boohoo 3 weeks out and I think Ive hit the 'wall'

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boohoo 3 weeks out and I think Ive hit the 'wall'

#1 Post by clairet707 »

Well I think I have hit the 3 week blues wall

I have taken more painkillers in the last 2 days than I have in the last week (within allowed doses I mean), I think my muscles are playing tennis in my jaw (though unlike poor Loulou, my bite doesnt appear to have altered)

I have been quite upset this morning, even crying at the fact there wasnt enough hot water to have a shower (mainly because I got in and then realised how cold it was)

Im seeing my surgeon and ortho on thursday but dont think its anything urgent to check with them

Eating is taking its time at the moment and Im having to bolt down the first bit so I can get something in my stomach to take my voltarol

How long does this 3 week blues last, not sure I can cope with more than a few days

On the plus side though, Ive just found out our accommodation for our honeymoon July / August has been upgraded!! Woohoo luxury hotel here we come...

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#2 Post by Rach »

Aww Clairet, I totally get what you mean! When I hit my three week mark (well actually a few days before), everything got me down and I was sooo emotional, but the next day I was back to normal again. Very strange how these things work. I guess we have put our bodies through a lot and it gets to us. I have felt like an emotional rollercoaster for three weeks and my mood could change very quickly. I have had times were I just burst into tears after laughing 10 minutes previous. I think this should calm down soon but remember you are still on edge. At least youve got something to look forward to this summer then (strange as I have just booked a holiday to spain in July!), but I think how your feeling is perfectly normal,

Rach :-1
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#3 Post by tazzle »

this three week blues thing reminds me of the "baby blues" ........ not post natal depression but that stage approx one week after bith when often new mum just burst into tears etc.

depite being totally aware this happens ..... and no matter how determined "not to give in", I was.... it STILL happened all three times :wink:

when its hormones and the natural body responses there aint much one can do about it .. except no beat oneself up when it happens ...... and maybe plan to have a few "treats" in store ( and no , not choclate for us :lol: ....... well unless its liquidised :wink: )



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#4 Post by clairet707 »

tazzle wrote:this three week blues thing reminds me of the "baby blues" ........ not post natal depression but that stage approx one week after bith when often new mum just burst into tears etc.

depite being totally aware this happens ..... and no matter how determined "not to give in", I was.... it STILL happened all three times :wink:

when its hormones and the natural body responses there aint much one can do about it .. except no beat oneself up when it happens ...... and maybe plan to have a few "treats" in store ( and no , not choclate for us :lol: ....... well unless its liquidised :wink: )
Cant say Im fully up on what you just said, not having had kids :lol:

Oh but we can have chocolate - chocolate buttons, which melt in the mouth and I did today - two packets of them!!

Must admit to feeling very worn out tonight, Mr707 took me out for a walk today and I managed about 2 and a bit miles, and then Ive eaten a homemade no chew chinese takeaway and feel a bit better. Trying to avoid the stares of the wine bottle but I might succumb in a bit, purely medicinal of course! :banana: :-88

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#5 Post by loulou123 »

Sorry to hear that clairet, ive been abit tearful myself so know what you mean, i dont think ive actually hit "the wall" yet just got myself abit down :(

Regardless of the fact my muscles have let my jaw shift abit, the feeling of muscle spasms and muscles playing tennis as you put it, is horrible and you really have my sympathy. Make sure you mention it to the ortho etc, as there may be something they can do :?

Rachs description of a mental rollercoaster is a great one :D but lets hope theres more upward climbs and less drops coming for us all.

Ps you can always pm me if youd like to chat/moan/anything as i know exactly how your feeling :)

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.

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#6 Post by dubnobass »

My consultant said she hadn't seen a patient who didn't hit the wall somewhere 2 and 3 weeks post-op. She suspects it's a side-effect from the bolus dose of steroids you get during the surgery. At 2 weeks, I spent a few hours crying in the bath, absolutely devastated by my new Desperate Dan chin. The next day, I was fine.
Braced May 2005
Bimaxillary surgery Aug 2007
Debraced Jun 2008

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