What would you do?

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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What would you do?

#1 Post by Future »

I'm coming to the end of my orthodontic treatment (2 years). The results have been great. I went in with a class III underbite and now miraculously have a normal overjet WITHOUT surgery, however, my bite is not "perfect" as per my orthodontist so he wants me to do several consultations with a surgeon. Before I know my bite would improve this much I was prepared to entertain possible surgery. Now I'm certain that surgery is not going to happen because 1.) I'm 34 and 2.) my insurance won't cover one cent of it.

I recently went on one consultation where I brought my own records including molds, xrays, photos etc, and the greedy doctor still charged my $250 for the consult even though he literally only spoke to me for less than 10 minutes. He did nothing. Zero.

Now, my orthodontist has "referred" me to another surgeon who charges $150 per consult with a mandatory of 3 consults. You do the math. I am NOT going to just be giving my money away to these doctors (thieves) just so they can tell me what I already know. The internet is more informative then some of these doctors.

My question is, how many of you decided against your ortho's wishes and stuck to your guns? My situation is pretty unique simply because I knew I needed surgery prior to treatment but discovered I really don't need it now.

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#2 Post by OzzysMom »

When you said the surgeon did zero for you, he must have at least told you how/if you would benefit from surgery.

The truth is that even if your teeth are perfect, if your jaw(s) are overgrown, recessed, etc...the problems related to that will still be there and possibly get worse as you get older.

I am currently in my 2nd round of braces. My teeth were straightened first time and not until I was over 40 started having almost constant tension headaches....not to mention the other physical difficulties that it caused. I began this round of braces when I was 46 and had surgery last October at 48.

Please don't let your age be a factor. I didn't have insurance either but I was determined to have my surgery. And yes, I did go against my ortho's wishes. He only wanted me to go to one of his handpicked surgeons which I could not afford. I decided to go to Costa Rica for my surgery which he would not approve after I essentially begged him that it was my only option due to finances. I ultimately told him to stick it, went to CR for surgery and chose a new ortho when I got home. All worked out well.

Best of luck with everything!
October 8, 2008 Lefort1(6mm impaction), BSSO, Genioplasty, Turbinectomies, Partial septoplasty, gum recontoring



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#3 Post by PJ »

Let me just say that your first reason for not having surgery--being 34, is not a good reason: I'm 45 and just had double jaw surgery, and am glad I did it. :) That being said--if you simply cannot afford to do this, then you need to be honest with your OD. His first concern will be getting his patients to have the perfect bite, and even though you may feel that the bite is now good enough, he may know that you will have problems down the road if it's not perfected. Still, this decision is entirely up to you, and if you can't find a way to pay for surgery, then it seems like a moot point. However, you really need to have an honest conversation with your OD about his reasons for wanting you to have surgery--what the benefit would be, what can happen to your bite, and what complications might you have later (like TMJ syndrome, functional issues, etc.) if you don't.

Btw--I went against my OD's wishes and had my surgery done by someone other than the guy he recommended--because his guy wanted to wire me shut, and the one I chose didn't do that. My OD now keeps telling me he's unhappy with the surgery, and it's going to take longer than expected to get the braces off. Oh, well. I am still happy with my decision--I had a great recovery, and that was what mattered most to me.

I wish you the best with your outcome. Keep us posted!

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#4 Post by HokieTay »

I am surprised to hear about OD's being unhappy/mad about your decision to go to OS they didn't recommend! I went to the original surgeon my OD recommended and liked him and all, but too expensive. I went to another one he recommended, liked the price, but not the location or the oral surgeon. So I found my own (I'm sure much to his annoyance after he had already talked to the second one!). Both OD's (there are 2 at the office) are very happy with my results. I should be getting my braces off this month or next.

I def. agree that your age is not a factor. I am 24, and while I am glad I had it done so young I'd def. do it again at 34, 44, 54, etc. Many people on this board have talked about having their surgery in a university setting, which makes it cheaper in some cases. You could look into that...
Braces first time 12/96-11/99
Braces second time 12/08-10/09
BSSO & Le Fort I 6/15!
Unwired, in elastics, and on soft foods 6/26!!!
Orthodontic elastics 7/21-8/11
Braces off... OCTOBER 2ND, 2009!

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#5 Post by Future »

There are no anatomical anomalies with my bite. No digestive issues, no pain, no dental issues. None. I brought up my age simply because the decision to do surgery at this point would be more for cosmetics than anything else. Dropping $40K , or changing the characteristics of my face after all these years doesn't seem cost effective. As much as orthodontists are doctors, they also are artists to some degree, and they also have a business to run. I just can't be dropping $150 every time some person in a white clinic jacket tells me to. And certainly, spending $40K and possibly living with my face numb for several years isn't appealing. Like I stated earlier, prior to getting ortho treatment, I was prepared for the surgery aspect, but at this point, there is nothing with my bite, teeth or oral health that would warrant such an endeavor.

nomadic myth
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#6 Post by nomadic myth »

Have you seen another ortho just for an opinion?

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#7 Post by cvn »

Insurance typically covers the consult if you complain enough. Mine was $550 and they picked it up eventually. They've got to charge you something for their time. As long as they look at your case and give a valid opinion, then the cost is worth it.

If surgery will help you functionally now and in the future, then it's a good idea. Even if your jaw doesn't hurt now, if they think it will in the future than that's enough reason to get it done. If they think you'll be fine then yeah, it might not be worth doing.

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#8 Post by Future »

I have visited another ortho. They all go the same way pretty much... I'm basically handing out $150 a pop to hear the same information. My insurance will not cover this type of surgery. End of story. I'm seriously wondering if these referrals are simply one doctor looking out for another doctor's business.

Keep in mind, at no point in my life have I ever been to a doctor for jaw pain, chronic headaches or anything. I'm sure this surgery will be more cosmetic than functional.

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#9 Post by OzzysMom »

Well, it looks like you pretty much have made up your mind.
If you don't want the surgery, it is your choice not to go that route.

FWIW-I never had the headaches or jaw pain or any other such issues until I was in my 40's. Prior to that I believed it was cosmetic.
Hopefully, now that you have the results you desire, you won't have any functional issues down the road.
October 8, 2008 Lefort1(6mm impaction), BSSO, Genioplasty, Turbinectomies, Partial septoplasty, gum recontoring



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