what if the jaw condyle displaced by a hit or pressure

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what if the jaw condyle displaced by a hit or pressure

#1 Post by saeedra »

hi i have a question
what will happen if the condyle move from its normal place by a hit or pressure i mean for example by a pressure the condyle displace to back or up or down or turn in his place clockwise
does the disk hurt in this cases ? and is it curable or the condyle cant locate in its normal place?
i have heard that tmj start to bleed is that right?
in all in what case tmj start to bleed and does it cause any pain?

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#2 Post by saeedra »

hi seriously, why r your disks displaced? do u put pressure or somthing?
and does your appearence change because of this displaced disk i mean
does ur jaw position change?
my question was that i mean for example in boxxing somebody hit ur jaw from down to up and the muscle and otherthings in joint move and ur jaw turn clockwise and jaw goes upper than its usual from
what will happen after that?
does the jaw and muscle and disk and... back to their normal position?

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#3 Post by Delag »

saeedra - the below is from a previous post you made. I don't know what happened that messed up your tmj, but if is is still out of place I would again urge you to seek advice from a medical doctor. This has been going on for some time and if it has not fixed itself by now, the odds are that it will not get better on its own.

hello i made a bad problem for myself by putting a bad pressure on my jaw and tmj (the reson is not important)
i just want to know if this problem solve after sometimes or not
this is how i pressure on my jaw i put a small metall thing on
my last molar tooth and move my jaw alittle forward
in this case there is almost 2 centimetre space between upper and lower jaw then i tried to approximate my upper and lower
eye(Front) teeth and almost i put them on eachother for some second after i release the pressure my jaw and tmj was motionless and alittle painfull thats is the most foolish thing that i have ever done
now last 1 month from that pressure but the front of my jaw
is alittle upper than its usual form
it made the front of my jaw lift upper and my face look smaller and more unusual. did i disform my jaw??
i know this is stupid but plz help me about this
what can i do to make my tmj back to normal
is it a pelsatic pressure or elastic i mean does it back to normal or not

If you face has changed shape there is probably internal damage, and it needs attention. Find a dentist, an orthodontist, or even a regular doctor to help guide you and get the help you need. There should never be any bleeding from tmj - it is an internal joint...like your knee or elbow. It may be scary, but you really need to see some kind of doctor. It sounds like you did something dumb (we have all been there - you aren't alone) but now you need to do the smart thing and get this looked at.

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#4 Post by saeedra »


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#5 Post by saeedra »

hi delag tanku for ur compassion im really worry and depressed these days i dont know what to do i have seen too many doctor but they have no idea about what i did and even some of them refuse to accept that the form of my jaw on my face change maybe because they see me for the first time my jaw turn clickwise alittle
i use brace for about 7 month my doctor said that i may pull ligament or muscle and it took time to return to its normal position but im dont trust any of this doctors view because in here that i lived there is not any good doctor that know something about TMJ they just know some basic things
i have no pain and everything seems normal except the shape of my face and jaw
i just need some help something busy my mind
what if i move the whole tmj structure alittle?
what about other joint like the joint of hand if we give them some pressure like this and deform them do they back to normal? is there any diferentce between the jaw joint and other joint
is it possible that i move the disk on the upper bone alittle
i think if i pull ligament or muscle it will back to normal whats ur idea?
u said that there should be internal damage but i have no pain
i will pray for u in rest of my life if u ask somebody in ur country about my problem and help me what to do

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#6 Post by ssspidermom »

I have displaced disc on the left, not the right. I used to have pain but don't know. I believe mine were caused by clenching my teeth. It used to pop in and out, but doesn't know - just stays out. But I can open and close. No pain, but it clicks and pops sometimes.

I think you should see a doctor for an MRI. They can diagnose it from there.

I hope you are able to find some answers to your problem! It sounds scary to have so many unanswered questions. I will be thinking about you!

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#7 Post by saeedra »

hi i just want to inform u about my problem during this time i visited too many different doctor and got nothing
my ortodentist and 2 other doctors said that it should back to normal but it may take time. in their opinion i just pulled muscle and ligament ,cartilage and it take time for them to recover
i desided to doing nothing and wait
in this days during the day for several hour i feel pressure exaclty in direction of the pressre that i put before. and my jaw move to that direction
i think its the reflex of the pressure and my body is fighting with the pressure
and i think my jaw now look a little better but still not in its normal position
i think ur problem about dislocated disks is diferent from mine i dont have any problem no serious clicking no pain no opening limit just some gristly noice when i open my mouth suddenlly and fast and u didnt put any pressure to dislocated that disk
anyway this problem that i fell in is because of 2 bottom wisdom teeth that i extracted them 1 years ago that cause the side of my jaw and face look smaller and i look to much older after that i understant the importance of wisdom teeth for jaw(never extacrt ur wisdom teeth if u have them in ur mouth)

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#8 Post by saeedra »

ok tanks lets forget about wisdom teeth.

but i still doesnt get my ansewr
is it possible that someone jaw joint by a hit become devious without any pain and pops and... and last for ever?

and also i want to know what hold jaw joint so tight and strong?
i heard that muscle hold jaw joint but i wonder how can muscles be this tight?

u should know somthing about plastic and elastic deformation
i want to know can a joint become a plastic deformation and then work normally after that?
i just want ur idea about this question
i'd be happy if u say your opinion about this question?

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#9 Post by saeedra »

listen my brother after extracting wisdom teeth i have researched about them too much
and i understand something myself from them
i just want to help some people that care about their look
wisdom teeth start to grow from age 14 to 21
as u know in this period our body is growing too
our head our hight and so on
so our jaw should also grow to match with them
and what cause the jaw to grow is wisdom teeth
growing wisdom teeth make the jaw bigger and it is obvious
and extracting them cause ur jaw to look like when u where 13 years old
in someone its not look bad but in some one like me look bad and unnormal
never interfere in human natural growth its all what i want to say

u said that u dont notice any change after extracting them
me too at first when i look at mirror see nothing
some one thing when we say facial change it mean
at first u look like a cow after that u look like a sheep

no it now that appeciable after i took some photo and video
i notice a big change in the way my face look
it make ur face look older and fallen and smaller
for example my sister extarct her wisdom teeth
she herself notice nothing but i obviously notice that he look
older and her face look alittle smaller

all doctor say that u should extract ur wisdom teeth without considering what i said
maybe they dont know about this they just think about their money(extract ur wisdom teeth and give me my money thats it)

in all i just want to help u from my bad expreince
now i just thing about implanting and make my face back to its natural form but im not sure is it posibble or not
nothing can replace out natural wisdom teeth

in all my advice to u never give ur wisdom :wink: (wisdom teeth) in hand of a doctor
even when they r impacted!
and if u decide not to extarct ur wisdom teeth becauase of my expreince pray for me.

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#10 Post by clairet707 »

huh?? :crazy:

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#11 Post by clairet707 »

Meryaten wrote:Uh, saeedra. With all due respect, you're talking a bunch of complete and utter rot. Or, if you feel you are not, please give us references to professional literature that substantiates your claim that extracting wisdom teeth makes your jaws look like you are 13.

As to your assertion that all doctors say wisdom teeth should be extracted - well that's just bobbins. By most practitioners (I'm not saying there are no disreputable sorts, of course), it is only suggested if it is deemed clinically necessary.

saeedra - we've been very patient and a lot of people have tried extremely hard to provide answers to your posts here. But we are not dental professionals, much less experts in the anatomy, function, and health of the TMJ, and those are the people whom you need to consult to get the answers you seek.
Well said, (can you tell I hadnt fully woken up yet when I replied this morning :lol: )

I had my wisdom teeth out at 19 because I needed to have them out, I didnt look 13 afterwards (well I wasnt getting asked for ID anywhere I went after I had them out anyway)

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#12 Post by loulou123 »

Well said meryaten

i know this is saeedras personal opinion and thats up to her, but this seems to me to be almost trying to scare people about having there wisdom teeth removed. And what worries me is that some people may now be scared about there upcoming wisdom tooth removal.

I had my wisdom teeth taken out 5 weeks ago and its all been fine, (i had to have taken out due to jaw surgery) and my boyfriend had his taken out a couple of years ago and he still looks exactly the same, so please anyone waiting to have theres taken out im sure itll be fine. :D

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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#13 Post by saeedra »

ok no problem u all put aside all logical things that i said about natural human growth and grab 13 years old jaw ok do what ever u want and extract all 4 wisdoms and inform me about the result :wink:

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#14 Post by ssspidermom »


It sounds like you have had a rough time with your wisdom teeth extraction and are not at all happy with the results. You also are clearly dealing with ongoing jaw issues. I hope you are able to find some medical professionals who can help resolve it. Maybe some will heal with time, since it sounds like it was caused by a trauma. I don't know how long ago the trauma occurred, but if it was fairly recent, I would expect considerable healing still. If it was a long time ago, you may be facing a permanent change in the physiology of the joint.

I think some people on the forum are feeling frustrated because it sounds like you are telling others what to do, or scaring people with warnings about changes. I think it is important to share your story. Just understand that not everyone has had the same reaction to wisdom teeth removal. Your case seems very unique, and not the typical response to wisdom teeth being extracted.

I understand your desire to help others avoid the bad result you have experienced. I wish you well with your healing.
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#15 Post by saeedra »

i dont want to continue with this discustion but i have to
I have some article about how extracting molar teeth hold vertical demention of face and extracting any of them make jaw move backward(shrink)
Wisdom teeth are third molar teeth
And how extracting them effect face it depend on your jaw size shape ur teeth line and so on and as i said for someone is noticable and some not
But im 100 percent sure that extracting bottom wisdom teeth cause facial change very little or too much and i think this people that said my face didnt chang after extracting wisdom dont know how would they look like if they let their wisdom teeth grow completly they dont let themself have natural better appearance or maybe they dont want to accept this cus they have extracted them and cant do anything to make them back thats why i say never extract wisdom teeth even when they are impacted u can cover their demage by a simple ortodentsy

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