BSSO - April 29th!

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BSSO - April 29th!

#1 Post by Raspberry »

Hi everyone,
It's been a long time since i've been able to log onto this site! and I'm so happy that it worked today.

My surgery is scheduled for April 29th, and I'm getting pretty nervous!
I have to go on April 23rd for pre-surgery.

I received a letter in the mail today with what i can eat after my surgery, which included recipes, which i thought was cool.

Anything that I should know?

Last edited by Raspberry on Thu May 01, 2008 10:47 am, edited 3 times in total.

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#2 Post by loulou123 »

Congratulations on getting you date :D what proceedures are you having? I had a bsso advancement 8 weeks ago, so please ask if i can be of any help.

Good luck.

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.

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#3 Post by Raspberry »

I'm not 100% sure on what I am having done... I know it's a jaw advancement (to fix my overbite), but I'm think they may be doing some other things too... I will be sure to post after my pre-surgery appointment when i find out what they are doing.
I've been waiting a long time for this surgery, first they had my address and phone number wrong, then they gave me a surgery date that was during school and i had to change it, and finally i have a viable date for the surgery...
I'm getting more and more nervous by the day :(

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#4 Post by BracesRacer »

I know how you feel! I am set for surgry on the 30th of April! Getting way nervous and I think it will only get worse.

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#5 Post by smileyone44 »

I have my surgery scheduled for April 16 (I'm nervous too but sort of looking forward to it as well), with my big pre-op appointment tomorrow, so if I learn anything important, I will definitely let y'all know.

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#6 Post by loulou123 »

If there operating on your lower jaw its a bsso, if its your upper its a lefort :D (hope ive got that right anyway :D )

I had an overjet and they brought my lower jaw forwards 13mm to meet my upper jaw.

Too all three of you, im sure itll all be fine, the waiting is one of the worst parts. And when its all over itll all be SO worth it.

Any questions please ask.

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.

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#7 Post by ctoler1920 »

All of you are soooo lucky to even have a date. I am still waiting! I actually went to the surgeon on Monday to have molds done but she did not give me a date as to when the surgery will be. She said that if I am lucky it will be the begining of May but I graduate from OSU in June and I will still be swollen. I don't want to look like chipmunk in all of my pictures!

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#8 Post by Raspberry »

Hi again everyone!
The closer this surgery gets, the more nervous I'm getting....

I just had a few concerns and was wondering if you guys knew anything about them...

My main concern has to do with coming home... I was wondering if I will really need someone here to take care of me. I know it would be nice and all to have someone to pamper me, but I really don't like the thought of having to have someone to do everything for me, I like being alone, especially when I'm not feeling well. The thought of having someone to take care of me actually makes me more stressed about this whole thing. Did anyone out there take care of themselves with no help afterwards... I do have someone to drive me home from the hospital (where i'll be for 2 -3 days post surgery).

I have my pre-surgery consultation in about a week... hopefully they will clear most of my concerns....

Thanks for all the support guys!

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#9 Post by loulou123 »

Hey :D

I had my op on a monday and was discharged on the wednesday night, (the docs tried to get me to stay another night, but i was having none of that!)

I think i could have coped just about on my own (i did have lots of issues after surgery, with oxygen levels, blood pressure etc which didnt help me) but i was very very glad to have my mum around, just to make me take my medications and make me food etc, or i think in the early days i might have just layed there not bothering to try and eat too much. In the early days i gpt so tired that having someone do everything (within reason) was fantastic and let me concentrate on getting better.

If your going to do it alone, then perhaps at least have someone on stand by in case you change your mind, after surgery.

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.

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#10 Post by ssspidermom »

I have my surgery scheduled for 4/22. I was really terrified about it, but a month ago I started working with a massage therapist who helps people prepare for surgery. She has done lots of research on how to support people through surgery, to create the best healing environment in their bodies. There is a book, called Preparing for Surgery, that she used to set up her program. She made me a tape, "rehearsing" the surgery going well, starting with deep relaxation, images of comforting things and people who love me, and then begins with the night before my surgery, imaging me feeling confident and relaxed. Then I wake up, feeling good about taking this step. She talks me through getting prep'ed for surgery, getting IV inserted, saying things like, as you feel the coolness of the alcohol as they clean the back of your hand, you feel your arm relax - you are surprised by the ease with which the needle is inserted." She continues to talk through, giving me suggestions, such as: "the medication is now in my body, working effectively." and "my throat is open and relaxed as they insert the breathing tube" ( I will be unconscious for that, but I believe these suggestions can be powerful even when I am under anesthesia.). She talks through waking up after surgery, and breathing into any sore places, noticing them softening. She talks about feeling hungry and drinking and eating well. She talks about how whenever I am resting, I am healing. And the tape ends with the words: All shall be well.

I listen to this tape every day, sometimes 2 times a day. It has seriously reduced my fear, and I find that i really believe surgery will go well. My massage therapist tells me research shows drastically reduced healing time and pain meds. in people who prepare this way.

If you can't get the book (sorry I don't have the author - I'll try to get that and post it here), just try to think through it in this type of positive way. It has been tested and shown to have very positive results.

I believe the confidence in the whole procedure will make my healing easier and more comfortable. I will be better prepared in the event of any complications, because I have set up this internal resource.

The mind is incredibly powerful. It can create "placebo" effects that equal powerful drugs like morphine. The mind can speed healing or inhibit healing. I know the terror I was feeling last month would not have been the best way for me to go into surgery. I kept imagining everything going wrong - but since I have been preparing this way, I imagine everything going well, and me being comfortable, and relaxed through the whole procedure. I'm sure I will be nervous, as it gets even closer, but I won't be terrified.

Hope this is helpful. I included lots of info. which made for a very long post - but, if I didn't know about this way to prepare, I would have wanted this information!

take care and I hope your surgery is comfortable and easy!
~~Plant seeds and sing songs~~


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#11 Post by Andantae »

Try to focus on your new, wonderful jaw and bite which will be yours soon! I, too, find it fastinating.

I feel the same way about being alone when I don't feel well. Since you will be in the hoptial 2-3 nights you will have a good idea by the time you are discharged of whether you want someone with you or not. I would just ask a friend to be on stand by for you.

Good luck everyone and keep us posted!
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
BSSO & Genio surgery June 4th '08!


"Truth is a bully we all pretend to like." Gregory David Roberts -SHANTARAM

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#12 Post by smileyone44 »

Hi everyone, I am finally on the other side! I had Leforte I and BSSO on Wednesday. Also, both my upper and lower jaws were advanced a little and evened out because the left side was a little longer than the right side. I spent one night in the hospital and have been home since. Both of my parents are staying with me to help out for the first few days and I am really glad they are. Food is not interesting to me at all since I am on a no-chew diet for a month, I am bored with no chew food already! If I didn't have my mom and dad with me I would not be eating half as well as I am. Also, it is really nice to have someone else helping me look out for my medicine and just doing little things. I don't usually like to have people helping me out too much either, but it has been very helpful with this surgery. I am all swollen like a chipmunk now, but I have heard the third day is the worst and that would be today for me, so here's to hoping it starts to go down tomorrow. I just can't wait to actually get a good night's sleep! I can't breathe very well through one of my nostrils (the one that had the breathing tube in it during surgery), so I think until I can breathe better, I won't be sleeping much at all. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!

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#13 Post by Raspberry »

Thanks for the post Smiley!
I'm glad to hear that it went well for you. So you are saying that it is nice to have them there... but do you think you could handle without them?

I hot my surgical hooks put on yesterday, and they are pretty weird... just like wire made into little loops and wound tightly around each bracket... haven't seen anyone else's that are like these...

I'm getting pretty nervous... the reality really set in yesterday at the orthodontist office getting the hooks put on. They were telling me that i wouldn't be able to work for at least 3 weeks, and that I wouldn't have any energy for anything, or be able to talk very well at all... i almost started crying, i guess it was just all the stress culminating (I'm in the middle of my final exams in university).

I have to go to see the surgeon on the 23rd ( my surgeon is about 6 hours from here).. i'll post an update on what he says at that time!

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#14 Post by JennX »

Rasberry, I had both upper and lower jaw surgery, along with septoplasty and genio (chin enhancement). I was in the hospital for two nights. My surgeon insisted before surgery that someone be home with me 24/7 for the first week, and I'm glad he did. All I wanted to do was sleep and zone out, and had my bf and best friend not been here taking shifts with me, I would probably have not eaten (too hard) or taken my meds on time, or even done small things like get more water for myself. Also, my best friend came into town with the specific purpose of cooking a bunch of soups for me and she froze a bunch of them to last me throughout my five weeks of no chew. Seriously--thank god for that because, given the energy levels I've experienced throughout this ordeal, I would have never cooked stuff with real ingredients. It would have been all Boost and Ensure, all the time.

But the main point of having someone around with you is to allow you to REST. The best thing you can do for yourself is let yourself be pampered a bit, let someone else run the blender for you, run to the drugstore for your prescriptions, etc. The other KEY reason to have someone around is that you may get faint or weak unexpectedly. My 6th day post-op I was getting out of the shower and my knees unexpectedly buckled. Thankfully my bf was right there to help me over to the couch and bring me some water.

Anyway, I'd say this is not a time to try to go it alone. Having at least one person around is a very good idea.

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#15 Post by iBorg »

To all my AW friends with April dates, congrats and best wishes.

I'm looking forward to moving on with this process hoping for a July date.

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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