work how long?

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work how long?

#1 Post by enigma »

how long was it before you returned to work im due to have upper and lower surgery next year
many thanks for your comments xxx

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#2 Post by PJ »

I went back in just a little less than 2 weeks, but #1, I wasn't wired shut, and #2., I do pet sitting for a living, so I didn't worry too much about encounters with humans. However, it is a very physical job--I was worried about my stamina for doing several dog walks a day after only 2 weeks, but I was fine. I just took it slow.

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#3 Post by Esoteric »

3 weeks for me :D , but I am wired shut and my job usually consist of a lot of talking. Needless to say I can't talk at all but I'm making due. Just about two more weeks left now.
SARPE survivor 9-3-08
Braced 10-15-08
Evil expander removed 3-21-09
Surgery Survivor Sept 09
Braces off July 13, 10

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#4 Post by soleil4716 »

One week for me, but I work from home and it's mostly computer programming.
Braces April 2008
Lower Jaw Advancement Surgery (BSSO) Sept 2009

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#5 Post by trish222 »

I had upper, lower and genio July 22. I work at my restaurant and took 5 weeks off and when I went back I was still very swollen. I developed blood clots on my jaw line, which prolonged my swelling. It definately depends on what you do. while I did not have to do alot of physical labor-I have alot of customer relations. The comments and questions about my appearance were probablly just as tough as physical labor would have been. Good luck

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#6 Post by projo198 »

I'm almost at 4 weeks, was supposed to return at 3 but requested more conv leave (military). Now I have 6 weeks, but think I'll return next week.

My job involves a lot of talking to people, and travel. Kind of hard with my mouth banded and weird diet requirements.

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#7 Post by Tribal »

I do tech support for a software company (a lot of talking on the phone) and I went back after 3 weeks, but stayed as backup support and avoided calls entirely for the first week. I was able to talk and understandable, but it was painful to talk for extended periods (like 10 minutes) at a time. It was around the 6 week mark where everything was back to normal there.

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#8 Post by SuperJet »

I took off a lil more than two weeks. but I could of went back after a week. I healed up pretty good.. but I only had lower jaw surgery and Gieno.
Braces since May of 07
Lower Jaw advancement Surgery Oct 1!!



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