I'm back! With pictures!

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#31 Post by clairet707 »

Rach wrote:
Andantae wrote:Ah HAH! I'm onto you, Rach! I knew you must have some sort of secret you were keeping to explain how miraculously good you looked right after surgery and now how quick you are recovering. Good to know that I am doing the right thing by eating all these chips/crisps pre-surgery, will do my best to continue along this course, and be sure to have the pantry stocked for post-operative recovery. :D

Won't it be fun when you get back to school and see peoples' reactions? You will have to let us know if people figure it out & what kind of comments you get. Snap a photo of the new hair (are you going short?) for the 'New Rach' photo when you're up to it. Sorry about feeling kind-of-down, as you say, it should go away when you get back up to speed with normal activities. OOOO
Damn my plan has been foiled, now the news will spread and the world will be covered with fast-healing post-jaw op patients!! :evil: And here I was thinking I was being secretive about it!
Actually I have no idea why my healing was relatively quick, considering I fainted twice and was kept in the hospital 3 nights. I didn't eat as well as I should have until I got home and my bruising only lasted 3 days or so :? I think maybe because I was talking practically from 3 hours post-op (my mum phoned me up in the HDU and started up a long conversation with me :lol: ) which may excersise the jaw or something :?
That certainly is the plan, but no I'm not cutting my hair short, I have spent the last year and a half or so growing it as I had it rediculously short in high school. I'm keeping it long but just getting it cut nice, not sure how yet, but I will post a pic :D. And then I will colour it aswell for my prom in may. It would be nice if people noticed and commented but I am not the sort of person who likes lots of attention. Looking forward to the same at work aswell, just the people I get along with passing the odd comment but thats all :)
I have actually been worrying loads about what I am going to eat when I go back to college. I will have to bring in my own foods but I cannot think of much suitable! And plus I will probably have to lock myself in a cupboard when I eat or something, lets just say my 'eating' is not quite ready to face the public. :lol:

Clairet - Is your chin tingling, as I had that for a couple of days! Put something cold on it for relief. Yeh I feel back to normal in that respect which is uplifting. Thanks for that I'm feeling better now today, it was personal stuff aswell that was all getting to me but I went into this expecting bad days, but also knowing there will be lots of good ones to as I progress and see changes :D Just having people who I can relate to on here and swap experiences with really does help me and keep the encouragement going!

Oh and its my 3 week post-surgery birthday today :D Gone really quick!

Rach xx

Its great having people who can relate to everything isnt it? soooo reassuring that other people have gone through this and its not just me (which some things seem to be)

The chin is alternating between tingling and pins and needles - which I guess is a good thing

Keep us updated with the progress... :computer:

Oh and happy surgery birthday :-V :-)o

Posts: 235
Joined: Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:40 am
Location: England

#32 Post by Rach »

Thought I would show you the difference in my bite.

Feel free to take a look at my SurgeryBlog




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