BSSO and Lefort 1?

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BSSO and Lefort 1?

#1 Post by Mimmy »

Hey all, I had my ortho appointment today and he said the route that would produce the best results would be BSSO and also possibly Lefort 1 :shock:

We won't know if I would need both unless I decided on having a consultation with the surgeons but what I really wanted to ask was - has anyone else had both? What were your experiences and do they do them at the same time?

I was kind of expecting the BSSO but Lefort has shocked me.

Thanks in advance!

Mimmy :D [/i]
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#2 Post by Emaciated »

Yes, a good percentage of the people on this forum have had both and yes, they typically do them both at the same time.

As far as the experience goes, you can read about mine if you wish at in the details section. I had both done as well as a genio in November of 2007.

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#3 Post by hedybleu »

Hi Mimmy,
Yes I had both done at the same time, Lefort I (1 piece) and BSSO on July 8th. Check out the July Surgery thread and you'll see several people had the same surgery this month. Lots of info on this board about those types of surgeries. Best of luck!
~ Hedybleu

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#4 Post by Mimmy »

Thanks for the reply guys, I don't think i'm going to go ahead with the surgery because he said that I should have it to achieve the look I want and to correct lip strain but he didn't mention that it would be for any functional reason and I don't think major surgery for cosmetic reasons is a road I want to go down.
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#5 Post by Arvensis »

Pretty sure lip incompetence is functional. You might want to ask him if it's functional or cosmetic before you assume it's cosmetic. And if this isn't your actual surgeon but an orthrodontist, you might want to wait and see what a surgeon says. My ortho to this day keeps asking what they did with the lower jaw, tried to get me to go see a specialist for lower when we were in this same position 10+ years ago, but what I needed and had was upper only. Gods Bless him, the man is hilarious, but he is not a surgeon.
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#6 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Mimmy,
I had both, as well as a genioplasty. I was only planning on BSSO, but about a month before surgery the doctor told me he was going to need to do both. I was pretty freaked out, but have been very happy with my results. You can check out my blog if you want to see more. Good luck!


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getting both!

#7 Post by mannab271 »

Hey there, Just letting you know, that I am having a BSSO and LeForte I on August 12th...14 days from today..

I'll keep you posted...

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#8 Post by phil »

Hello, all.

My contribution to this thread:

I had SARPE almost two years ago. Then, I had BSSO and LeFort I about a year ago. Because of complications with healing, the LeFort I was redone in December. My case was highly unusual, but then again, I always knew that I was special!

I am now the best I have ever been in my life, in so many ways. I would never tell anyone that what I went through was easy. The physical transformation from my experience is the least of it. I have emerged from this phase of my life with many new skills and abilities that I would have never otherwise developed. But, that's the way things go, isn't it? Change, growth and learning often come in ways we least expect...

Be well, and at peace,

Phil :D
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