Surgery costs in the UK

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Surgery costs in the UK

#1 Post by dentalguy »

I was just wondering if anyone could give me an idea of the costs of the various different orthognathic surgeries you can have... that is if you go privately in the UK?

It's not that I think I might need them all or anything, just that I'd like an idea of what I might be letting myself in for if I went down the private route and there was a certain surgery required.

I've been reading up a bit and have come across various types - SARPE, le fort 1, having the mandible set back for an underbite or the reverse for an overjet. But I'm sure there are others. Has anyone on the forums, but in the UK, had any of these procedures done and paid for them?

Oh, and does it depend where you live... is it more expensive in London/the SE than say elsewhere?

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#2 Post by Muffinmamma »

I was shocked to be offered surgery on the NHS, particularly as no one had mentioned it before I had my NHS orthodentic appointment. Infact my private periodentist said the NHS wouldn't touch my overcrowded teeth, but here I am a week post op, having had lower jaw extended and upper jaw lowered.
Have you asked your dentist to refer you to the hospital?

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#3 Post by crazybeautiful »

It all really depends on what you will need. Perhaps SARPE (for a narrow upper jaw) plus le fort and BSSO (upper and lower), or just one, or none! It would be better just to get a consultation and see. Who knows, it could be that your condition qualifies you for NHS treatment anyway.
~SARME, Nov 2007. 10mm expansion



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#4 Post by dentalguy »

Been busy of late so haven't (but should have) made time to get back to the forum. Oh well, better late than never, I suppose. :roll:

I certainly will bring up the possibility of an NHS referal when I see my dentist - I take it your dentist is the first port of call when getting the ball rolling on all of this? Or do others opt for an orthodontist or even contact a cranio-maxillofacial surgeon directly, if that's possible?

However, I'm not convinced that the NHS in this part of the world will be sympathetic. It's just a suspicion based on past experience but I've a feeling that in Northern Ireland the unofficial NHS mantra is 'fob them off at the first available opportunity'! Hopefully, I stand to be corrected.

On the private healthcare side of things, it would just be interesting to get some ballpark figures of what people have paid for certain procedures so that I could build up a picture of what I might be in for if I go that route. :?:

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#5 Post by Saffie »

There's definitely someone else on this board from Northern Ireland, so it can't be impossible. I can't remember their name though...

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#6 Post by Vince »

Hey Dentalguy i am from Northern Ireland and going through the whole braces surgery process at the minute. It all started off with me going to a private orthodontist in belfast who told me that my problem could only be fixed with jaw surgery so he referred me to the School Of Dentistry at the Royal. To be honest the process was all very slow but the Orthodontist who sees me has been brilliant and i have now had my braces on for about 13 months! Hopefully i will be getting my surgery soonish although i have a terrible feeling it could still be ages away yet!

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#7 Post by Aviv16 »

I went for a private surgery consultation in England, the consult was £150 and I was quoted, unofficially £8000-£10,000 for having orthognathic surgery done in a private hospital - I don't have private health insurance in the UK.

But note this is JUST for surgery - the cost for braces privately would be around £3000 on top of this.

Anyway, I plan to have surgery done in Australia, where I do have private health insurance which should cover it!

As for where to start, I'd recommend seeing an orthodontist - perhaps ask your dentist to refer you to one for an initial consultation.

I did also go through the NHS - it was a bit complicated with the private orthodontist referring me to an NHS surgeon who referred me to an NHS orthodontist, but I had two main reasons for opting not to have NHS treatment in the end:
1. they only offer metal braces and it was important for me to have ceramic braces.
2. the NHS seemed to adopt the 'wait and see' approach for jaw surgery ie. they wanted to TRY and fix my bite just with braces, which would take a minimum of two years, and wasn't guaranteed to fix it, and I might need surgery anyway. So I decided to go privately as they recommended the surgery route straight off, and estimated 12-18 months total treatment time.

Hope this helps!

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