Can they not diagnose surgery right?

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#16 Post by lionfish »

Are you blind, girl? Those pics are so fuzzy, no-one is going to give you an opinion.

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#17 Post by Arvensis »

brittany wrote:Uggggggggggggggh. Again you didnt read what I said. She said I just simply CANT eat a sandwich. Like, I just can not bite into one. I WOULD NOTICE THAT. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT. DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH.
I think I, like, completely failed Valley Girl 101. However, I'm quite confident that I perfectly comprehend and am fluent in English, as well as several other languages.

There's a difference between biting and tearing. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT. DO YOU EAT SANDWICHES.
[8 Months, 4 days with Braces]
Braces off 4/17/2008 - Rockstar!


Before and After.

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#18 Post by brittany »

Lol, this has been so not helpful. Almost no one has been helpful. Yes, tearing the god damn sandwich. She said I couldnt.

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#19 Post by SleazyG »

You are scorching hot. Venus never knew envy until she met you. The sight and sound of your pop-vocals emanating from beyond your symmetrical teeth and perfect occlusion simultaneously brings all within a three-mile-radius to tears and orgasm. Is that what you wanted to hear?

In all seriousness, the orthodontist you consulted with may need to improve her bedside manner, but even though she may not be likeable, that doesn't mean her medical opinion is incorrect. I would seek at least two more opinions from orthodontists in your area and make an educated choice from there.

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#20 Post by brittany »

Well thats not nice. Its like youre being sarcastic and saying my teeth are really not symetrical or have a good bite. At least I havent insulted anyones looks on here, yet I get told IM mean.

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#21 Post by brittany »

So thats no reason to just make fun of my looks.

And of course I WANT people to say i don have an underbite cuz I have one that means im ugly...... =/

Ive always been told I had a great smile and guys like me and everything though so I dont get it. Im still very confused, and scared. Like seriously I dont wanna be ugly.

But anyways you guys made me feel worse, so ya got what you wanted I guess.

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#22 Post by lionfish »

Well thats not nice. Its like youre being sarcastic and saying my teeth are really not symetrical or have a good bite. At least I havent insulted anyones looks on here, yet I get told IM mean.
His first paragraph is heavily laced with sarcasm. If you understand what that means. If not, go and ask mom or dad to explain.

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#23 Post by brittany »

Obviously....I know what sarcasm means and I know he was being sarcastic which is why it upset me. God...

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#24 Post by SleazyG »

Yes, I was being sarcastic and I was having some fun at your expense. I apologize. I just couldn't resist my lesser nature. However, I never insulted your appearance. I don't even know what you look like. I only meant to ridicule, what I perceive, is your desire for everyone on this forum to reinforce your self-image and to agree with you unconditionally regarding your orthodontist's brash remarks. Even if we all did agree with you that your orthodontist ran her mouth without thinking and did not physically represent her profession well, the point remains, this orthodontist's actions or appearance doesn't invalidate her medical opinion. You'll need to seek other orthodontist's opinions and try to discern a consensus before you decide invariably that you do or don't have an underbite.

I agree, if the woman told you what you're physically able or not able to eat, she's presumptuous and most likely very impressed with herself. But just because she's a douchebag, doesn't mean she's a complete idiot. You'd be doing yourself a great disservice to discard everything she suggested just because of her delivery. That's throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Don't go back to her. You don't like her and why would you want to sit in her chair for the next year or so...but rather than just be angry and insult her, what you should do is try and prove her wrong by seeking alternate professional opinions. If at the end of the day, her medical opinion was correct, then just have the treatment she recommended with a different, and better, orthodontist. It's that simple and never forget that you're the one in control. Don't let any medical professional pressure you into doing something you don't agree with.
And of course I WANT people to say i don have an underbite cuz I have one that means im ugly...... =/

Ive always been told I had a great smile and guys like me and everything though so I dont get it. Im still very confused, and scared. Like seriously I dont wanna be ugly.

You need to tread carefully with statements like that. There's a lot of knowledgeable people on this forum who could help you through this frightening turn of events in your life. But by suggesting that an underbite equals instant ugly, you're going to hurt and anger a lot of people on this forum who've had or continue to have jaw malformations. And no, not all underbites ruin one's appearance. In the effort of full disclosure, my open-bite did indeed render me ugly, but when it was finally diagnosed and a treatment plan was devised, I greeted the orthodontist's opinion with great enthusiasm and relief that the problems could be fixed.

Even if you do have an underbite, it doesn't mean guys won't find you attractive or that your smile is now suddenly horrific. People react to smiles because of the emotions they represent (i.e. happiness, empathy, etc.), not the teeth they reveal. Case in point, my braces were removed a couple of days ago and no one at my work has even mentioned it. I don't think they even noticed.

It sounds like much of your self-esteem is founded by your appearance. That's understandable. You're young, female and seeking to enter a very image-conscious profession. But you also need to consider what's right for you medically, not just what will make you more or less attractive to others. There's a lot of people here who put off braces and surgery because of the aesthetic implications and they regret doing so. I didn't put off anything, but I sure as hell wish I'd done it sooner. You think being your age in braces is tough, try dating with braces in your late-twenties in Los Angeles. There's never a good time to deal with orthodontia and orthognathic surgery, but that doesn't mean it's not the right thing to do for yourself.

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#25 Post by slipknotbrandonn »

everything happens for a reason. you seem like the kind of girl who judges people on their looks. but judging from your pictures you do have nice teeth and just judging from your smile and everything it looks like youre attractive. so you probably havent felt what its like being judged in that way. ive heard bad stories about doctors, dentists, surgeons, orthos, etc. so its rare but possible you might of gotten a bad one who misdiagnosed you. you seem annoying but i can admit you dont look like you need surgery. even if you dont need surgery just remember how you felt having someone say something was imperfect about your looks and remember that feeling before youre mean to someone for being flawed again. take it as a lesson because like i said, everything happens for a reason.

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#26 Post by knockuout7788 »

:) you might not be ugly but your attitude sure is

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#27 Post by Happysmiler »


I can't believe that you are for real? - I think you may be posting as a wind up, so I'm not playing anymore.



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#28 Post by tortor »

brittany wrote:
And of course I WANT people to say i don have an underbite cuz I have one that means im ugly...... =/

Ive always been told I had a great smile and guys like me and everything though so I dont get it. Im still very confused, and scared. Like seriously I dont wanna be ugly.


I've had people compliment my smile. I've had boyfriends. I've had relationships that lasted over a year. The relationship I'm in is approaching 2 years. Past boyfriends and my current boyfriend told me I was beautiful before I had my surgery.

But I guess EVERYONE was LYING right?

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#29 Post by doddares »

This may have been the greatest post I ever read. Hilarious.

Im gonna try to give some advice, Im going into my final year of dental school so fingers crossed I have some knowledge even though I'm not specialised in maxillofacial surgery. Im sure alot of the posters here have researched more then me.

As far as I can see from your photos and assuming your performing your habitual/normal bite it certainly doesn't look like an overbite but a normal class I occlusion (Brittnay that = beautiful).

With your regards to your dentist, as I have had many teachers and been around many, almost always there are varying opinions about procedures to perform. Visit a few orthodontists and if several of them give the same diagnosis thats probably the route you want to take. Your dentists bedside manner may not have been the best but thats not a reason to report her, if she took x-rays she covered herself and she was just giving her opinion.

If your back/posterior teeth aren't occluding/touching and only your front teeth are, well this may be a problem in the future as this will put pressure on your jaw joints and perhaps lead to pain and inflammation.

Surgery could be needed, but it main only be for functional needs and not aesthetic. Surgery is a big thing, I had one.

Should the dentist have perfect teeth ? Well the head of my dental school always tells me 'if it doesnt need fixing don't touch it', he has the worst overbite ever.

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#30 Post by brittany »

No my back teeth all bite together the same too. After I went to the orthodontist and she said I cant bite/tear/chew stuff I tried using a little piece of paper at around every biting onto it and tugging on the paper to see if I could bite the piece of paper and I could never pull the paper out from between my teeth at any parts of my mouth so I figure that must be pretty good if I can bite and grip something as thin as paper

My mom today went on a website for "better business bureau" which has ratings of all doctors and businesses and all that and she showed it to me and everyone can have a rating of AAA being the best, down to AA, A, BBB, BB, B, C, and then maybe a D and then lower...which means its really bad, and this lady just had a C but most dentists and orthodntists has between AAA and BB, so that says shes probably not very good cuz her rating was bad. So im glad im not going back

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