Question: After anesthesia - what was your experience?

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#16 Post by ohmyjaw »

I didn't have a sore throat, but I had quite a lot of morphine in my system so I didn't feel much of anything, although my jaw was a bit achy. My lips were definitely beat up and bruised - apparently it was retracted for a very long time, as my surgeon had a bit of difficulty getting my lower jaw to break (strong bones, I guess!). And yes, Vaseline is the best thing for that.

I was not offered any sedatives prior to sugery, nor did I want any, because I wanted to be alert as long as possible. I remember the OR was very cold, and they had a monitor on me so that everyone could hear my heart beating. It was beating quite fast... The anaesthesiologist put an IV in my arm, and then a mask on my face, and that's all I remember.

My surgery was 6 hours long, so it took me quite a while to regain my strength. I couldn't even get up out of bed until the next day. The worst part of waking up was the tube going in my nose all the way down to my stomach. I hated that, as well as the fact that the nurses would not give me any water and my mouth was very dry. It was hours and hours before I was finally allowed to have anything to drink.

So that's my experience, let me know if there's any other questions I can answer!

Alex Kelly
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#17 Post by Alex Kelly »

ohmyjaw wrote:I didn't have a sore throat, but I had quite a lot of morphine in my system so I didn't feel much of anything, although my jaw was a bit achy. My lips were definitely beat up and bruised - apparently it was retracted for a very long time, as my surgeon had a bit of difficulty getting my lower jaw to break (strong bones, I guess!). And yes, Vaseline is the best thing for that.

I was not offered any sedatives prior to sugery, nor did I want any, because I wanted to be alert as long as possible. I remember the OR was very cold, and they had a monitor on me so that everyone could hear my heart beating. It was beating quite fast... The anaesthesiologist put an IV in my arm, and then a mask on my face, and that's all I remember.

My surgery was 6 hours long, so it took me quite a while to regain my strength. I couldn't even get up out of bed until the next day. The worst part of waking up was the tube going in my nose all the way down to my stomach. I hated that, as well as the fact that the nurses would not give me any water and my mouth was very dry. It was hours and hours before I was finally allowed to have anything to drink.

So that's my experience, let me know if there's any other questions I can answer!
That tube!
I hated that thing. Remember when that got yanked out? Was it me or was that a very uncomfortable moment.

The worst part for me, besides from my lips feeling and looking like a directly-bombed car, I disliked the blood-clogged nose. It was for me, solid blood all within my nose.

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#18 Post by ohmyjaw »

I disliked the blood-clogged nose. It was for me, solid blood all within my nose.
I am one of the lucky few upper jaw surgery people who never had that problem!

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#19 Post by StephCanuck »

quick question.... Im having my surgury on May 2nd (GAHH!) and I was wondering how exactly are you supposed to throw up if your jaw is wired shut? Considering I got sick after having my wisdom teeth out from a local anesthesia, I can imagine me getting sick again.
I was going to ask my OS next time I see him, but I think this would be quicker. I havent really had the chance to talk with my OS about any of this because, for one thing Im currently in Uni and out of town and also he's abit..wacky and I always forget to ask him questions like that.

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#20 Post by Emaciated »

It just pours out the sides of your mouth (by the back of your teeth) and also comes through between your teeth. Keep in mind that you'll have had no food for hours so its all watery liquid anyway. (No chunks) Its the same concept of rinsing your mouth out with mouthwash everyday, just not quite as pleasant tasting, ha ha ha. It just all pours out when you tilt your head forward.

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#21 Post by StephCanuck »

delightful :lol: , Thanks

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#22 Post by Emaciated »

I think that sums up the entire recovery process. ;) Believe it or not, getting food out of your mouth is much easier than getting it in.

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#23 Post by StephCanuck »

thats good to know. Although I JUST learned that my OS is very ill and wont be doing my surgury....which sucks ALOT cause he was the best in, what I was told, the county... So Ill have some other Doctor and it might not even be when he scheduled it!!! It has to be soon so I can get better and go to an awesomely great concert in late June!! BAH

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#24 Post by ssspidermom »

Thanks for sharing your experiences! It really helped me know what to expect. Tues. was my surgery. Going under was easy. No meds. Just the IV and then he pushed the anesthesia and in about 2 seconds I was snoring! Afterward was really hard to wake up. I kept hearing people call my name and I just wanted to keep sleeping. But they wouldn't stop calling my name, so I opened my eyes. I was really out of it, and confused. I kept asking for my husband, whose name starts with a "P" but since i couldn't move my lips they couldn't understand me. But they then brought him back anyway. They kept shoving sprite in my face, which I guess I drank, and then I had to pee, so they walked me into the bathroom, on the toilet they got me dressed again, and put my shoes on me in the other room, then put me into the car. It was really fast and weird to be driving home without really being awake, but I didn't want to stay there any longer than necessary. Just it was very disorienting. I slept the whole way home and most of the next several hours. Really weird going home so soon.
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#25 Post by chillin-in-grilz »

I had 5 surgeries in my lifetime. 1 was 2 years ago for wisdom teeth removal. All were similar, I reemmber them all. Its like going to sleep, waking up right away.

u just fell like you want to sleep and sleep lol, then when i get up, i feel like jelly and wanting to sleep again.

my trip was 4 hours to back to my home i slept the whole way, plus 30 mins after i woke up from my sergery
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#26 Post by Thathrill »

Well I was put under general anesthesia for when I had my wisdom teeth pulled and a knee surgery back in dec 2007. For the knee surgery the worst part was getting the IV in. I am lucky to have great veins (as nurses love to tell me) but the one nurse chose the smallest vein in my hand. She tried unsuccessfully for 20min then realized the better veins in my forearm. Days after the surgery my hand was swollen and bruised. I recall everything up to and after being put under. The surgery was about an hour and 30min. I recalled it being the best sleep ever until I was awakened and asked if I wanted water. I was more surprised that I wasn't sick nor was I hungry since I hadn't eaten anything in over 24 hours. I am someone who likes to eat LOL This may be a little bit TMI but it took me awhile before I was able to have a bowel movement. It took at least 2-3 days. I was eating properly by the next day and still nothing. I usually go 1-2 times a day. But I was told it was a side effect. I just hope they use the same meds for my knee surgery. I can't imagine being sick with a sore jaw lol
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#27 Post by Arvensis »

General Anesth. for wisdom teeth, are you sure? it was more likely IV sedation, which is NOT general as far as I am aware, or at least not the same level of general that you would have for, say, knee surgery or jaw surgery.

Wait, you didn't have knee surgery AND wisdom teeth done at the same time, did you? That would be so weird.
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#28 Post by Thathrill »

oops I meant IV sedation for the teeth. I definitely do not remember a thing. All I remember is being asked what grad school I was going to and then BAM I was out. I just remember being wakened up in a recovery room and feeling like I was drunk when walking to the car.
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#29 Post by Audra »

Arvensis wrote:General Anesth. for wisdom teeth, are you sure? it was more likely IV sedation, which is NOT general as far as I am aware, or at least not the same level of general that you would have for, say, knee surgery or jaw surgery.
I had my wisdom teeth removed last year and was definitely given General Anesthesia - not IV sedation. My teeth were very impacted and he had a difficult time getting them out. I have had many surgeries over the years so know the difference between GA and IV sedation. My rhinoplasty was IV sedation and I did not like that at all. I couldn't feel anything, but was aware of everything going on. It was the weirdest thing when he broke my nose. I kept thinking "this should hurt, but it doesn't". Near the end of the surgery I was getting a big squeamish actually (I have a high tolerance for medications), so told them they needed to give me more stuff, but he said he was almost done.

So, while not all people have GA for wisdom teeth - some do, if it's going to be a difficult procedure.


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#30 Post by Audra »

My oral surgeon specifically told me he was putting me under general anesthesia, not IV sedation. And I made sure to ask what he meant by general anesthesia because I had had IV sedation before and wanted to make sure what he meant - and he told me it would be the same as the other surgeries I've had where they had put me under and he re-iterated that it was in fact GA. I had to pay additional separate fees for the anesthesiologist as well.

When I miscarried I had IV sedation where I don't remember anything because part of the drug coctail was an amnesiac. I do know the difference (not trying to be snarky or anything).


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