
This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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Joined: Thu Nov 23, 2006 4:31 pm
Location: Cincinnati


#1 Post by redsfn77 »

Let me tell you the following. I currently have 5 ligatures in the old mouth and one of my ears in killing me. I don't think it is an abscess, but the pain in my ear, while not throbbing, is very uncomfortable. I have two cross-bite ligs, two criss-cross, and one to correct my crossbite in the front. I have gone to the doctor once and had them look and she said it was irritated down in the canal, she gave me eardrops, and VIOLA, I still have the earache. It's been awhile since I posted (things HAD been going well), but any advise anyone could give would be greatly appreciate before I call my dentist to make sure all is well in my mouth. Thanks!!!



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