10 days on from op, now im tightly banded-fed up

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10 days on from op, now im tightly banded-fed up

#1 Post by loulou123 »

Just been to see the oral surgeon and now ive been tightly banded shut :? app my muscles are doing all they can to sabotage things and pull my lower jaw back to the position it was in before surgery. AS a result my bite is now very off, compared to where it was after surgery :( So now i have tight bands put on my teeth and i cant open them even a millimetre :roll:

feels abit like ive gone backwards in my progress now, as im in more pain now, then i was this morning. Are they meant to hurt? Im guessing they are. But ive only had very light elastics on since surgery and these are very thick, and really pull my teeth.

Bit fed, up as its been one thing after another, and im also scared if the bands dont work then ill have to undergo more surgery, as the amount my teeth have moved (in a bad way) in 6 days is shocking. Even my surgeon seemed shocked as the xrays taken the day after surgery are virtually 100% perfect and now they are know where near so good.

For anyone following my progress, the infections turned out to be in my cheek, not the operation site, so thats one bit of good news :)

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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#2 Post by tazzle »

glad there was no serious infection ...... sorry to hear of the movement through . Hopefully the banding will sort it out though as things should still be quite soft so to speak and move back to the post op condition.

fingers and toes all crossed that it works ........ take painkillers if you need them and try and relax / chill.

big ( gentle) hugs



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#3 Post by jjames »

Hey loulou! But that's great that the infection is not in the operation site! That's a small bit of good news at least. Sorry about your pain, I recall those tight bands really hurting me after surgery as well, my molars felt really achey and if your jaw muscles are fighting it that much, those muscle spasms and fatigue are going to cause pain. Don't forget you might have that infamous "crash" period coming up after surgery where the anathesia, pain and just general change sometimes come creeping up on you. I think a lot of people on here says it's anywhere from like two weeks to a month that it can catch you.

Also, something to keep in mind, and some people on the board know a lot about it - but t seems like I read that there is some window there right after your surgery where your teeth really MOVE, I don't know if this is exactly what you're experiencing, but I could have sworn I read about it on here. However, I've looked before but couldn't turn up info. about that window of serious tooth movement elsewhere. I certainly wouldn't fear other surguries yet, you've got a lot of time ahead of you for your muscles and jaw to settle into this new position. Mine was the same way - after surgery it looked AWESOME, then things shifted a bit, and didn't look so great. But they eventually straighted it all out with rubber bands. A lot of people report that same thing. Just concentrate on healing and taking it easy - look how far you've come :)

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#4 Post by clairet707 »

Oh Lou you poor thing, you have been in the wars havent you, sounds like you have had a rotten day.

Still at least its been caught early and the surgeon is doing all they can to help you out

I guess though its mucked you up food wise as you are now back on a liquid diet?

Hope things settle down soon for you, keep popping those pills and keep strong :flowerbloom:

I know its of little consolation but Ive been in quite a bit of pain the last few days which has a) confused me and b) worried me, it seems to be starting around 5pm and ending when I go to bed but Im fine during the day. Not sure if Im trying to do too much (eat, talk, smile etc) or my muscles are messing around.. :Questions: :soremouth:

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#5 Post by Andantae »

I am so glad to hear the infection was in your cheek and not in a more crucial area.

Jaws muscles fighting to go back to back to where they 'remember' is quite common. Thank goodness your OS caught it when he did and could get those very unfun, but useful elastics on to convice your jaw muscles of their new residence.

Dubnobass has mentioned that it is the release of prostaglandins after surgery which create a window for rapid movement of your teeth & bone. With that in mind, your surgery shouldn't be compromised. :)
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
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#6 Post by Rach »

So sorry to hear that you've had another issue arise here :( , just think in the longer scheme of things, it will be worth it all. But it can't be fun being tight-banded, did he say how long this was going to be for or is it a wait and see kind-of thing? Glad though that the infection wasn't in the surgery site and on your cheek, do you kno how it got infected in the first place?
All my well wishes and hugs :rose:

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#7 Post by loulou123 »

Thanks everyone :)

feeling abit more cheerful today :D think i was down yesterday as id been doing so well post op, and then yesterday it felt like i took a huge step backwards as now im back to eating purreed/mush and in more pain then the day before :?

but today i can at least see that the bands are for the greater good, and its obviously much better to have them on for few weeks, even tho they are abit horrible then comprimise all the work so far :roll:

Thanks jjames-its very good for me to know that someone else has felt the same and im not just being abit whimpy about the bands (tho obviously i feel sorry that you went through it to)the big "crash" hasnt come yet, but i am expecting it

clairet707-sorry to hear your in pain too, hopefully its just the nerves etc healing :? if it keeps happening tho, properly better to get it looked at, just to be on the safe side.

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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