quite considerably from a week ago!

The difference is incredible. You must be so pleased with the results :D :rose:

Beth xx


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#20 Post by Rach »

Well its Day 10 post-op and apparently that's meant to be the worst day and I can see why, although my swelling is going down and my bruising is receeding, the tingling in my chin area is really irritating as its pratically constant! The swelling in my bottom lip is still apparant and i've got deep pain in one side of my jaw that iv'e never had before - pain killers arn't helping much. Ive also now got an ulser from where one of my bands has been rubbing the inside of my mouth, which hurts everytime I talk or eat. Overall Iv'e felt preety down today. :(
Thank God I'm seeing the surgeon and orthodontist tommorow, don't know why as they can't speed things along but maybe they can give me some sort of timeline and say I can start soft chew (which I kinda already have).

Heres an updated pic from today:

Sorry the front one's quite far away but you can still see the swelling has gone down quite a bit.
On Tuesday I used the Zip-n-squeeze jaw wrap for the first, heres a pic of what it looks like on:

Its useful but the warm doesn't last long (good for about 15 mins). But if you freeze the polar packs they last quite a while and is really refreshing on your face. The actual wrap is quite comfy aswell but youv'e got to do it tight or it slips off the back of your head!

Thats me updated, sorry to moan at the beggining but I havn't been in a good mood today!

Rach xx
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#21 Post by Rach »

Sorry Iv'e not answered questions:

ThinK - I havn't had any feelings of nausea yet but I did feel slightly sick last night, not sure if that's got anything to do with anything though. It's quite weird with the swelling, as Iv'e been relatively lucky in that respect as mine went down really quick! (though there is still some there). I think your right about liquids as I didn't have much in my first two days but when I got home I had loads more and I think the rate of swelling going down increased

Meryaten - Thanks! :) I can't stop looking at the pictures and how Iv'e changed!

Mike - I definetaly think this will improve my self confidence, especially when meeting/interacting with new people as before all I could think of was that they were judging me by my jaw (they probably wern't but you can't help thinking it). And because I was picked on when I was little because of my underbite, it has made me shy around new people, but fine when around friends/family. So I hope this will have a knock-on effect in that respect!

Beth - I know! I cannot believe a difference a week can make! I do feel like I've been home longer than a week though. It feels like it was more than 10 days ago the surgery was aswell!

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#22 Post by Andantae »

Hey Rach~

Just thought I'd check in with you and see how you're doin' this week?
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
BSSO & Genio surgery June 4th '08!


"Truth is a bully we all pretend to like." Gregory David Roberts -SHANTARAM

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#23 Post by Rach »

Thanks, Im doing alright this week, still on a no-chew diet, anyone know how long I will be on this for? I physically can't bite down anyway on my left side so last friday the ortho gave me a square elastic configuration to wear on both sides. Seeing him again this friday but I have been very strict with the whole regime, hoping this means my treatment won't get slowed down and I can get my braces of sooner rather than later! Yesterday I ate, brace yourself....crisps (chips)! :shock: sure they were quavers and I let them melt so I didn't bite but they were yummy. I think 16 days with no crisps really got to me!
I had a little scare the other day though as I felt a little 'bump' at the back which was the shape of a screw :shock:, and its not on the other side but I think its gone down now. I don't even know where my plates and screws are so I'm not sure if there is any near that region. :?

Heres an update of pictures. (before and 15 days post):

The more recent picture isn't very good quality I am afraid but you get the point :). I am still double taking as I walk past a mirror to take a look at my profile (Never was that vain before! :lol: ) as I cannot believe it!
Oooh and I am getting my hair done before I return back to college, to complete the whole change (and the new clothes of course :lol: ).

Meryaten - I quite liked the packs hard when frozen but I am no longer using them, as it was when I was going through that constant tingling stage I found them useful. My mum has had one of those rice sock things for years and uses it for neck pain, but I have never used it myself. The deep pain has been gone for a few days, I think I may have funny on my side one night as it was just that one side. Thanks for your advice, shall use it if any annoying pain returns! Hope you are well.

Rach xx
Last edited by Rach on Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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#24 Post by Andantae »

Glad to hear you are doing so well, Rach, especially that the deep pain is gone. I don't know about the no-chew. It seems like everyone's OS has a different idea about that. I think my OS said 1 week of no-chew, and then soft chew for the next 3-4 weeks. Even so, each OS would likely amend that duration depending on the complexity of a particular individal's surgery.

Good for you to sneak in the crisps, though I have no idea what they are--or quavers for that matter---, unless we call them something different, they sound like yet another delightful British culinary idea to which I am destined to be in the dark. Meryaten, I need a translation. No wait. Perhaps it's better not to know about them. :wink:

You have every reason to check yourself out in every mirror! You went through a great deal to get here and you deserve to enjoy it! A new haircut and clothes to complete the picture------LOOK OUT!
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
BSSO & Genio surgery June 4th '08!


"Truth is a bully we all pretend to like." Gregory David Roberts -SHANTARAM

Posts: 79
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#25 Post by clairet707 »

Oooh quavers, I have a small craving for something like that or wotsits at the moment Or chocolate that isnt diluted with milk

You are looking great Rach, your profile is fab!

A new haircut and clothes are definitely the order of the day I think, Im going to try and get my hair done before I go back to work as well, though the clothes will have to wait as Im not being paid whilst Im off sick....

Miss Smiley
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#26 Post by Miss Smiley »

Rach, your results are brilliant! I would have never guessed you were the same woman! I wish you well on the eating and recovering!
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

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#27 Post by Rach »

Hi everyone
sorry I havn't replied in a few days, felt kind-of down again, but apparantly that's normal about 3 weeks out and I think when I get back to 'normality' I will feel a bit better about things.
I went to the ortho on friday and my bands were moved further to the back, which I'm pleased about as ait means my treatment is progressing more! I couldn't get them that far back on my own the first night when I changed them but I managed to last night with some effort which is good. All the feeling has come back in my chin and the swelling has completely gone there now. So it is just my lip now that has a bit of swelling but thats not really a big deal. Still eating the same old foods but I am able to suck on little blocks of chocolate, which is nice!! Oh and Andantae 'crisps' is just your 'chips' and 'quavers are just a type of chips :D theyr'e very tasty!
Hehe I will go back to college and nobody will recognise me! :o Or maybe not...

Rach xx
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#28 Post by clairet707 »

Glad to hear the swelling has gone and the feeling has come (especially the feeling, my chin feels kinda weird today)

Sorry to hear you have been down though, anything we can help with?? :computer:

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#29 Post by Andantae »

Ah HAH! I'm onto you, Rach! I knew you must have some sort of secret you were keeping to explain how miraculously good you looked right after surgery and now how quick you are recovering. Good to know that I am doing the right thing by eating all these chips/crisps pre-surgery, will do my best to continue along this course, and be sure to have the pantry stocked for post-operative recovery. :D

Won't it be fun when you get back to school and see peoples' reactions? You will have to let us know if people figure it out & what kind of comments you get. Snap a photo of the new hair (are you going short?) for the 'New Rach' photo when you're up to it. Sorry about feeling kind-of-down, as you say, it should go away when you get back up to speed with normal activities. OOOO
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
BSSO & Genio surgery June 4th '08!


"Truth is a bully we all pretend to like." Gregory David Roberts -SHANTARAM

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#30 Post by Rach »

Andantae wrote:Ah HAH! I'm onto you, Rach! I knew you must have some sort of secret you were keeping to explain how miraculously good you looked right after surgery and now how quick you are recovering. Good to know that I am doing the right thing by eating all these chips/crisps pre-surgery, will do my best to continue along this course, and be sure to have the pantry stocked for post-operative recovery. :D

Won't it be fun when you get back to school and see peoples' reactions? You will have to let us know if people figure it out & what kind of comments you get. Snap a photo of the new hair (are you going short?) for the 'New Rach' photo when you're up to it. Sorry about feeling kind-of-down, as you say, it should go away when you get back up to speed with normal activities. OOOO
Damn my plan has been foiled, now the news will spread and the world will be covered with fast-healing post-jaw op patients!! :evil: And here I was thinking I was being secretive about it!
Actually I have no idea why my healing was relatively quick, considering I fainted twice and was kept in the hospital 3 nights. I didn't eat as well as I should have until I got home and my bruising only lasted 3 days or so :? I think maybe because I was talking practically from 3 hours post-op (my mum phoned me up in the HDU and started up a long conversation with me :lol: ) which may excersise the jaw or something :?
That certainly is the plan, but no I'm not cutting my hair short, I have spent the last year and a half or so growing it as I had it rediculously short in high school. I'm keeping it long but just getting it cut nice, not sure how yet, but I will post a pic :D. And then I will colour it aswell for my prom in may. It would be nice if people noticed and commented but I am not the sort of person who likes lots of attention. Looking forward to the same at work aswell, just the people I get along with passing the odd comment but thats all :)
I have actually been worrying loads about what I am going to eat when I go back to college. I will have to bring in my own foods but I cannot think of much suitable! And plus I will probably have to lock myself in a cupboard when I eat or something, lets just say my 'eating' is not quite ready to face the public. :lol:

Clairet - Is your chin tingling, as I had that for a couple of days! Put something cold on it for relief. Yeh I feel back to normal in that respect which is uplifting. Thanks for that I'm feeling better now today, it was personal stuff aswell that was all getting to me but I went into this expecting bad days, but also knowing there will be lots of good ones to as I progress and see changes :D Just having people who I can relate to on here and swap experiences with really does help me and keep the encouragement going!

Oh and its my 3 week post-surgery birthday today :D Gone really quick!

Rach xx
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