Recovery Time?

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Recovery Time?

#1 Post by lagataverde »

I am scheduled for a Lefort 1. I asked my surgeon how long it will take to recover and how much work I will miss, but his response is a vague "you can go back whenever you feel like it, a few days, a week, whenever." He will not provide a timeframe for me to work with.

I asked my Orthodontist if it will be around a week or so (since the surgeon made it sound like nothing). The response was "you'll be lucky if you are back to work after two weeks."

So... for others who have had the same procedure, how long were you out of commission? I'm not in any hurry to get back or anything, but I need something realistic to work with- am I planning for sick time or disability?

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#2 Post by PJ »

I had Lefort 1 and BSSO and I went back to work in 13 days--but I am self-employed, and had no choice. I walk dogs for a living and did 7 walks my first day back. My preference would have been to take an extra week off, but I just couldn't. Anyway, I think you can easily go back to work--the hard part is going to be facing and talking to people, as you'll look a little strange and may have your mouth wired or banded, so talking could be difficult. They say the swelling is mostly gone in 2 weeks, but it wasn't in my case. All of it may not go away for 6 months. You're face will feel tight around the nose for at least several weeks, and you may be more tired than usual for a few weeks, but you won't be incapacitated. Just take it easy--and consider getting a surgeon who will actually give you information when you ask for it.

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#3 Post by lagataverde »

The surgeon won't answer any questions directly... they are all vague and along the lines of "do whatever you want." When I asked what I could eat, he told me I could have anything I felt like, even steak. He's not even being humorous, he's being a jaded jack#$$. His surgical assistant is hostile and gives less information than he does.

I don't want to go to this oral surgeon, but my orthodontist won't work with anyone else. I was supposed to get the surgery scheduled for mid-April, but it has been one battle after another since February when I decided I wanted to have someone else do the surgery. At this point I just want it over with, so the surgery is scheduled for the end of June.

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#4 Post by AFLeadDog »

I just ad SARPE and SAME yesterday 27 May and i got 30 days off and then 2 months light duty

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#5 Post by PJ »

Wow!! I don't guess you could change your ortho too? They both sound horrible. I really wish you luck. I'd be willing to wait on the surgery if I had someone like you describe--you are putting your life, and the future of your face, in this person's hands, and they should not be so cavalier with the answers. My surgeon and his staff were wonderful, and they gave me all the answers I needed--never made me feel rushed, or anything: This is the kind of person you need. Your ortho seems inflexible by not being willing to work with any other surgeon. I know how badly you just want this over with, but I really hope you aren't making a mistake with these doctors. I wish you all the best.

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#6 Post by tazzle »

another reason maybe they ( or even us) are vague is that it can depend on your job and whether its possible to do lighter duteis if need be ...

if you do office work for example then a couple to three weeks might be perfectly fine for going back to work on full duty ...... but if you are in a job with a lot of physical activity it might need longer off.

I for example work with people with learning difficulties and challenging behaviour .... what prevents me from going back in 2 weeks is not that the work is physically hard but that either in rough play or during challenging behaviour episodes I might get struck in the face ...... or even just a child giving an over exuberant or clumsy hug could result in their head hitting my face / jaw. I will therefore be off probably for 6 weeks .. although if lighter / office duties were forthcoming I could go back earlier.



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#7 Post by descantus »

I'm having LeFort I and a genio. When I asked my surgeon how long I should have off work he insisted I take 4 weeks off work. He said that whilst some people feel ready sooner, it's best to give your body a good long rest after such a trauma so that you're in the best shape possible to go back to normal life. I'll be following his advice and have got my employers agreement for 4 weeks paid sick leave 8)
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#8 Post by lagataverde »

Well, I work in an office environment. The surgeon was informed of this. He also told me i could go back to working out and running whenever i felt like it--- I provided a lot of information about what I do and asked a lot of questions, but didn't walk away with a lot of answers.

All i really need is to know whether this is going to be more or less than 5 days of work missed. My employer just wants to know whether I'm using sick time or if they need to prep disability paperwork.

I am two years in at this point and can't afford (financially) to switch orthodontists (that was already looked into. The ortho has been good except for this whole refusal to work with another surgeon thing. His take on it is that this surgeon is that he is so good I should feel lucky he's even willing to work with me. it is actually a 'personal favor' that the surgeon take my case, but the ortho isn't really giving me a choice.

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#9 Post by PJ »

If you have no choice, then I do wish you luck. I had Lefort 1, but also BSSO, so I am not sure if the recovery time is less with just the Lefort 1. I was told I would likely want to take at least 2 weeks off--and, like I said, I went back after 13 days and I have a more physical job, so you could be ok after 5 days, but I think to be safe you should plan on at least 10. And, to be honest, I think your recovery will also be dependent on how physically fit you are before surgery, and how good you are at maintaining proper nutrition and hydration following the surgery.

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