The June Crew!

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#91 Post by AFLeadDog »

Good Luck to the June Crew!!!

SARPE and SAME 27 May 2009 start expaning 2 Jun!

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#92 Post by avy »

HokieTay wrote: heyyy, I feel you. Those spacers were so bad I could barely manage three meals a day. It hurt to chew salad! I am also getting scared, nervous, and anxious. My surgery is 2 weeks from tomorrow and I am all over the place emotionally about it!
I cant believe how much they still hurt! I used to love my morning tea of almonds, cashews and dried fruit but now thats pretty much impossible :(
I am feeling more and more anxious as well. Everyone who knows I'm having the surgery says I'm handling it so well, but I still feel sick sometimes about it. I think it sounds worse than it is though, well thats what I want to believe anyway...!

Lacrosse Mom
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Surgery date

#93 Post by Lacrosse Mom »

Hi June crew,

My oral surgeon called today and scheduled my surgery for June 30th at 8:30 a.m.

My husband was in a very serious accident in April (he will make a full recovery) so I haven't had much time to read all of your posts.

I am cheering for all of you. Wishing you a healthy speedy recovery. I look forward to hearing about your experiences.


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#94 Post by tazzle »

woo woo..... another late entry :wink:

way to go .. june is a busy time for us adults :lol:



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#95 Post by HokieTay »

Had my pre-op interview with the hospital today. Surgery is set for june 15th. I am sooo nervous now b/c it's so close and I think it's really going to happen. Before I was thinking oh, my teeth might not be ready or the surgeon and ortho might not agree. But nope... full steam ahead and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared to death.

All my friends are like you're fine, it will be over soon, it won't be that bad. But they don't understand that once the surgery is over it's still not OVER.

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#96 Post by tazzle »

well it is rather the beginning of a different stage isn't it ....... and what stage depends on wht op .. eg sarpe will come much sooner in the whole braces thing than bsso for example.


I have had my surgery ... bsso

despite that sorta last minute "oh boy do I realy wanna do this / I wanna go home" whilst waiting for them to come get me in my backelss hopsital gown :roll: .............. the staff were great, the anaesthetist put me under a treat without all this count backward stuff and before I knew it I was being wheeled to the ward and seeing my OH waiting outside for me :D .

apart from some bleeding that I did not want to swallow in case I was sick so spent all night spitting it out .... the post op period has been fine.

my whole lower lip and chin is numb so I dribble a bit :lol: and my bruising has been quick to come out.

bit swollen


but could be worse :lol:

got loads analgesia (tastes flipping yuuuuuuuk :P ) and antibiotics to take.

dont know why as not seen surgeon since op but I dont have elastics on at the mo .......must have changed his mind for some reason ..... but jaw appears to be sitting ok lined up with the splint.

so apart from being very tired I feel better than I htough I would pain wise...... feel "tight" and if i miss meds ( they did run out of the soluable meds in the ward) its achey rather than painful.

soooooo how are iborg and blindboarder .. gotta go and look see if they are elsewhwere



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#97 Post by 2bpositive »

Wow, Tazzle you seem to have done great. That's great that you said: you feel better then you thought you would.
You seem to be bouncing back very well. Your lucky just like PJ who had no complications.

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#98 Post by PJ »


Glad everything went so well! Seems we are both lucky in comparison to a lot of folks. I credit all of my easy recovery to the wonderful surgeon, his staff, and the kind people at the hospital. I think the right people make all the difference.

I wish everyone here could have an easy recovery. Sounds like Blindboarder had a pretty rough time of it, unfortunately. I hope all the June other-siders start feeling better soon!


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#99 Post by plate »

Hi! My surgery is set in 10 days! 18th June. Mandibular Hyperplasia. Been running to the dentist's for all the molds, models, xrays, ct scans and all the autologous blood donation. Seems kinda surreal.

Got quite a shock when the surgeon told me i'd be in intensive care unit for a day... sounds scary. It just never really dawned on to me how big a deal this surgery actually is until very recently... ...

Hope all goes well for all of us!

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#100 Post by blindboarder2008 »

best of luck to you playtpus, before you know it you'll be on the other side. the first few days are rough but its gets better from there on in. I have been up and about today for a while. nice to be able to sit up, can get pretty stiff just laying in bed watching tv and or movies but its nice and relaxing at the same time. best of luck to the rest of the june crew!

ya I had a bit of a rough time after my surgery but once everything got straightened out it seems to be going okay now.
Braced: March 19th 2008
Impacted wisdom teeth extraction surgery: June 20th 2008 1pm (13 hours of fasting)
Jaw surgery (upper and lower)Lefort 1 with Madable Advancement: June 2nd 2009 @8am!!!! 1 surgery down 2 surgeries to go!!
debrace day: jan 18th 2010!!!! *has 2 fixed retainers and an essix retainer for night time now!

Lacrosse Mom
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The June crew

#101 Post by Lacrosse Mom »

Tazzle and Blindboarder,

Glad to hear things went well :-) Wishing you a healthy and speedy recovery! :-)

I got a call from my oral surgeon that they want to move my surgery to July 1. I guess I'm not part of the June crew anymore (LOL) I'm getting a little nervous. I'm not sure what to expect after surgery.
Are the first 3 or 4 days the worst? I think it will ease my mind if I go in knowing what to expect.

Any info in this area would be greatly appreciated.

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#102 Post by avy »

I get my RPE put in tomorrow :| then surgery is on Friday at 7am! Glad to hear everyone is doing well who's had surgery and good luck to the rest of us :D I'm having pizza tonight as my final chew fest the off to see cirque du soleil.

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#103 Post by tazzle »

well LM although I am only five days post op I feel much better today than I did the first few. Although still tired I dont have that "hit a brick wall" feeling any more and actually feel like "doing something" ...... just for a little while as getting tired easily still :wink:

enjoy the pizza avy . thats what I had for my "last meal" ... really enjoyed it too :lol:



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#104 Post by plate »

yeah, my surgeon did mention that the first 3 days will be the worst. hoping that i'll be able to sleep through most of it instead of feeling restless all around the ward!

squeezing in a holiday to Phuket (Thailand) from now till then. feeling kinda worrisome about this decision with all this H1N1 spread all around and the quarantine measures. just a same flight with 1 unlucky soul or a simple flu/fever and my surgery will have to be postponed! Prays hard!

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#105 Post by KELLYW123 »

Hey just letting you guys know my surgery went really well and surgeon is pleased with results. Glad other people's went smoothly and best of wishes to those who are still waiting xx

Was kept in hospital 5 nights due to low blood pressure and anemia but felt fine and bruising/swelling was minimal. For last 24hrs one side of my jaw has been truely aching though and even pain killers arent easing it. Its where my jaw bones meet and im guessing the teeth here aren't aligned properly and are pressing together constantly caused by the bands. Has any one else experienced this. I have an appointment tomorrow with surgeon though so hoping he will help :D

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