pics! 5 1/2 mos after BSSO

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pics! 5 1/2 mos after BSSO

#1 Post by jjames »

When I first started this whole process, I used to love looking at pics of people who had underwent surgery. I literally looked at hundreds if not a thousand before and after pics. It was like the marshmallow bits in Lucky Charms to me, pictures were a treat because it gave me maybe a little bit of an idea of things to come, and now I'm posting mine. I have a clear power chain on my top arch here that I've stained with black coffee and other good stuff, my top teeth really aren't that yellow, although my bottom teeth look a little rough and I plan to have them whitened after braces. I was advanced about 8 mm (I think, they never were quite clear on it, could have been 6).

As you can see I had an overbite, class II, but all throughout my growing years I would sit there in class for hours and hours with a pencil and push, push, push my two top teeth inward, causing them to yes, technically not look so "bucked out." However, in the longer run it really did me no favors, since to get me ready for jaw surgery, they had to bring the back out with the braces so things would line up properly. But at the same time, I got a lot of mileage out of my self orthdontia during the teen years when you're self conscious of every hair on your head.


You can really see what I'm talking about, I think, in the below picture of my top arch.


Now, I would like to say you have "no idea" the slack I took from my family and friends when I started this whole process, how many times I heard, "WHAT! Are you CRAZY!?!? You're teeth a fine - quit being so VAIN." and "you'll regret it for the rest of your life if you get that surgery."
But yes, yes I think everyone on here does indeed have a good idea of what I'm talking about, and by firsthand experience. I found this especially greivous of my mother who had upper jaw surgery at 17 about 25 years ago, to bring her overbite back, however she did not have braces in conjunction with her treatment. But nevermind that.


Anyway I'm now about 5 1/2 months out, and by most estimations, I still have 2 1/2 months to go 'till I'm braces free. You might can see where they have brought one side of my bite down with elastics in a triangle configuration, now we are working on the other. Although I've only got about 50% of my feeling back from the BSSO, I'm still pleased thus far with the whole thing, as a matter of fact - I would count this as one of the best investments I've ever made along with putting myself thorugh college. Which I will also be paying for until I'm 50.

Anyway, for anyone out there reading just starting out - keep going! There will be days when yes, you will want to beat someone's stupid head to a pulp who looks at you sideways and says 'ohhhhh but why are your doing THAT? - you're teeth are fine?' I got to where I didn't even bother explaining, I just changed the subject as quickly as possible, 'cuz chances are, that's too narrow of a path to try to squeeze down to change their limited minds. It ain't fun, it ain't easy, none of those things, but it is indeed doable and so worth it!
Last edited by jjames on Mon Mar 24, 2008 7:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#2 Post by ssspidermom »

Thanks for posting! You have had a great result! and the after pictures look wonderful. I'm glad you have been so happy with your progress, and just a little bit more and you'll be done! Hooray!
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#3 Post by ema27 »

WHAT A LOVELY POST...Your results are fantastic and you are so right-its so worth it!!!!
I hope some newbies read this and get some of your positive attitude...


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#4 Post by ortho »

Your teeth are looking great!! I am in Georgia and I am curious as who you got to do your surgery and where they are located! How was your experience with your surgeon? Go Dawgs!!

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#5 Post by jjames »

Thank you for all your nice comments! I tried posting this on Friday, but I kept getting "general error" and "debug mode" so I thought the posts weren't going through. Therefore, I just kept re-submitting. (NOTE: Apparently, if you ever get "general error" and "no word match" when the board is in "debug mode" your posts may not show up that day, but they WILL post, maybe like 24 hours later, but yes, they will indeed post). So the next day like five posts at the same time showed up from me with all these pics. I tried to get the things deleted, but oh well, now I just look like a jackass with an improved jaw bone. No big deal.

However, you do see the results, and all in all, I'm still pleased. Six or eight mm doesn't seem like that big of a movement, but it makes quite a difference, it's really quite amazing what some pins and a little cutting can do.

PS. Ortho I sent you a PM with all the info. PM me if you need more details. GOOD LUCK!!!

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#6 Post by Kerry »

thanks for posting your pics and story its helped me out ! x
Imagewisdom teeth removed under GA nov07 * Braced 8/2/08 * 2 premolars removed Apr08 * Adjustment 4 rebonding, 4 molar bands & new wire 4/7/08 * 31Jul wire change * 28 Aug last wire fitted and lower powerchain put on. 29th May moulds and x rays. 31st July Surgery date :-)

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#7 Post by Smiletagious:o) »

Wow, you must be thrilled with your results, you look great! I can only hope I get a result like yours :)
I have also had a few people who don't understand braces and surgery, etc, and so now I just try and avoid talking about it with them 'cause I know it's not worth my efforts explaining it.
I'm sure the next 2 months will fly by for you!

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#8 Post by BracesRacer »

Thanks for posting... especially the pics! Just like you I have looked at hundred of pictures (especially the profile ones) and have LOVED the results I have seen. I dont remember exactly how far my jaw needs to be moved but I am thinking about 4- 8mm... I am sure my surgeon will tell me. I was pre-approved last week and I set the date up for surgery on Monday! The only thing I am nervous about is numbness in my lower lip... I really really dont want that! My surgeon said that only a few out of the thousands he has done has had that problem. I picked one of the best surgeons in my state so I am confident everyhting will work out. I even switched my insurance company just so I could go to him.

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#9 Post by didrake »

I was also concerned about the numbness. I had lower jaw surgery 5 months ago and my bottom lip and chin still do not have full feeling, however it has improved alot. I can feel my lip and chin now, which I couldnt a few months ago, but full sensation is not there eg I dont always feel if Ive split something on chin, its so annoying :roll: However its not that bad, Ive actually got used to and its become normal in a strange way :shock:

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#10 Post by Andantae »


I thought I had already posted, but I guess not!

Anyway, your jaw looks fabulous! Oh, so totally worth it! Your smile goes wide now instead of just up at the corners if you know what I mean, and the lower teeth show better, too, and of course, a stuunning profile!

I, too, have a lower jaw which looks much like yours did. Thank you so much for posting your photos; you must be so pleased!

Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
BSSO & Genio surgery June 4th '08!


"Truth is a bully we all pretend to like." Gregory David Roberts -SHANTARAM

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#11 Post by tazzle »

wow , thanks for posting your pics ......... gives me a glimpse of hopefully what is to come for me mext year . I have a deeper bite than you started with but can still empathise with you on people asking WHY :wink:


At first I was really only concerned with funtion as I have had increasing problems ...... but now I am braced up and started the process I can see that the process will also give me a much beter profile.... my lower jaw / face will appear more in proportion and it amazing how much pics like this do demonstrate it.

BTW although I have an overbite my top teeth incline too ....... even though I cant remember doing the pencil thingy.... or anything similar .... so no overjet !!!

thanks again



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#12 Post by jjames »

hey Tazzle! I can look at this pic and tell you are going to be AMAZED and pleased with what all this is going to do to your teeth. My two front ones did angle in just like yours. Thanks for posting this pic! Can't wait to see what happens the further along you go!

And Andi, yes, I really am very pleased. Decreased feeling and all, I feel so much better about my teeth and my profile, I can't even begin to imagine what it's going to be like when I get them off and I never have to worry "are they staring at my crooked teeth??" again. I can't believe I've just got a few months to go, I'm seriously about to bust I'm so excited about getting the braces off in a couple of months.

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