Plate Removal Surgery

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Alex Kelly
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Plate Removal Surgery

#1 Post by Alex Kelly »

I searched the forum and did not find anything, I apologize if I am wrong.

Anyways, hello. This is my first post. My name is Alex, and I had been wearing braces since December of 2005. I had Jaw surgery on October 31st of 2007. Everything was going smoothly, I thought I had recovered fine, and my braces were to come off a week ago. But surprise, surprise. When I went in and had my braces taken off, and my retainer, it was discovered that I had an infection, and a bubble of puss to prove it. The surgeon I spoke to later informed me that the plate in the left side of my jaw was infected. We made an appointment for surgery that very day.

Now, the surgeon did not explain much, so I'm quite confused. My surgery is tomorrow. I will be going to a hospital, and will be put under general anesthetic.

What has caused this infection? I've researched on the internet, but found little. I have read something that said a loose screw can cause such an infection. Is this true? Is this the surgeon's fault, or my body's?

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#2 Post by loulou123 »

Hi and welcome :D im in the same position as you, i only had surgery 9 weeks ago tho and its been apparent since almost day 1 that something had gone wrong with my left side (snap :wink: )

The plate on my left side is infected, and it has to be removed, but cos im so early on in surgical terms, ive had to wait for the bone to be healed enough to remove the plate.

I actually see my surgeon tomorrow to find out a date for my removal, which is suposed to be asap, but im not expecting anywhere near such speedy treatment as you. But im in the uk and being treated on the nhs, so have to wait for an operating theatre slot etc.

I agree that googling it doesnt provide much information, but from what ive learnt, they basicially cut along the same incision as previously used, open up the gum, unscrew the plates, flush out the inside to clean out any infection and then stitch it back up. Thats according to my surgeon anyway. Apparently its not that bad, but there will be swelling etc.

I think theres many reasons, this happens but boils down too us both being unlucky. It can be a loose screw, the body rejecting the plate, an infection (from during surgery or during healing), an errorc etc. But im guessing we'll properly never know, unless its very obvious when they go in.

Would you mind letting me know how it goes? Wishing you lots of luck.

PS check out my blog below if you wanna read my whole story :D

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.

Alex Kelly
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#3 Post by Alex Kelly »

loulou123 wrote:Hi and welcome :D im in the same position as you, i only had surgery 9 weeks ago tho and its been apparent since almost day 1 that something had gone wrong with my left side (snap :wink: )

The plate on my left side is infected, and it has to be removed, but cos im so early on in surgical terms, ive had to wait for the bone to be healed enough to remove the plate.

I actually see my surgeon tomorrow to find out a date for my removal, which is suposed to be asap, but im not expecting anywhere near such speedy treatment as you. But im in the uk and being treated on the nhs, so have to wait for an operating theatre slot etc.

I agree that googling it doesnt provide much information, but from what ive learnt, they basicially cut along the same incision as previously used, open up the gum, unscrew the plates, flush out the inside to clean out any infection and then stitch it back up. Thats according to my surgeon anyway. Apparently its not that bad, but there will be swelling etc.

I think theres many reasons, this happens but boils down too us both being unlucky. It can be a loose screw, the body rejecting the plate, an infection (from during surgery or during healing), an errorc etc. But im guessing we'll properly never know, unless its very obvious when they go in.

Would you mind letting me know how it goes? Wishing you lots of luck.

PS check out my blog below if you wanna read my whole story :D
I'll definitely post a report of how it goes. It's only right to put the information out there for anyone else who is unfortunate enough to go through this.

Check the forum Friday night, and I'll have it up. It sucks too, because they rescheduled by surgery for the date of my sister's birthday.

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#4 Post by ssspidermom »

Sorry to hear you are going to have further surgery. I imagine the infection has been taking a toll on your body, so hopefully you will notice feeling better after the recovery.

I hope everything goes very smoothly for you this time. Best of luck!
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#5 Post by loulou123 »

Thank you, sorry to hear that its on your sisters birthday too :roll: ive been told tho that at most ill only need to be in hospital one night, so hopefully your not be too bad by the next day. Good luck.

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.

Alex Kelly
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#6 Post by Alex Kelly »

loulou123 wrote:Thank you, sorry to hear that its on your sisters birthday too :roll: ive been told tho that at most ill only need to be in hospital one night, so hopefully your not be too bad by the next day. Good luck.
Strange. I'm in for a "6" hour maximums stay, I was told. As long as someone's driving me home and watching me for the night.

The worst part about the whole thing is definitely the difference I feel in my body. Absolutely zero energy. And god, I have to eat so much to keep up with my antibiotics. Five times a day, doctor said I should eat it with a heavy meal as it can cause some foul stomach problems.

PS: I was just reading over your blog. The puss tastes sucks, right? I have this huge bubble that always forms, and then pops, and then pus skyrockets onto my cowering taste buds. It's awful.

What antibiotics are you on? I'm rocking Clindamycin.

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#7 Post by loulou123 »

Snap on the antibiotics, ive been taking them since last thursday and so far no real stomach issues. I suggest LOTS of probiotic yoghurt type drinks (theyve worked for me anyway) i also know all about having to eat so often, especially as im still no chew :roll: its a complete pain. Tho i have noticed an increase in my energy levels in the last couple of days so they must be doing something.

The puss certainly is foul, ive never tasted anything so bad, mine just kinda seeps out more than exploding! :shock: so yours sounds even worse.

Think they hope to get me home same day, but as im sure you read in my blog, i had several funny reactions to the anesethic last time (dropping blood pressure,erratic pulse etc), as well as significant bleeding, so think they are erring on side of caution with me.

If i dont speak to you before (as its nearly 1am here!), good luck again :lol:

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.

Alex Kelly
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#8 Post by Alex Kelly »

Well, yesterday they switched my surgery date to Friday at 3.
So, in around 9 hours I'll be going in for surgery.
Can't drink, eat anything. The average.

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#9 Post by loulou123 »

Oh no, thats all you needed :roll: i got my date for surgery yesterday too, the 14th May, so at least youve only had to wait a couple days!

In fairness tho thats the earliest mine could be done due to bone healing.

LOts of luck, im sure itll be fine.

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.

Alex Kelly
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#10 Post by Alex Kelly »

Matty_Oz wrote:Hi guys

very interesting thread

I had jaw surgery 2 weeks ago, and the plate on my left side next to my nose has been giving me a lot of pain.

Im wondering if you guys actually ever 'felt' that there was something wrong with your plate, or is it something that the surgeon discovered?

I had a bit of un-comfortability, but did not feel much. It might be different if it's upper. Mine was my lower plates.

Anyways, this went completely flawless. Put me under. Did their thing. I woke up about fourty minutes afterwards in recovery, completely aware of everything with no dizziness or such. I looked around, it was about 3:40. I had gotten into the operation room at 3:00 on the dot. I called over the nurse for some water, but they brought me ice in a cup instead which I put in my mouth. That felt very good. My mouth was frozen, but I felt a bit of pain/pressure below my gums. It was nothing in comparison to the pain/pressure of the jaw surgery. Anyways, I had one weird like...dizzy/sweat spell, lasted for a minute, put my head down. Rested. Decided I was ready to go out to the second "recovery" room, walked to a lazyboy which was then rolled out to said room. It was around 4:00 at that point. So, they brought some ginger ale to me, and some water. I drank both. Rested in the chair and chatted with my family member. At 4:30, I got up, got dressed, and left. Afterwards I got a large Dairy Queen Milkshake, and a small sunday, as I was feeling energy deprived. I ate my sunday. Sipped on my milkshake, I still am. Dropped by the pharmacy to pick up a prescription, which was just a prescription-strength Advil. Got home. Fixed up my bed, pulled up my laptop, and wrote this.

It's 6:00 now. I don't have much pain. I just popped a pill.

The swelling, by the way, is about 1/2 of the swelling I had during jaw surgery.

Alex Kelly
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Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:49 am

#11 Post by Alex Kelly »

Matty_Oz wrote: Sounds like it went well. I gotta ask though, as the plate completely removed or was it replaced with another?

I always thought that plates stay in for life.
From what I understand, the plates aren't needed after the jawbone heals. The plates just guide the healing, and keep your jaw working for the following month after the surgery. Six weeks after the surgery, the plates are rendered useless, and are only kept in as they usually do no harm.

So yeah, I'm completely plateless on my lower left side.

I'm a little bit tender on one side, the swelling has stopped growing. I'm going to keep heat on it all day, as recommended. I'm allowed to eat soft foods and warm soups today. Yesterday I was only allowed to eat cold foods like milkshakes/icecream. I've started rinsing today, and have returned to wearing my retainer. I figure I'll take two of the Ibuprofen 600mgs today. I just took one at breakfest, I'll take another one in 12 hours or so. I doubt the pain'll be too much today, but I've got some codeine in worst-case scenario.

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#12 Post by JayC »

im assuming the pain is striclty due to the muscles and soft tissue that were incised during the removal of the plates. besides the little holes left in the jaw bone from the screws/plates being removed im guessing the bnone itself is more or less fine?

also, are the incisions on the inside of your mouth located in the same areas as when they did the surgery? did they do any incisions on the outside of your mouth? cuz i know during jaw surgery they make small incisions on the underside of the cheek to place the screw in .

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#13 Post by loulou123 »

Hi Alex

sorry ive not been in touch, had internet problems :roll: really glad everythings gone ok, hope thats the end of the problems for you. How are you feeling today?

Mattyoz-i think i kinda knew from the beginning that something was wrong with one side. It became apparent for me once some of the swelling had gone down, that something was definately wrong. It was actually me telling the surgeon in the 1st place lol! If you feel somethings wrong, get it checked out. Mines lower jaw too tho, so not sure if the upper gives more pain etc. In most people the plates do stay in for life, but they are not necessary once the bone has healed. (in my case thats going to take 12 weeks)

JayC-my surgeon said the incisions will be in the same place,as the orginal ones. By the way i had no external incisons from the screws at all. All of my work was done inside my mouth (during the actual surgery i mean)

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.

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#14 Post by JayC »

did you get drain tubes put in after your surgery? cuz i noticed that right above my drain tube incisions, there were a dot sized scar as well above it where i think that is where the screws where inserted. i read somewhere that that is where the scerws are fixated. not sure if all surgeons fixate the screws from teh outside but its def one way while the cutting of the bone and stuff is done on the inside of the mouth.

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#15 Post by loulou123 »

No i didnt have drain tubes either. Everything on mine was definately done from the inside, no external marks at all :D guess surgeons have differnent ways of doing things tho.

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.

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