Its my turn this friday !! (NHS UK Hospital)

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Its my turn this friday !! (NHS UK Hospital)

#1 Post by Kerry »

Im so not prepared for this surgery, i go in on friday morning and due to have bsso and my chin will be split through the midline to make is smaller and a metal plate will fix it.

What did u take and did the hospital supply you with anything ?

Aparently im having a wafer fitted on the lower teeth then when i bite i should bite into the wafer i guess elastics will be on to guide everything into place .......?????

any tips i could use ?
Imagewisdom teeth removed under GA nov07 * Braced 8/2/08 * 2 premolars removed Apr08 * Adjustment 4 rebonding, 4 molar bands & new wire 4/7/08 * 31Jul wire change * 28 Aug last wire fitted and lower powerchain put on. 29th May moulds and x rays. 31st July Surgery date :-)

Lacrosse Mom
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#2 Post by Lacrosse Mom »

Good luck on Friday!! There is a post at the top of this forum that is excellent. (think its called post-op supplies) It is very informative.

I had upper jaw surgery, and had a lot of problems with congestion.

I highly recommend having lots of ice packs! Liquid motrin or tylenol to take away the edge. (sometimes I needed this in between pain meds.)

Have a lot of pillows to prop you up when you sleep. (or a recliner)

Zip and squeeze bags and syringes for eating and drinking.

Carnation instant breakfast, protein mix for protein drinks, ensure, boost or any liquid meal replacement.

Family or friends for moral support!!

Wishing you a healthy recovery!! 8)

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#3 Post by blindboarder2008 »

best of luck to you kerry this friday! lets hope you have a speedy and non complication recovery!!!!

my only advice would be to bring a few extra ice packs just in csse the hopsital doesn't have very many and to ask for a jaw bra because those things work wonders!!!!!
Braced: March 19th 2008
Impacted wisdom teeth extraction surgery: June 20th 2008 1pm (13 hours of fasting)
Jaw surgery (upper and lower)Lefort 1 with Madable Advancement: June 2nd 2009 @8am!!!! 1 surgery down 2 surgeries to go!!
debrace day: jan 18th 2010!!!! *has 2 fixed retainers and an essix retainer for night time now!

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#4 Post by Saffie »

Good luck - not that luck really comes into it, but I'm sure you know what I mean.

Non-specific good wishes for the success of your surgery and a quick recovery!

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#5 Post by tazzle »

I had bsso ... no chin split though ..... in uk hopsital 8 weeks ago.

hospitals seem to vary in what they provide.. some have ice etc and more geared up for jaw surgery . I was on a general surgery ward and there was very little provided really apart from plenty ensure drinks. I was on oxygen so mouth got a bit dry so some vaseline lip balm is practically vital :lol:

Jaw bra brilliant but I waited till I got home as they had no facility to keep it cold. A neck pillow might be of use to get comfy too.

Zip n squeeze also great because I could not get suction up with a straw ... but my splint different from more usual bite wafers so that point may not be valid for you.

I found my own music was useful too ( i pod or whatever) because it was not great talking and sometimes people either get fed up doing ll the talking or are ill themselves so not much chatting going on.

I hope all goes well for you kerry :wink:



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#6 Post by chicago29 »

Best of luck Kerry! I'll be thinking of you, and I send you best wishes for an uneventful and quick recovery. Please post when you can!





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#7 Post by Esoteric »

best of luck. I don't really have any advice because I haven't gone through mine yet, but remember to keep your spirits up!
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#8 Post by AFLeadDog »

Good luck!! See you on the other side!!



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#9 Post by Kerry »

thank you everyone, i will definitely be taking my ipod as music is a lifeline to me.

i have been so emotional lately had alot going on we had to burry my grandad on saturday and now my surgery is a couple of days later i just feel pants. Iv been quite moody and short tempered im hoping this wont worsen after surgery but i will have the support of my mum and two good friends. Lots of DVD nights are in order and hopefully il be able to get hold of some of the bits i need.

food wise i have bought some heinze soups and super noodles just in case i can get them down, some nourishment drinks and still need to get all the fresh fruit and veg etc.

hoping the hospital give me a syringe at least to help me eat .x
Imagewisdom teeth removed under GA nov07 * Braced 8/2/08 * 2 premolars removed Apr08 * Adjustment 4 rebonding, 4 molar bands & new wire 4/7/08 * 31Jul wire change * 28 Aug last wire fitted and lower powerchain put on. 29th May moulds and x rays. 31st July Surgery date :-)

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#10 Post by Jane »

Hi Kerry,

Wishing you all the very best for your surgery and recovery. Remember to tell your loved ones not to be alarmed when they see you in intensive care unit, especially prepare them for the swelling. Even though we had experienced this first time round with our daughter, we were still shocked when we saw her after the second surgery. Just reassure them it is normal, as it is a stressful time for them too and they will be worried about you. God bless, Jane xx

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#11 Post by changes09 »

You'll be fine. I know everyone else has said this, but honestly good luck.
I must ask: is this finale week going by fast or slow for you?

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#12 Post by Audra »

Best wishes for Friday Kerry!


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#13 Post by Kerry »

its wierd sometimes it feels slow and other times its gone really slow. im an emotional wreck !
Imagewisdom teeth removed under GA nov07 * Braced 8/2/08 * 2 premolars removed Apr08 * Adjustment 4 rebonding, 4 molar bands & new wire 4/7/08 * 31Jul wire change * 28 Aug last wire fitted and lower powerchain put on. 29th May moulds and x rays. 31st July Surgery date :-)

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#14 Post by Sammi »

Good luck Kerry - am sure all will go brilliantly. x

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#15 Post by Kerry »

thanks sammy. your turn soon aswell :-) how long have u had the braces ?
Imagewisdom teeth removed under GA nov07 * Braced 8/2/08 * 2 premolars removed Apr08 * Adjustment 4 rebonding, 4 molar bands & new wire 4/7/08 * 31Jul wire change * 28 Aug last wire fitted and lower powerchain put on. 29th May moulds and x rays. 31st July Surgery date :-)

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