It's over my surgery buddies - THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!

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It's over my surgery buddies - THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!

#1 Post by jjames »

Hi gals & guys!
Just wanted to let you know I finally made it through. After two years and 6 days in braces, one BSSO (advanced 6-8 mm they never were quite clear on that), eight bands and a boatload of complain' on my part - I'm so there. AND IT WAS ALL WORTH IT.
Or at least I think it was, at least that's what I keep telling myself. Here's my pics after being debanded one hour.
we went from this:
to this:
Sorry for the poor quality of that first image, my teeth are not that yellow, it was just an old scan of a scan, so it lost resolution. Asthetically, I couldn't be more pleased, I mean they did absolutely great work, here is a pic of my natural smile.
Again, I'm not saying it's the same for everyone, but I really feel that having a BSSO vs. letting them take 4 good teeth out and push everything back gave me that nice full smile I was wanting. However I've seen a lot of people who still had teeth pulled and it still looked great, I was just really glad in the end I was able to take the option of the surgery.
I honestly could not have made it without your all. The stories of Brandy, LouLou, Phil, Dubnobass... everyone's - it's too many to count. The sage advice of Meryaten and everyone else who chimed in on my threads and reading everyone else's threads, the help was immeasurable, priceless really. This is just to say "cheers!" everyone and if you're not through, keep going, you'll make it if you keep trying!
Now in Essix retainers.


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#2 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

WoW!!!!! you look amazing! Your smile is flawless! Sooo pretty! I totally see why you are so happy! Your doctors have truly done some excellent work!

Congratulations! Isn't it great to finally be in retainers! I too totally agree with you in regards to it all being worth it. I know I complained a lot along the way, but having made it to the end I look back everyday and feel so happy that I did all of this.

What does your family, friends, boyfriend, husband, think? They must be stunned at how great you look huh? and so happy for you too!

I bet you can't stop smiling!


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#3 Post by jjames »

Brandy you wouldn't believe it - I am, as they say down here, "grinnin' like a mule eating sour grass." Your smile looks great as well! That was a cool look through the history of your smile when you posted that highschool photo on your blog!

Yes, my boyfriend loves my new teeth, I don't think he's really had time to get used to it yet though. I haven't had time to go home and show my dad yet, who cosigned the loan for me to get my braces, I can't wait to show him. I LOVE going to brush my teeth and floss now - it's like a daily treat :D

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#4 Post by loulou123 »

Fantastic results, your teeth are perfect :D

How are the essix retainers? i get mine on the 28th August.


Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.

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#5 Post by Andantae »

:shock: AB-SO-LUTE-LY AWSOME!!!! They ARE perfect!!!! :D

I couldn't agree with you more, jjames. I had the 'compromised, unstable, 4 teeth out' result the first time and totally agree that functionally and esthetically the BSSO, which corrects the underlying problem was the way to go for me, too. Yep, your smile would have been nice and 'fixed' and hopefully would have remained stable over time, too, but you never would have gotten that wide, toothy, big smile without any of the 'deepness'! *****I can't tell you how happy I am for you!!!***** (Not to imply that pulling teeth isn't necessary and totally appropriate in many cases and a perfectly acceptable route if you want to avoid surgery!)

Your Dad is going to think it's the best money he ever spent and be even more proud of you and happy for you for sticking with it!, --(dont' you wish you could pin your 'before' photo on your shirt whenever you are around every previously unsupportive person so they would finally 'get it'? lol:)

I also agree with Meryaten---it is so wonderful to see the FINAL results of the surgery community graduates! LOVE the photos and would like to hear about your retainer experiences, too!
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
BSSO & Genio surgery June 4th '08!


"Truth is a bully we all pretend to like." Gregory David Roberts -SHANTARAM

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#6 Post by Happysmiler »

Hi jjames


Just had to say your teeth look amazing - no wonder you cannot stop smiling!

Thanks for saying it is all worth it - for someone only a month away from surgery that means alot.




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#7 Post by sparkles »

Being someone who is just taking those very first steps on my braces/surgery journey, I looked at your after pics and thought WOW!

I think I am actually envious of your smile (in a good way :) )
Your teeth look amazing!


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