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#16 Post by clairet707 »

[quote="Meryaten"]Gahhh. Annoying! No chance he'll give you elastics to take home for if this happens?[/quote]

Well my ortho gave me some extra elastics but surgeon said for at least a week I wont be able to fit them myself

I ended up having to go down there today to get him to replace them

Oh and he noticed the squishy fluid feeling I have in my right cheek today - its air not fluid and apparently is from blowing my nose, the senior nurse in hospital told me to (so not my choice), surgeon is having a word!!

Slightly mushier food tonight then :(

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#17 Post by clairet707 »

Meryaten wrote:Gahhh. Annoying! No chance he'll give you elastics to take home for if this happens?
Well my ortho gave me some extra elastics but surgeon said for at least a week I wont be able to fit them myself

I ended up having to go down there today to get him to replace them

Oh and he noticed the squishy fluid feeling I have in my right cheek today - its air not fluid and apparently is from blowing my nose, the senior nurse in hospital told me to (so not my choice), surgeon is having a word!!

Slightly mushier food tonight then :(

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#18 Post by clairet707 »

phil wrote:
clairet707 wrote:
I saw my xrays - I have 30 screws in my face and 6 titanium plates - wow!!
OMG, Claire! That's a LOT! I don't think you have the slightest chance of ANYTHING moving around in there, do you?
Seriously hope not after that lot :lol:

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#19 Post by clairet707 »

Updated photos on my flickr page now, 1 week post op ... 851305829/

check out the bruising

cant tell if my profile has changed much, I dont think it has really - booo as I hated my profile before - no chin

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#20 Post by Daveyboy »

Hiya to a fellow UK patient!

You've made really good progress in a week... your swelling looks to have at least made a start at going down which is always a good sign! Bruising looks painful tho, hope it's not too bad :?

I wouldn't worry about your profile yet until you're at least a few weeks through the recovery, although for what it's worth it definately looks different from the couple of photos you've posted.

Good luck for the recovery... are you managing to get out for a walk each day?
It's one of the things that i'm hoping that i'll make myself do (surgery in about 4 weeks) but am a bit worried i'll only end up moping around the house all day!


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#21 Post by clairet707 »

Thanks for the nice comments - always good to get sympathetic ones :D

Bruising isnt actually painful at all, its just to look at

Didnt manage to get out for a walk much this week - until about thursday as I felt far too weak (not eating enough), even then Ive not had much of a walk, and today its below zero so maybe not today either. :?

I will try next week though now I am eating a bit more

Good luck for your surgery! :!:

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#22 Post by Andantae »


My gosh! Considering all the hardware they added to your jaws, you are looking great!

I am mad at the Senior nurse for telling you to blow your nose---from what I understand that is a big NO-NO with Max surgery----(no sucking on straws either). Makes you wonder where the communication breakdown is..

Anyway, I am glad you are able to eat soft foods and drink from a glass finally and feel more like a civilized person :)

Your green and yellow neck sounds just lovely. Isnt' that just the weirdest thing how it drains down like that?

I do see a very nice change in your profile!!! It even makes your nose look smaller and even prettier :)

Keep us posted!
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
BSSO & Genio surgery June 4th '08!


"Truth is a bully we all pretend to like." Gregory David Roberts -SHANTARAM

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#23 Post by clairet707 »

Well saw the surgeon today....

I am now elastic less, he said my bite was so good he was going to free me, though I am still on no chew for at least another 2 weeks until I see him again on thursday 28th..

It feels odd without them, and my jaw is aching a bit since (I hadnt taken any painkillers this morning and didnt until about 3.30pm) though that could be due to the lack of restraints :lol:

I asked him about the TMJ and he said nothing he had done would cause it, he isnt sure why Im getting the locked feeling more but it 'could' be due to the muscles not being where they want to be, he said it should settle down as the jaw gets used to its new position but to see how I get on the next few weeks

He was really impressed about the lack of swelling and bruising and was also impressed about the feeling I have back in my lips

So all is good! :jump: :-88 :pinkbraces:

Oh and more updated photos are here - ... 851305829/

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#24 Post by tazzle »

brilliant progress :D :D :D :D

glad things are going so well and hope that the jaw muscles soon get used to the new shape ....... any muscles get used to working is a certain way even if it is wrong ..... then when fixed it feels "wrong" for a while . such is the human body :wink:



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#25 Post by Andantae »

Hey Clairet707!

Just saw your recent photos. STUNNING. Your swelling has come down amazingly. You could be a model, no kidding. Your chin shows huge improvement to me. :D

Congrats on getting those elastics off too---yippee. Cheers on all the excellent progress!!!!

Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
BSSO & Genio surgery June 4th '08!


"Truth is a bully we all pretend to like." Gregory David Roberts -SHANTARAM

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#26 Post by Happysmiler »

Hi Clairet707

I have just looked at your pictures and am amazed at how well you are looking so soon after surgery.

I think there is a big difference in your profile, as Daveyboy said, you really don't get the full effect until everything has settled down, ie swelling and soft tissue - but alreaedy I can see a dramatic change. Your face looks more balanced and you can see that the angle of your nose has changed completely.

Congratulations on doing so well!

Best Wishes



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#27 Post by Rach »

Looking good, clairet! :D. Your swelling has gone down quick too and a great difference in your profile :thumbsup:
Is your bite 'correct', like do you have any biting issues at all, as I can't bite down on one side and its being corrected with elastics at the moment. Just wondering if your going through anything similar?
Anyway glad things are on the up and up for you :D , another happy customer of jaw surgery!

Rach xx
Feel free to take a look at my SurgeryBlog




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#28 Post by clairet707 »

I can only bite on one side too, but Im not sure if thats my braces getting in the way or whether its my bite thats off

My teeth look lopsided (to me anyway) but also my chin does too (anyone else notice it from my face on photo??), just hoping the surgeon hasnt made me that way (on purpose for asking so many questions :lol: )

Im definitely very happy with my profile (always hated it and my nose)

Am seeing surgeon and ortho again next thursday so will check all concerns out then

Thanks all again for the lovely comments, youve made me smile (well as much as I can with stitches - oh and two of those came out overnight)

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#29 Post by clairet707 »

Meryaten wrote:Jeesh. Gotta wonder about those nurses sometimes. My OS regularly uses the same facility - multiple procedures every week, and yet still they had my orders as clear liquids only (OS had said I could do anything up to a yoghurt-like consistency right away) and every time they came to record vitals they'd be trying to stuff the thermometer in my mouth :?

How does this air thing get sorted? Does it just resolve itself?
I know, he was the ward manager as well so not a complete novice nurse (that's what's more worrying) my OS uses the same hospital all the time too.... :yikes:

Well the air appears to have gone now, so must have worked its way loose, haven't blown nose since I got told off either (well only very very gently)

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