SARPE Surgery

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#1126 Post by crazybeautiful »

Well like I've said before, my ortho could be doing absolutely anything to me and I wouldn't know! I've had blobs (which feel like you're scraping your nails down a blackboard if you catch them whilst picking at bits of food left behind. Hideous feeling), and springs, but not wire ties. My springs were to pull down my canines and they constantly rubbed the inside of my lip. They actually made a groove where they rested. I was glad when I got them removed!

What are the purpose of wire ties? Or are they just to add to our misery? :wink:

Good theory on the blob front. But then again I had 2 gaps and the other closed on its own, and very quickly. As for the tooth tipping- perhaps. I'm on edge about it now though because this is the last thing that needs to change before my teeth are ready for surgery; I keep checking to see if has moved at all, and then get annoyed with it when it hasn't (which it still hasn't). It's not good for my mental state, all this :P
~SARME, Nov 2007. 10mm expansion



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#1127 Post by sauerkraut »

Nope, not really sure what wire ties are all about to be honest. Perhaps badbite paid more attention and can offer some insights? I THINK in my case it might be something to do with making sure teeth move together, rather than, say, one moving on its own and simply creating a new gap. If that makes sense.

I agree it can drive you mad watching and waiting for teeth to move -- and it must be harder for you as you're hoping to fit it round Uni. I'm determined not to check for progress until at least after my next adjustment. And I've told myself not to even start expecting the gaps to have closed for at least another year. (Following the principle that she who expects little is less likely to be disappointed :wink: )

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#1128 Post by abonelli »

I had my SARPE surgery on Friday. I feel like I'm becoming more and more swollen as each day passes. And my nose is becoming soooo stuffy, I can't even breathe out of it. I'm taking my medicine just as the doctor told me, but I'm starting to worry that maybe something is wrong.

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#1129 Post by chicago29 »


Swelling is usually at its worst on day 3, and then it subsides rather quickly. You should start noticing a difference tomorrow.

On the congestion, my OS told me not to touch my nose for a week, and he'd clean it out at my first post-op check up. I was prescribed Afrin for Day 1 through Day 3, and then I could use a Saline Spray up to twice daily. All of those helped, but the best was when the OS cleaned everything out!

I don't think anything sounds abnormal at all, but if you are in doubt check with your OS to put your mind at ease.





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#1130 Post by crazybeautiful »

I had few issues with my nose and blockages (if any), but my swelling was ridiculous. But these things happen, and we each end up afflicted with them to variant degrees- so unless you start bleeding profusely or your face explodes from the swelling! it's nothing to worry about :P

Happy expanding! :GapToothed:
~SARME, Nov 2007. 10mm expansion



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#1131 Post by sauerkraut »

Aww, abonelli, I remember that stuffed up nose feeling. It's horrible, isn't it? Like chicago 29 says, there's not a great deal you can do about it, other than saline spray if you've been given that. Whatever you do don't try to blow your nose -- but I'm sure you know that already!

I expect you also know it helps to sleep propped up (I slept nearly sitting up for weeks). That's meant to help with the swelling, too. And as you're a couple of days out you could be using warm compresses -- tho I didn't feel much benefit from that to be honest.

Hang on in there, it will get better :)

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#1132 Post by abonelli »

Thanks guys,
The swelling has actually gone down a bit now, but I'm still pretty stuffed. I have an appointment with the oral surgeon tomorrow, and he is turning the key for the first time since the surgery! I think half the reason I felt so bad is because they had me on oxycotin, which made me feel all kinds of messed up. Hopefully all will subside soon enough, I'm just not looking forward to the gap for senior prom!

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#1133 Post by crazybeautiful »

How's the expansion going so far abonelli? :D
~SARME, Nov 2007. 10mm expansion



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#1134 Post by shari »

Today is the DAY!!! I'm finally having my expander removed after 6 1/2 months. I can wait, only 4 more hours. :lol:

To those just will go by fast. I remember when I had mine put in I never thought the end would come. I can honestly say that the time flew by.

I'm also having my lower braces installed.


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#1135 Post by crazybeautiful »

Congratulations shari! :D Be prepared for your mouth to feel HUGE and weird at first. :lol: When I had mine out I was like whoa my palatte is massive now!
~SARME, Nov 2007. 10mm expansion



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#1136 Post by chicago29 »

Ah Sheri...I'd pay a King's ransom to be in your position! I have 4.5 months left with a top and bottom hyrax. Overall time has went by quick I guess, but the thought of waiting until late July or August sometimes really gets me down.

Congratulations, and let us know how it goes and how it feels like to have all that extra real estate!




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#1137 Post by crazybeautiful »

chicago29 wrote:Ah Sheri...I'd pay a King's ransom to be in your position! I have 4.5 months left with a top and bottom hyrax. Overall time has went by quick I guess, but the thought of waiting until late July or August sometimes really gets me down.

Congratulations, and let us know how it goes and how it feels like to have all that extra real estate!
I think waiting is the hardest part of all this sometimes. I have to wait until the same time as you- late July or August (I really hope before Augsut, though!), but this time for my next surgery (bimax). Some days I get upset about it, others I don't think about it at all. But it will come...eventually :roll:
~SARME, Nov 2007. 10mm expansion



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#1138 Post by shari »

It's gone!! The removal was quite painless, although I do have a few tender spots on my palette. It feels so nice and roomy now. :D

The bottom braces are a pain, I have lots of crowding and they had to put jacks on my back teeth to stop from biting down on the brackets. It's progress though and I know it's a step closer to the end.

Chicago - I cannot imagine having 2 expanders... I remember feeling the way you did when I was at the beginning and others were having their expander removed. Hang in there !!!

Thanks to all for the well wishes, I am enjoying my wider palette! :wink:

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#1139 Post by abonelli »

It's only been two weeks since my surgery, and I wish my expander was out ha. The expansion is going well I'm suppose to stop expanding on Wednesday. I've been turning twice a day. My teeth are actually starting to line up on top of each other now, I can feel the cross bite being corrected and it is amazing! The gap is huge and it's so hard, being that I'm a high school senior and my appearance is important to me. I avoid talking as much as possible in school. but I'm just hoping in the end it will all be worth it. I'm glad I can talk about it with someone though, everyone just looks at me and says "why would you want to get that done". No one I know understands!

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A Question

#1140 Post by Selims »

How long after expansion (SARPE) does the ortho start to close the spaces?

That is, once the expansion is complete, do you have this big gap for a month, six months, a year?

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